Lenoir County, NC - Witherington Dower


Witherington Dower

Jean Witherington did this transcription from a copy of the original

Here is what I made of the completed document: 

 Lenoir Co, NC Petition of Dower March Term 1800 

 To the Honorable the Judges of the sugperior court of Same for the district 
 of Newburn. The Petition of Elizabeth Witherington humbly therewith, that 
 Robert Witherington late of Lenoir Count deceaced died intestate, on or about 
 the twenty fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven 
 hundred and ninety eight & afterward to wit at the county court of Lenoir in 
 October following administration of all and singular the goods and chattels 
 that were of the said Robert was committed to the said Elizabeth and 
 Benjamin Witherington. That the said Robert was at his death siesed and 
 possed in fee simple of a tract of land containing one hundred and sixty 
 acres lying on Mill Creek in Lenoir County, and one hundred acres joing the 
 aforesaid tract lying in Glasgow Township with a dwelling house and other 
 building standing thereas the tract first mentioned, where the said Robert 
 usually dwelt until his death. Your Petitioner also says that the said 
 Elizabeth was at the death of said Robert his lawful wife, and is intitled 
 by law to dower out of his said lands, and the same has never been alloted 
 to her, but to defeat her of the same the said Robert made a deed of gifts 
 of the said one hundred and sixty acres to Benjamin Witherington. 

 And nothin having been given to the administration of said estate and to all 
 the heirs to which the said Benjamin, and Isban Bond and wife, and 
 Elisha Johnson and Rosealla, and his wife, Eleanor Witherington ... Robert 

 That this Petition would be exhibited to your hounor your Petitioner prays 
 that her dower in the aforesaid lands may be altogether to her according to 
 act of legality in such case provided. 

 Elizabeth Witherington by 

 Ths Badin her attorney 

 Jean "Jo" 
 We all have ancestors buried in our past 


Copyright. All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Jean Witherington - jowgen@earthlink.net