Lenoir County, NC - Will of Mary C. Jones, 1926


                                                   Lenoir County
                                                   North Carolina

I Mary C. Jones, of the aforesaid County and State, being of sound
mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly 
existence do make and declare this my last will and testament

First My executor herein after name is to give my body a decent
but inexpensive burial, suitable to the wishes of my friends and
relatives, and pay all the funeral expenses, together with all my 
just debts

Second I give and bequeath to my beloved neice, Sybil Kennedy,
and my beloved nephew Sidney Lewis, all of the money, notes, and
personal property of which I shall die possessed, share and share
alike except I will and desire that Sybil shall have four hundred and
no/100 dollars more than Sidney, for the reason that I have already
advanced him that much more than I have her. The portion that goes to 
Sidney I desire that Sybil hold it in such manner as she may deam best, 
so that it will draw some interest, till Sidney is twenty one years old, 
before it is delivered to him

Third I hereby constitute and appoint my beloved and trusted neice my
lawful executrix for all intents and purposes, to execute this my last
will and testament according to the true and lawful meaning of the
same hereby revoking and declaring void all other wills by me 
heretofore made. In testimony whereof I the said Mary C. Jones, do
hereby set my hand and seal this the 27th day of December, 1926

                                            Mary C. Jones {Seal}

Signed sealed published and delcared by the said Mary C. Jones to be 
her last will and testament in the presence of us, who at her request
and in her presence and in the presence of each other do subscribe our
names and witnesses thereto

                                           H.B. Parker {Seal}
                                           H.A. Simmons
                                           Printes Kennedy
[Large red seal]

[Mary C. Jones was the widow of Benjamin Bryan Jones of Brogden
township, Wayne County. After the death of her husband, she went to
live with her sister's family, Minnie Charity Lewis. Both sisters were 
the daughters of Newman & Susan M. Lewis Potts of Brogden township.
Mary along with her husband and three sons are buried in Potts'


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