LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILL - NANCY M. BECTON, 1869. ====================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia H. Armor <parmor@geocities.com> <http://www.geocities.com/~parmor> ======================================================================== SURNAMES: BECTON, WEST, SILLICK, MILLS, KORNEGAY Microfilm Roll C.059.80001 Abstracted and submitted by: Patricia Howard Armor NANCY M. BECTON Wrote June 24, 1869 Probated August 19, 1869 Lenoir County LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT North Carolina In the name of God, Amen. the Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be th name of the Lord I Nancy M. Becton being of sound mind and good memory, in view of the uncertainty of Life and the certainty of death, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament, in manner and form following, This is to say: Item First: I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my Son-in Law L.B. West to be my Lawful administrator to this my last will and testament, to take charge of all my estate both real and personal at my death, and dispose of the same in manner as herinafter discribed. Item second: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Olivia P. Becton the following property in addition to her distribution share of the remainder. "one Silver Watch, My Gold Spectacles, one bed and bed clothes. bed stead, wash stand dreping table, wash-bowl and pitcher, the same to be delivered to her representative at my death. Item third: I give and bequeath to my faithful nurse, Clore Becton (col) four barrels of corn and one hundred pounds of Green Pork, the same to be delivered to her as early as practicable after my death. Item Forth: I give and bequesth to my son-in law S.B. West, fifty Dollars in cash to be paid at my death. The same I give in token of his kindness during my affliction. Item Fifth: I give and bequeath to my eight living children. viz: John W. Becton, Caroline Sillick, William R. Becton, Frederick B. Becton, Mary E. Mills, Edward F. Becton, Sarah A. West and Olivia P. Becton all the ballance and remainder of my entire estate, Viz: One fifth interest in my husband Thomas Becton dec'd estate which remains undivided in the hands of his administrator, my house hold and kitchen furniture, one mule and cart, one cow and calf. Five hogs and increase together with what money notes, and accounts, may be on hand at my death, the same to be equally and equitably divided between them, except as to my sons William R Becton and Edward F. Becton. I is my wish and desire that my son Wm R. Becton shall have so much of my son Edward F. Becton's distribution share as will satisfy one certain claim wherein my son Wm R Becton stood security for Edward F Becton and had the same to pay. Therefore, it my wish and desire that my son Edward F Becton shall be entitled to the residure of one distrition share as before after paying my son Wm R Becton what he has really lost in this transaction. The same to be paid to them as soon as my estate can be settled, to them, their hiers or representative for their own rise and behalf and subject to no encumbrance whatever that may be now or hereafter come against them. A merciful God watch over me and permit me to rest in piece. Given under my hand and seal the 24th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred &sixty nine. Nancy M. Becton (seal) attest R.C. West Geo E. Kornegay [Note: When will was probated S.B. West states Nancy died about the 15th day of Aug, 1869. --pha]