LENOIR COUNTY, NC - Will - Fredrick Gooding, 1793.

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Copy of original Will found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community 
College, Kinston, North Carolina - Vertical File#07652-1

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                   Fredrick Gooding of Lenoir Co. NC
         Will written 13 November 1793. No probate date given

In the name of God, Amen. I, Fredrick Gooding of Lenoir being sick and 
weak but of sound mind and LW&T, commend my soul to God.....

I give to my brother James Gooding's oldest daughter Alys Gooding a 
feather bed and furniture, one brown cow and one black and white Pide 
(?) cow and her increase., also 2 ____Pewter Basins and if she be 
without heirs, to the rest of James children.

I also give my other bed and furniture to sister Elizabeth Cox and if 
she should have a daughter for it to belong to.

I also give my brother Lane that he is owing me, above what is coming to 
him from his fathers estate.

I also give to brother Barding /Bardin Gooding one two year old steer.

I also give to my brother James Gooding's children one white cow and one 
3 year old brown heifer and their increase.

I give to William adam's daughter Rebecca Adams one 2 year old heifer 
and I further give William Adams what he is justly owing me above what 
is coming to him of my fathers estate.

I also give Ann Cox children one red 2 year old heifer and her increase 
also what corn-----one and seven yards of mint cloth and also 3 turkeys. 
It is my desire that the children might have cloth to make them cloths.

I also give to brother James Gooding's son Barding five barrels of corn, 
also 4 fat hogs and ___pigs running at his house, also 5 Drye hogs to be 
paid unto him___.

I also give to my brother Moses Gooding the rest of my property ____ 
____of Bardin Gooding what is coming to him of my fathers estate.

I also give unto my brother Moses Gooding son William my ______and 
______and Stock Buckles.

I also give to brother Daniel Gooding son James Gooding two coats and 
one waistcoat, 1 pear (?) of breaches, one pair of ______and of my 
clothes to brother James Gooding also my Testament and what just 
debts____ _____ to me for to be collected to pay my just debts with what 
I owe ____ ____is over to Moses Gooding and Lastly I nominate and 
appoint my brother Moses Gooding and Aron Cox Executor to this my LW&T 
whereof I set my Hand and seal 13 Nov. 1793.
(continued is written at bottom of page but the one page is all of this 

(the lower right edge , about 1 1/2 inches, is black and can't read some 
of that. Last digit on year is not clear but checked with Heritage Place 
and on their copy looked like a 3 to make 1793.--rp)