Lenoir County, NC - Will & Estate Records for William H. & Joseph Williams




NC Archives
Duplin Co Wills

I W. H. Williams Sr of the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina 
do make this my last will
I direct that all my just debts be paid with convenient speed
I give devise and bequeath my estate and property real personal and 
mixed as follows.

To my nephew E. P. Williams I bequeath all my books: household and 
kitchen furniture: spoons Knives, and forks and parlor furniture.

I devise to the children of my deceased brother Joseph Williams namely 
 E. P. Williams, Carrie Williams, Ida Williams, Hattie Williams and 
Lula Williams the tract of Land in Lenoir County, where the said Joseph 
Williams formerly lived about two miles from the town of Kinston and 
bounded as follows  on the North by the lands of John Tull and Wm. 
Hill deceased: on the east by the lands of Wm. Hill deceased: on the 
south by Neuse River and on the west by the lands of L. C. Desmond 
deceased and the lands of Parrot Hardy containing Five Hundred and 
Thirty six acres more or less

I hereby give my executor hereinafter named full power and authority, 
in such way and Manner as he may deem expedient to make sale of all the 
residue of my estate (not heretofore bequeathed and devised) both real 
personal and mixed and convey title to same and to do all needful acts 
requisite to convey a title thereto to a purchaser or purchasers and 
with the proceeds arising from such sale or sales to pay the following 
bequests: namely To my nephew E. P. Williams the sum of Twenty Five 
Hundred Dollars To my nephew Dr. W. W. Faison the sum of Fifteen 
Hundred Dollars To my niece Ida Williams the sum of Fifteen Hundred 
Dollars To my niece Hattie Williams the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. 
To my niece Lula Williams the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and the 
balance to be divided into three equal shares  one share, which is 
one-third, given to the following named children of my deceased brother 
Joseph Williams namely  E. P. Williams, Ida Williams, Hattie Williams 
and Lula Williams: one share which is one-third, to be given to my 
sister Mrs. H. C. Faisen and the other share, which is one-third to my 
sister Mrs. M. E. Lee.

I hereby revoke all wills by me heretofore made and appoint Henry Lee 
of Goldsboro, NC executor of this my last will In witness whereof I the 
above named W. H. Williams Sr have hereunto set my hand and seal the 24 
day of November 1885 in the City of Goldsboro County of Wayne and State 
of North Carolina
Signed W. H. Williams Sr
Witness Jno D. Spicer, Jas. Spicer, John Spicer

Then & there signed and sealed and declared by said W. H. Williams Sr 
as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who, at his 
request, in his presence & in the presence of each other have hereunto 
subscribed our names as witnesses

The Will of William H. Williams was exhibited in Duplin County Superior 
Court by Henry Lee on the oath of John D. Spicer and James Spicer
Oct 16th 1889
R. C. Broadhurst, Clerk Superior Court

On 7 Oct 1889, Henry Lee, reported to the court that said W. H. 
Williams had personal property worth about $1250



NC Archives
Lenoir Co Estate Records

Number 575
Notice to Solicitor Concerning Orphans Presented As Being Without 
State of North Carolina, Lenoir Co
To: O. H. Allen, Esq, solicitor 6th Judicial District

I hereby respectfully notify you that at Aug. Term A.D. 1890 of the 
Superior Court of Lenoir County, the Grand Jury then and there sitting 
presented the following named persons as minor orphan children under 
the age of twenty-one years, and as owning an estate without having any 
guardian therefore, to wit: Hattie Williams age 18 years and Lula 
Williams age 16 years children of Joseph Williams decd
I would further give you notice that no suitable person will become 
guardian of said estate.
According to my best information, the said estate consists of real 
property & money as follows: real estate in Lenoir County valued at 
about $1800 and money willed to them to be paid ?? and is estimated to 
be worth about Forty five hundred Dollars
Dated at Kinston, in said county, this 9th day of Sept AD 1890

E. W. Bizzell, Clerk Superior Court

A further document statse the estate consists of "real estate in Lenoir 
County valued at about $1800, annual rents about $120 and real estate 
in Duplin County valued at about $1700  marked through - $1800  
marked through  reduced to money and paid ?? to them amounting  no 
further information"

Lenoir County  In the Superior Court
In the Matter of the Administration of the Estate of Joseph Williams 
deceased, John C. Jackson, being sworn, doth say that Joseph Williams, 
late of said county, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, 
and that he John C. Jackson is one of the proper person entitled to 
Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Joseph Williams, decd
Further, that the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at 
the date of this application is about $38.59, and that Egbert P. 
Williams, Carrie Williams, Ida Jackson, Hattie Williams and Lula 
Williams (the last 2 named are minors and have receivers)
Signed John C. Jackson


Divisions, Dowers and Provision Book A p 266

NOTE: Few of the estate records in this book state who the land 
actually belong to but the acres in the Sheriff's sell to William H. 
Williams indicates that land was what was divided  the total acres in 
the division was 515 which is more or less the amount in the sd 
Sheriff's sale and the Will of William H. Williams (plus the 10 acres 
sold to Martha C. William Brown). Several of the deeds indicate the 
land belonged to Joseph Williams.

