Lenoir County, NC - Joseph J.O. Loftin Estate


Found in NC Supreme Court Case  #4909. The case can be found in Lenoir 
County, Supreme Court Case along with the will of Joseph Loftin, the 
father. The will for his brother, John Lewis Loftin, can be found in 
Jones County Wills. 

Page 1

DATE      TO                       PRINCIPAL    INTEREST    TOTAL
MAY 3     W. C. Loftin             $1.50           .32        $1.82

Jan 23    Wm. H. Haywood, Atto     $10.00         1.75       $11.75
Feb 8     M. Matthews, Undertaker  $12.00         2.09        14.09
Feb 17    L. Miss Mier    Ap        17.73         3.04        20.77
April 5   M.McDaniel, auctioneer     4.00          .64         4.64
July 29   B. Askew       Coffin     20.00         3.10        23.10
Sept 16   R. W. King     taxes      10.35         1.41        11.76
Oct. 29   J. W. Bryan      Atto     33.33         4.33        37.66
Nov. 25   Nathan Stanly              4.60          .58         5.18
Nov 25    Thomas Becton              5.30          .65         5.95

Jan 23    Dr. Shackleford           10.00         1.05        11.05
Jan 26    Sarah E. Loftin   A/C     16.98         1.96        18.94
Jan 25    Ditto     Note             2.50          .29         2.79
Jan 27    Dr. Shackleford    A/C     2.00          .23         2.23
March 15  J. R. Webb, auctioneer     1.50          .15         1.65
April 20  Dr. Hines           A/C    1.00          .10         1.10
April 26  Dr. I L. McKincey   A/C   12.91         1.28        14.19
April 29  Wm. H. Haywood   Atto     33.33         3.33        36.66
Sept  20  I F. ?? Wooten    C & M   65.00         4.98        69.98
Sep 20    I. L. Taylor      A/C     18.24         1.38        19.62
Nov 22    Thomas Becton   Witness    5.30          .34         5.64
Nov 22    W. Stanly      Do          4.60          .31         4.91
Nov 22    N. Stanly      Do          4.60          .31         4.91

Jan 4     John Simmons   Note        41.15         2.46       43.61
April 19  William Fields   Sheriff   21.87          .82       22.69
April 19  W. Stanly     Witness      11.80          .48       12.28
April 20  R. W. King     Costs         .80          .03         .83
April 20  Geo. S. Attmore    Atto     150          6.24      156.24
April 20  R. W. King      Costs        .80          .03         .83
April 20  Ditto         Taxes         5.97          .28        6.25
April 22  Elvy Becton      Witness    3.46          .13        3.59
April 28  John B. Gates               7.00          .28        7.28
April 30  J. L. Aldridge, Judgmt     53.87         2.16       56.03
          Total to carry over to next page                  $565.66


May 29 1850
By amt of Sales of Perishable       $934.55       172.88    1107.43
Property at 6 mos as Spect. Adm due
29th November 1850
Negro Hire Isam for year     $41
Negro Hire Norris for year     1.00
Negro Hire Mary for year       1.30
Negro Hire Betty & children   17.00
Of which Intestate  1/3      $60.30       20.10       3.60    23.70

Jan 1, 1851
Negro Hire Isam for year    $125.25
Negro Hire Jacob for year    100.00
Negro Hire Betty & children   25.00
Negro Hire Norris              3.35
One third is                 253.60       84.53      10.14    94.67

Negro Hire to 15 March 1852
Isam                         $13.50
Jacob                         17.00
Norris                          .25
Betty & child                  3.00
Mary                            .25
One third is                 $34.00      11.33        1.27    12.60

March 15    Negro Hire to 6 Jan 1853
Isam                           63.50
Jacob                          90.00
Norris                         17.50
Betty & child                  25.50
Mary                           10.75
One third is                 $207.25      69.08        4.07   73.15

1853 Jan 6 By sale of Negro Jacob
6 mos due 6 July               $861.00
Negro Mary                      445.50    1306.50     37.89  1344.39

