Lenoir County NcArchives Wills.....Hardy, James Marshall 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00022.html#0005225 March 28, 2021, 3:01 pm Source: Clerk Of Court Lenoir County, North Carolina Written: 1919 Recorded: 1920 Will of James Marshall HARDY Written: 27 Sept. 1919 Probated: 22 March 1920 Vol. B., p. 518-521. State of North Carolina Lenoir County Last Will and Testament of James M. HARDY Know, all men by these presents: That I, James Marshall Hardy of the County of Lenoir and the State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of life and my earthly existence, do make and declare this my Last Will and Testament in the manor following, to wit, that is to say: Art First: That my Executor hereinafter named shall provide and give my body a decent and respectable burial, suitable to the wishes of my relatives & friends and the expenses of the same, together with all my just debts that may be owing at my death to be paid our of the money that I may have on hand; or that may first come into their hands from my estate from any source. Art. Second: I give and bequeath and direct that my two grand children, they being the children of my daughter Iola TAYLOR, deceased, $100.00, One Hundred Dollars each, The sum of which is now in the possession of John the elder. At my demise he shall pay to Raymond, the younger $100.00, One Hundred Dollars. To be their, in fee simple absolutely to be to them paid by my executors. Art. Third: I give and bequeath to the children of my daughter Lela PRICE, deceased, the sum of Fifty cents each (50 cts.) there being mine now living, the same to be paid to them in cash by my executor. Art. Fourth: I bequeath, will and direct that my grand children, the children of my daughter Gertrude EKES, deceased, they to have $100.00, One Hundred Dollars each. The same to be paid to them by executors from my estate. Art. Five: I give, bequeath and direct that my two sones, George Wm. HARDY and Henry Milton HARDY have absolutely the remainder of my estate, of whatever kind to be theirs, equally to share and share alike; this means that all my property, money, mortgages, notes and any and all real estate that I have or may have on hand, or that I may heir in any manor of form. Art. Six: It is my will and I direct that my executors shall fix or cause to be fixed at our family grave yard a good and suitable fence of steel or iron, if not already, completed at my demise, the same to cover or inclose as much space as will take in all the graves of my family, and the same to be given the necessary attention for its upkeep so far as cleaning up, painting, etc. Art. Seven: I give bequeath and direct that my Grand daughter Verna, who is the youngest daughter of my son Henry Milton HARDY, one small gold watch, to be here to have and to hold forever. Art. Eight: I bequeath, Will and direct to my Grand son Lawrence, the son of Henry Milton HARDY, one Insurance Policy, issued by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Goldsboro, NC to me in the year 1918, To be his to have and to hold, forever. Art. Nine: In conclusion, I do hereby appoint my two trusted and beloved sons, without bond, William George HARDY and Henry Milton HARDY s the sole executors to this my Last Will and Testament, that they act and serve as sole executors of my whole estate, in settlement thereof, in testimony whereof I do by these presence affix my hand and seal to this my Last Will and Testament this 27th Day of Sept. 1919, A. D. J. M. HARDY (Seal) Witness: D. W. ARNOLD J. F. PULLEY Probate of Will: North Carolina Lenoir County In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. In the matter of the Will of J. M. HARDY, Deceased. The paper writing hereto attached, and purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of J. M. HARDY, Deceases, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Lenoir County, North Carolina by W. G. HARDY & H. M. HARDY, the executors therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of D. W. ARNOLD and J. T. PULLEY, the subscribing witnesses there, as follows: North Carolina Lenoir County D. W. ARNOLD and J. F. PULLEY, being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says that he a subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown here, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of J. M. HARDY, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last Willa and Testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said J. M HARDY, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said J. M. HARDY was, in affiants opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. X D. W. ARNOLD X J. F. PULLEY Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22 day of March 1920. J. T. HEATH Clerk Superior Court, Lenoir County And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the Last Will and Testament of J. M. HARDY, Deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificated, be recorded and filed. This 22nd day of March 1920. J. T. HEATH Clerk Superior Court, Lenoir County Recorded May 19, 1920 J. T. HEATH Clerk Superior Court (note James Marshall HARDY was married to Elizabeth Susan Bettie SPENCE on 27 July 1865, Lenoir Co., NC. She was the daughter of James Madison SPENCE & Nancy GOODMAN who lived off #903S in the Liddell area, Strabane township. James Marshall HARDY was the son of William Hedrick HARDY & Temple Virginia Nethercutt HARDY. Both are buried in the James Madison SPENCE Cemetery which is mentioned in his will.) This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ncfiles/ File size: 6.1 Kb