Lenoir-Jones County NcArchives Wills.....Loftin, John Lewis 1844
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Martha M. Marble http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00022.html#0005285 February 15, 2010, 2:53 pm

Source: N C Archives
Written: 1844


Found in NC Supreme Court Case # 4909

I John L. Loftin of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina being of 
sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence 
do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form 
following, that is to say, first that my Executors, hereinafter named, shall 
provide for my body a decent burial Suitable to the wishes of my relations and 
pay all funeral expenses together with all my Just debts howsoever and 
whomsoever owing out of the moneys that first come into his hands as a part of 
parcel of my Estate.

Item.  First I give and devise to Simon L. Becton one Negro woman name Nancy & 
child John and their further increase and one note on Perstine Cox William Cox 
and John Loftin of Five hundred & seventy five Dollars & my horse

Item.  I give to my brother Jos. J. O. Loftin the following Negroes to wit 
London, Tomsner, Leah and her children Dinah & Eliza & their future increase, 
provided he arrives at the age of Twenty One, and if he does not arrive to 
that age the above named property is to be placed in common stock and divided 
equally share and share alike between my sister Penelope Oliver's children and 
my sister Mary E. Becton's children and if there then should not be enough 
property to pay my just debts, it shall come out of the part I give & devise 
to Jos. J. O. Loftin's part

Item.  I give & devise to Elizabeth Grace one Bed & furniture that is in her 
possession at this time

Item.  I give & devise to Priscilla Rhem my old Cow & Yearling

Item. I give & devise to Joseph B. Becton my young Cow & Calf

Item.  I give to Edwin B. Isler my Shot Gun

Item. I give & devise the residue of any property between John H. ?? Becton, 
Joseph Becton & Joseph J. Oliver

Item. Last I make & constitute my friend Simon L. Becton my hole & sole 
Executor to this my last Will & Testament this 28th of August 1844.
John L. Loftin
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said John L. Loftin his last 
Will & Testament on the (no date)
Wm. B. Becton
Will. C. Cox

North Carolina, Jones County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions September Term AD 1844
In open Court there was the execution of the last Will and Testament of John 
L. Loftin Dec proved in due form of law, by the oaths of William B. Becton and 
William C. Cox the subscribing Witnesses thereto and thereupon Simon L. Becton 
the Executor therein named was qualified as Executor of the last Will and 
Testament of the said John L. Loftin dec and the said last Will and Testament 
ordered to be registered
N. ??? Ammond CCC

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