NC, Lenoir Co
Carrie E. Williams and others vs E. P. Williams and others  a report

The undersigned having been summoned by the Sheriff to divide the land 
mentioned and described in the above entitled action among the several 
tenants in common, met on the premises on the 3rd day of Nov 1891 and 
after being duly sworn by J. D. Sutton, Sheriff, proceeded to examine 
the premises and make the following divisions. On account of the 
irregular shape and the character of the land we divided it into ten 
lots or parcels and allotted to each tenant in common two lots as 
hereinafter appears. The valuation of the whole premises in place at 
$5000 making each share of the value of $1000.

LOT # 1 -  beginning at J. M. Browns corner on Neuse River and runs 
S.3 E.54.70 chains to a stump, Thomas Brown's corner, then N. 87 W. 6 
chains to Hull Road, then with the road N. 12 3/4 W 8.18 chains to 
Brown's corner, then N. 4 E. 11.65 to Alexander's corner, then with his 
line S. 87  E. 13.55 chains to a stake, then S. 3 W. to Neuse River, 
then up the River to the beginning, containing 53 acres

LOT #2  Beginning on the river at lot No 1 and runs N. 3 E with line 
of lot 1 to Alexanders line, then with his line S. 87  - 7.35 chains 
to a stake, then S. 3 W. to Neuse River, then up the River to the 
beginning containing 53 acres

LOT # 3  Beginning on the River at lot No 2 and runs with lot 2 N. 3 E 
to Alexander's line, then with his and J. W. Aldridges line S 87  E 
7.35 chains to a stake then S. 3 W to the River, then up the River to 
the beginning containing 53 acres

LOT #4  Beginning on the River at lot No 3 and runs with the line of 
lot 3 to J. W. Aldridge's line, then with his line S 87  E to A black 
gum in a branch, then down the run of the branch to a stake on side of 
the ditch in the branch (and about 19 chains above where the lower line 
of the next lot from the River enters the branch) then  S 3 W to the 
River, then up the River to the beginning containing 53 acres

LOT #5  Beginning at lot No 4 on the River and runs with lot 4 to a 
stake in a branch, J. W. Aldridges line, then with his line down the 
branch about 19 chains, then S 6 E with Aldridges line to near the 
river then still with Aldridges line to the River, then up the River to 
the beginning containing 53 acres

LOT # 6 - beginning at a stake on Hull road, Brown's corner, and the 
fourth corner of Lot #1 and with the line of Lot #1 N. 4 E. 8.60 chains 
to a stake, then N 89  W. to J. P. Hardee's line, then with the 
Hardee's line to his and L. Harvey's corner, then with Harvey's line to 
the Desmond line, then with the Desmond line, to the Brown line; then 
with the Brown line to the beginning containing about 40 acres

LOT # 7  Beginning at the 2nd corner of lot 6 and runs with the line 
of that lot N. 89  W to J. P. Hardees line, then with his line N. 3  
E 7.40 chains to a stake, then S 89  E to Alexander's line, then with 
his line S 2  W to his corner then to the beginning containing about 
40 acres

LOT # 8  Beginning at the 4th corner of lot 7 and runs with 
Alexanders's line N 2  E 9 chains to a stake then N. 89  W to J. P. 
Hardee's line, then with his line S 3 1/4 W to lot 7 then with the line 
of lot 7 to the beginning containing 50 acres

LOT # 9  Beginning in Alexanders line at lot 8 and runs with his line 
N 2 1/2 E 10.25 chains to a stake then N 89  W to J. P. Hardees line, 
then with his line to lot No 8 then with line of lot 8 to the beginning 
containing 50 acres

LOT # 10  Beginning in Alexanders line at lot 9 and runs with line of 
lot 9 to J. P. Hardee's line then with his line N 3 E to the J. M. 
Brown line, then with the Brown line N 76 E 20-50 chains to a stake 
just over Hull road then about S 87 E to Alexander's corner, then with 
his line S 2  W to the beginning containing about 70 acres

Lots No 1 and No 6 we have valued at $762.50 and allotted to Carrie E. 

Lots No 2 and No 7 we have valued at $837.50 and allotted to Ida 
Jackson wife of John Jackson

Lots No 3 and No 8 we have valued at $1400 and allotted to Hattie 

Lots No 4 and No 9 we have valued at $1000 and allotted to Lula 

Lots No 5 and No 10 we have valued at $1000 and allotted to E. P. 

We have charged lots no 3 and no 8 allotted to Hattie Williams with the 
sum of four hundred dollars to be paid as follows, to lots No 1 and No 
6 allotted to Carrie E. Williams $237.50 and to lots No 2 and No 7 
allotted to Ida Jackson $162.50 in order to make the divisions equal in 
All of which is respectfully submitted under our hand and seals
J. H. Suggs
Wm. I. Herring

Recorded in the office of the Superior Court Clerk of Lenoir Co January 
7th 1892
W. W. Bizzell, Clerk Superior Court


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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Martha Mewborn Marble - 58marble@cox.net