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Copyright  1999 by Francis R. Hodges. This copy contributed
for use in the USGenWeb Archives. by Francis R. Hodges

WILL OF SIMON BRIGHT (1775) (From a copy of the original in North Carolina
State Archives, Raleigh, NC) 
In the Name of God Amen, November the Twenty third Day One Thousand
SevenHundred and seventy Five I, Simon Bright, of the County of Dobbs and
the Province of North Carolina, being of sound mind and Disposing Memory,
and Calling to mind theMortallity of the Body, and Knowing that it is
appointed unto all men onceto Die, do make this my last will and Testament
Imprimis First, I Recommend my Soul unto the Hands of God that gave it me,
and my Body to theEarth to Be Buried in a Christian decent manner at the
Discretion of myExecutors Herein after Named ~ and as to the Worldly Goods
wherewith it hath pleased almighty God to Bless me, I give and Bequeath in
Manner and form Following, 
Imprimis Item I lend unto my Beloved Wife Mary Bright the use of the
plantation wheron I now live Containing Two Hundred and forty Acres of land,
together with all my Household & Kitchen Furniture, excepting Two Beds amd
Furniture, also two Work Horses and all my plantation Tools During the term
of her natural Life and no Longer Item I give and Bequeath to my loving wife
Mary Bright my Roan Mare Saddle and Bridle, Four Cows and Calves, two Sows
and Piggs, to her her Heirs and assigns forever 
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Loveing Son Simon Bright the Plantation
whereon I now Live (after the death of my said Wife) together a Survey of
two Hundred Acres Lying on the Briery Branch Begining at a White Oak the
Begining tree of the Plantation Land and Including the Negroe House Branch,
which Said Lands I Give and bequeath the said Simon Bright his Heirs and
assigns forever 
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Son Graves Bright all thelands
contained in a Pattent, Known by the name of Haskins's Land, to him his
Heirs and assigns forever Item I Give and Beaqueath unto my Loving Son James
Bright the Plantation whereon John Grant now lives Containing One Hundred &
SixtyAcres, also a Tract of land lying Between said land and Abraham
Baker'sLand ~ also one Other Tract of Land Lying Between John Linton's Land
andthe Plantation wheron I now live containing Five Hundred Acres which said
Several tracts of land I give the said James Bright his Heirs and assigns
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Bright a Horse Bridle and
Saddle, one linnen wheel, one feather Bed and furniture, fourcows & calves,
one Iron Pott and half Dozen Puter Plates to her her Heirsand assigns
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Nancy Bright a Horse Bridle and
Saddle, One Linnen Wheel, one feather Bed and Furniture, three Cows and
Calves One Iron Pott, half Dozen Puter Plates to her and her heirs and
assigns forever 
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Daughter Sally Bright, One Feather
Bed and furniture, two Cows and Calves, two Pewter Basons, half Dozen Puter
Plates, one Iron Pott, two Ews and Lanbs to her and her Heirs and Assigns
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Bright One FeatherBed &
furniture, two Cows and Calves, two Yews & Lambs, two Sows and Piggsto her
and her Heirs and assigns forever Item My Will and Desire is that after the
Death of my said Wife Mary Bright all my Estate Real and Personal not herein
Before Given shallbe equally Divided Between my four Daughters (to wit)
Mary, Nancy, Sally, & Elizabeth share and share alike. And I hereby appoint
my Loving Friends Richard Caswell & John Cooke and my Brother James Bright
Executors to this My Last Will and Testament utterly Disallowing and Making
Void all and every Other Will or wills by me heretofore made.
Signed, Sealed, Published, and Declared by the Testator hereof to be and
Contain his Last Will and Testament in presence of E. Cooke R. Caswell J.
Glasgow Simon Bright (seale) New Bern January 10th 1777 
Then was the foregoing will proved according to law by Oaths of Elizabeth
Cooke and James Glasgow two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, at the
same time John Cooke one of the Executors therein named was duly qualified
by R. Caswell