Lenoir County NcArchives Court.....Dunn, Walter No date
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Guy Potts http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00017.html#0004214 March 28, 2017, 11:39 pm

Source: Lenoir Co, Nc Record Book, 1738-1866 - Nc Archives
Written: No date

This information has no date and it is not known if this refers to Walter Dunn 
Sr. (b. abt. 1751 - d. bef. 1830 census) or his son Walter Dunn Jr. (1788-1850).

Inventory of Walter Dunn Estate

1 lot of cotton in the seed
1 small quantity of wheat in chaff
9 bushels old wheat
41 heads of fat hogs
56 do poor ditto
39 head of cattle
1 yoke work stears
19 head geese
5 head of horses
3 feather beds, steads & furniture
1 breakfast & lot crockery
7 chairs (sitting)
1 pine table
2 ditto ditto (old)
2 prs firedogs (1 brass & 1 iron)
2 ditto tongs & shovel
1 chest and wearing apparel of dead
2 old pine chests
3 pine boxes (goods)
2 old spinning wheels
2 do side saddles
1 mans saddle, bridle &c
1 rolling counter
1 looking glass; 2 old cases & 5 bottles
2 chamber pots
1 pr old steel yards
1 coffee mill
1 loom & gear and 1 hand mill
4 sets plough gear
4 old ploughs
2 grubbing hoes
3 good weeding hoes
1 lot old hoes, 1 grubbing 2 weeding
1 old chisel & 2 iron wedges
1 shovel & 1 spade
2 stone pots & 3 jugs
1 small quantity of honey
2 dutch ovens & 1 frying pan
3 iron pots & 1 T kettle
2 skillets & 2 hackles
3 old griddles & 4 old baskets
2 iron pot racks
2 tubs & 1 water pail
5 wollin wheels
1 lot old barrells, guns, boxes, kegs, stands &c
2 old hand saws & 1 old crosscut do
15 bee hives
50 barrells new corn
4 1/2 do old ditto
4 old meat hogs heads
1 do rum ditto
2 old scythes & cradles
2 bread baskets
2 blank books & 1 T canister
1/2 dozen keys
4 reap hooks & 3 prs sheep shears
2 kegs & a small quantity of molasses
1 old ox cart wheels, body &c
1 lot of brick
1 lot of old iron of various kinds
3 old fat stands
1 ox yoke, 1 lot of shingles, L. 1 do checkin
2 1/2 lbs spun cotton
16 stacks blade fodder
15 ditto top ditto
2 brass brazed bells
1 bale of old leather and 1 old bugy
1 old grind stone
3 old books and one old slate
6 barrels and a piece of old pork
1 pr flat irons
2 old candle sticks & 1 lantern
2 cases of old razors
3 prs of old cards

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