Lenoir County NcArchives Court.....Fields, R. K. 1886
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Guy Potts http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00017.html#0004214 July 19, 2020, 4:24 pm

Source: Familysearch.org
Written: 1886

R K Fields, 1886
Lenoir County

Lenoir County In the Probate Court
In the matter of the will of R K Fields, J M Hadly being duly affirmed doth 

That R K Fields late of said county is dead having made and published his 
last will and testament and that Eliza O Fields is the proper person entitled
to Letters of Administration on the estate and that she has failed to make
application according to law.

Further that of the property of Bartholomew Fields consisting of personal 
property is worth about $50 so far as can be ascertained at the date of this 
application and that E O Fields, Mrs Mack Smith (Selah?), Jno Fields, Huldah 
Fields, Jas Fields, Adolfphus Fields, Chas Fields, Mary Fields and Bertie Fields 
are parties entitled under said will to the said property this 15th day of 
October 1886.

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