Carried from                    $2655.94


1853    Paid To                      PRINCIPAL   INTEREST
May 2    John H. Peebles  Note         11.85         .48          12.33
May 2    Same                          11.80         .47          12.27
May 3    J. S. Cummings    A/C          1.00         .04           1.04
May 4    R. W. King   Judgmt            2.06         .08           2.14
May 4    Same            Same           5.94         .23           6.17
May 4    J. W. Bryan     Same         227.93       38.97         236.90
May 4    R. W. King      Same          38.30        1.51          39.81  
May 4    Same            Same          65.64        2.58          68.22
May 4    Same            Same           7.03         .28           7.31
May 4    George W. Venters   Do        49.80        1.98          51.78
May 4    Same                Do        42.96        1.72          44.68
May 4    Davis & Hunter     A/C        23.29         .92          24.21 
July 5   John B. Bryan     Note        60.04        1.75          61.79
July 5   Same               A/C         7.50         .21           7.71
July 5   James G. Stanly   Clerk       25.00         .73          25.73
July 5   William A. Cox    A/C         18.00         .53          18.53
July 6   F. Hindes         A/C          9.57         .27           9.84
July 6   W. C. Loftin    Judgt         91.51        2.65          94.16
July 26  Dr. I. McKinscy   A/C         16.50         .41          16.91
Nov 29   N. Foscue       Witness        3.20         .20           3.40
Sept 3   L. Stranglang     A/C         21.75         .42          22.17
Sept 16  Geo. W. Venter    Judgmt      40.06         .70          40.76
Sept 16  Same               Do         15.08         .11          15.19 
Sept 20  Simon L. Becton    A/C         9.74         .16           9.90
Oct 6    Sarah Waterbury    Witness     4.10         .05           4.15
Oct 10   T. McDaniel         Note      65.00         .86          65.86
Oct 10   F. G. Simmons        Do      114.00        1.53         115.53
Oct 17   W. C. Loftin         A/C       9.00         .11           9.11
Nov 1    F. Hindes          Note       50.00         .50          50.50
Jan 1    Geo L. Attmore  Attn                                     50.00
Commrs on $7448.03                                               372.40
Balance dec Estate                                              3688.11


1853  By Acct brot Forward                                     $2655.94
Jan 6    1/3rd of the Hire of Negro Judy after
    Intestates death            $6.66
1/3rd of sale of said Negro             40.32       1.16          41.48
 $100.99     33.66
Hire of Negro Judy from 1838 to 1851
14 years being the Negro bequeathed
by Joseph Loftin to Joseph E. Rhem
upon Continguency & never vested
(See decree) paid by L. C. Desmond    $575.55
9 Jan 1853

Nov 1  Int to 1st Nov  10 Months   $28.77
Intestate  1.3rd is    $604.32          201.44       2.01        203.45
James E. Metts Note due
17th Jan 1851     $90
Cr. On same      62.75                   37.25       6.59         43.84   
Shad E. Loftin Note                      60.00      13.40         73.40 
10 April 1850
Wm. C. Loftin Note                      500.00     111.16        611.16
17 Sept 1850
Jan 1  this Amt recd of Louis C. Desmond former guardian of intestate in 
Compromise of his Guardian afcts ?? settled by the parties interested with 
Mr. Desmond & a tract of land taken in payment by them & afterwards sold 
by them to Major Hunter for $1750
This amount allowed as Interest to date                           100.00
On the same in lieu of rent


To Cash paid Jno Oliver & wife for their 1/4th of the land taken from 
Mr. Desmond
At                                     $2025                      506.25
Cash, bal of distributive share                                   415.78

Cash pd S. L. Becton & Wife being 1/3rd proceeds of Land
Sold at $1750                                                     583.33
This amt being 1/3rd of $275 loss on the land
& paid by agreement                                                 91.67
Cash paid do bal of share                                          247.03
This amt. Paid Green Taylor Admr.   Rhem as last
Above stated                                                       922.03

This amt paid F. B. Loftin by his attorney Louis C.
Desmond as last above stated                                       922.03

We the undersigned being entitled to the distribution of the personal 
estate of Joseph J. O. Loftin dec in the hands of Farnifold G. Simmons Adm 
of said Loftin have fully examined the foregoing A/C of said Adm and admit 
the same to be correct and Satisfactory, and we have each received from 
said Simmons Admr our respective shares of the balance due the Estate of 
the said Intestate as therin stated and acquit him thereof.

And we agree this A/C and Settlement shall be filed in the case in the 
Supreme Court of No. C. in the cause therein depending between the parties 
as a full Settlement with said Simmons, leaving the question of costs only 
to be disposed of by the said Court.
S. I. Becton
Jno. Oliver
Lewis C. Desmond atto for Fred B. Loftin
Green Taylor admr of Joseph E. Rhem, dec

Jones County
January 1st, 1854

NOTE: Died in Jones Co on morning of April 27, from effect of a fall from 
a horse; J. O. Loftin, age 21.
WWJ., May 3, 1850
From "Onslow Register" by Roger E. Kammerer and David E. Carpenter