LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Lewis Whitfield (?)
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HINES COLLECTION - abstracted from  Microfilm Roll  MF - 95 by Martha
Mewborn Marble

NOTE: Lovit Hines collected as many originals or copies of original
documents located in private hands as he knew about and had the NC Archives
place said documents on microfilm.  Some of these original documents are
still in the possession of private individuals and some have been placed at
the NC Archives or other institutions in Collections.  

PARTIAL WILL - author not proven but probably LEWIS WHITFIELD - WILL
written prior to 1850

File Bill - of HOLLAND & RUBEN KNOX (What connection these 2 people have is
not clear - - Allen Whitfield was the son of LEWIS WHITFIELD and CHARLOTTE
BRYAN - mmm)

8th - 5 grandsons, sons of ALLEN WHITFIELD viz, LEWIS, ALLEN, WILLIAM B.,
NATHAN B. and JAMES B. WHITFIELD - all my lands in Sampson Co and that part
of my land in Wayne County on SS Neuse River, also land in Wayne on NS
Neuse in bend of river with following bounds - Bogue Marsh, M. IVEY'S
ditch, public road, place formerly called Flat neck, Beaverdam, my old mill
seat, White Hall Ferry - all the lands I own within these bounds except the
lower half of land I purchased of _______ ELLMORE; & in event of death of
grandsons, sons of ALLEN WHITFIELD, dec having no heirs then aforesaid
lands to be divided equally between TABITHA WOOTEN & MARY JANE WHITFIELD
daughters of ALLEN WHITFIELD dec or their children.  Each son of ALLEN to
receive his property when he arrives at age 25 years and not before.

9th - I give granddaughter MARY JANE WHITFIELD daughter of ALLEN WHITFIELD
dec one negro man George, one negro girl Zilphia and their increase.  If
MARY JANE has no issue, negroes to be divided between her brothers and sister

11th - I give to my grandchildren, sons and daughter of ALLAN WHITFIELD dec
B. JAMES B. WHITFIELD the following negroes - Mavey, London, Rhoda, Henry,
Claiborn, Lynda, Needham, Eliza, Harry, Handy, Kedar, Dick, Dean, Ezikiel,
Caroline and child, Needham, Rachel, Susan and all their increase to be
divided equally.  This includes the negroes of said ALLAN WHITFIELD

19th - I appoint ALLEN W. WOOTEN guardian to my grandchildren William B.,
MARY JANE, NATHAN B., JAMES B. WHITFIELD.  Lands to be rented out for their
support and education.  I want W. B. WHITFIELD and M. J. WHITFIELD to be
raised by SNOAD B. CARROWAY and wife.

A true copy - W. G. LOFTIN, Clerk

J.  B. CARRAWAY requested a copy of the will on 4 APRIL 1850