Lenoir County, NC - Will of Elizabeth Stanley, 1894 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will of Elizabeth Jane Dunn Stanley (1894) In the matter of God Amen I, Elizabeth Jane Stanly, being of sound mind but knowing the uncertainty of my earthly existence do declare & make this my last will, in manner & form following to wit. Item 1st I want my body provided a decent burial and all my just debts to whoever owing paid Item 2nd I give to my husband Abner Stanly the use of and a life estate in my land in Neck Township in Lenoir County which is a share in the Jane Dunn land and includes the dwellings thereon and devise him to have the free use thereof during his life time Item 3rd At the time of my husband I give and bequeath to my stepdaughter Susan Stanly my land described in Item 2nd in fee simple forever to her and her heirs and assigns Item 4th I give all my personal property of every description to my husband Abner Stanly forever Item 5th I hereby appoint my good friend Abner Stanly as executor of this my last will to see that its provisions are fully carried out Dated this August 3rd 1894 Witness: R.F. Harris E.L. Hazelton Elizabeth Jane Stanly (seal) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Tammy Gurley Tyner <tameratyner@aol.com> ___________________________________________________________________