Lenoir County, NC - WILL OF JAMES WOOD, 1836


Lenoir County - Found at the NC Archives. See Wood Will under Wills, Wasden 
Will on the Wayne County Archives and the Case under Supreme Court Cases.


State of North Carolina. Lenoir County. Know ye that I James Wood, doth give 
unto Polly Caldwell twenty dollars, that is all that I intend to her of my 
Know ye that I James Wood doth give unto Elizabeth Aldredge twenty shillings 
that is all that I intend for my property.
Know ye that I the said James Wood doth give to Jonas Wood, my part of the 
lands that we bought of Bryan Whitfield, lying in the Lenoir County on Nuse 
River: also my crop and hogs.
I the said James Wood doth give Elizabeth Wood and Sally Wood, two negroes by 
the name of Isham and Bess to be equally divided between the two after the 
death of Jonas Wood.
I give to Elizabeth Wood one negro girl by the name of Esther this is all that 
I intend to them of my property.
I the said James Wood doth give to Christopher Wood one negro boy by the name 
of Harry, one hundred dollars and a horse, this all I intend to him of my 
I the said James Wood doth give to Jesse Wood one negro woman and child by the 
name of Nancy and Milly, one mare and seven or eight head of cattle, this is 
all that I intend to him of my property.
I the said James Wood doth give to Dempsey Wood one negro boy the name of Tobe, 
this all that I intend to him of my property.
Also the said Jonas Wood must pay one hundred dollars to Christopher Wood, and 
the same Jonas Wood must play Polly Caldwell twenty dollars, and Elizabeth 
Aldridge twenty shillings.
This is my last will and test. I here unto set my hand.
Signed James Wood
Joseph Reynolds
Furney (x) Howell
Test. Dempsey Wood
This July the 1st day 1814

Lenoir Court April Term 1815. This was the within last will and testament of 
James Wood dec'd duly proved in open court by the oath of Joseph Reynolds and 
Furney Howell two of the subscribing witnesses thento - at the same term Jonas 
Wood the executor therein named appeared and qualified therefore letters 
testamentary open accordingly by
Charles Westbook CC
Recorded in Clerk's Office in Book A page 98 Oct. 17th 1823 for Charles 
Westbrook - Lewis C. Desmond
I Lewis C. Desmond Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Session for the 
county of Lenoir, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the last 
will and testament of James Wood as appears of record.
In testimoney whereof I have hereunto set my hand to at office this 23rd August 
Lewis C. Desmond, Clk


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