LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILLS - John H. Peebles, 1864. ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Martha Mewborn Marble <mmarble@erols.com> July 1999 ========================================================================== PEEBLES: WILL OF JOHN PEEBLES - 1864 From the WAIT AND LEONA HARDY HINES COLLECTION - NC Archives - PC 240.1 Abstracted by Martha Mewborn Marble Most of the documents in this Collection actually belonged to Wait's father, James Madison Hines WILL OF JOHN H. PEEBLES Superior Court - 5 May 1885 - H. E. A. Peebles says 1. JOHN H. PEEBLES died in County of Lenoir 5 October 1864 with a Will 2. Will probated and destroyed by fire and there is no certified copy but applicant has a exact copy and wishes to make a part of this affidavit. 3. That this applicant, ANN C. FRANKS wife of W. W. FRANKS, HENRY C. V. PEEBLES, HATTIE T. COLEMAN, WILLIAM B. COLEMAN, VIENNIA C. COLEMAN and IRENE S. COLEMAN are the interested persons 4. That HATTIE T., WILLIAM B., VIENNIA C., and IRENE S. COLEMAN are the children of ELIZABETH W. COLEMAN, dec wife of W. A. COLEMAN and are all minors living in Kinston 5. That she (sic) wishes to have the Will of JOHN H. PEEBLES set up and recorded and asks Court to issue notices to all interested parties Sworne before me H. E. A. PEEBLES W. W DUNN, CSC WILL 3 May 1864 I, JOHN H. PEEBLES of County of Lenoir --- of sound mind --- declare this my last will and Testament. 1st - Executrix and Executor to provide a decent burial, pay all funeral expenses, just debts out of first monies that come into their hands ITEM - being deeply impressed with the uncertain value of all the property and estate --- and being desirous to make provisions for my wife, HARRIET E. A. PEEBLES, in every future continguency that might arise, I desire she shall have absolute control over the said property both real and personal --- to sell and dispose of when deemed necessary and when any of my children, ANN C., ELIZABETH W. and HENRY C. V. PEEBLES shall marry or arrive at lawful age that then the whole of the said property to be apportioned by three competent and disinterested persons and 1/3 alloted to said HARRIET E. A. Peebles. The remaining 2/3rds to be divided, share and share alike among my children. I appoint my friend and brother-in-law, WILLIAM D. COBB and my wife was Executor and Executrix WIT P. HARDEE, R. W. KING Codicil - I appoint my brother-in-law, DR. R. G. COBB as coexecutor - 10 May 1864