LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Needham Moore, 1879-80.

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                        NEEDHAM MOORE - 1879-80

NOTE: My thanks to Sybil Joyner Thomas who went to the Courthouse to obtain 
readable copy of this Will.

Will Book A, Lenoir County, NC

Lenoir County Probate Court

I, NEEDHAM J. MOORE, do solemnly swear that I believe this writing to be an 
contain the last will and testament of NEEDHAM MOORE, deceased; and that I 
will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts an then his 
legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend or the law will charge me; 
and that I will and faithfully execute the office of an executor, agreeable 
to the trust and confidence reposed in me and according to law, so help me 


Sworn and subscribed before me,
This 4th day of May 1880

Probate Judge

Whereupon letters testamentary are issued to said NEEDHAM J. MOORE as 
executor of said last will and testament
Probate Judge

I, NEEDHAM MOORE of Lenoir County state of North Carolina being of sound 
mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of life do make and declare 
this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to 

1st - It is my will and desire that my executors hereinafter named shall 
provide for my body a decent burial one suitable to the wishes of my family 
and pay all funeral expenses together with all my just debts to whomsoever 
owing out of the first moneys that shall come into their hands as a part or 
parcel of my estate.

2nd - I loan to my beloved wife ELIZABETH MOORE during her life the use and 
occupation of a certain tract of land, bounded as follows, beginning at the 
canal in Lousin Swamp and runs paralleled and along with the crop fence 
between what is called the KIPATRICK and CONGLETON land and extending into 
the woods far enough to afford a sufficient quanty of timber and firewood 
for her use, then through the wood in an eastern direction between the 
METT'S field and the blacksmith shop to the line of the L. B. HARDEE land, 
then with the lines of L. B. HARDEE land to the Lousin Swamp Canal, then up 
said canal to the beginning, including my mansion house and all out houses 
and other appurtences thereunto belonging: also my household and kitchen 
furniture of every description, all my horses and mules (except one mule), 
all the cattle, hogs, and poltry of every kind, all the corn, fodder, 
wheat, oats, cotton, pease, potatoes, bacon, pork, lard and any and all 
other kinds of provisions that ! shall be on hand and all the crops that 
shall be growing and ungathered at my death, except such part of the same 
as may belong to my son, JACOB MOORE, all my farming tools, carts, wagons 
and buggies & harness, to have and use the same during her natural life.

3rd - I give and devise to my daughter, JULIA A. SUTTON, wife of THOMAS 
SUTTON, a certain tract of land situated in Bucklesberry Pocosin, it being 
the land I purchased from NOAH ROUSE and wife, M. E. ROUSE and bounded as 
follows - beginning at a maple in JOHN SUTTON'S line, the dividing corner 
agreed on between BENJ. SUTTON and HARDY SUTTON, runs with that line N83 W 
196 poles to a white oak, then N7 W 20 1/2 poles to a forked white oak, 
then N5 E 96 1/2 polls to a pine, then N59 E 202 poles to a white oak, then 
S75 E 20 poles to a pine, JOHN SUTTON'S corner then with his line S1 W239 
1/2 pols to the beginning, containing 224 acres, more or less, to have and 
to hold to her, the said JULIA A. SUTTON, her heirs and assigns forever.

4th - I give and bequeath to my daughter, SUSAN C. CANIDY, wife of JAMES L. 
CANIDY, one thousand dollars which has already been paid to her and which I 
regard as a fair proportion of my estate, to her and her heirs forever.

5th - I give and bequeath to my grand children, the children of my deceased 
daughter, MARTHA J. PHILLIPS, the one thousand dollars which I paid their 
mother, my said daughter, during her lifetime which I regard as a fair and 
equal portion of my estate, to them and their heirs forever.

6th - I give and devise to my son, JAMES J. MOORE, the tract of land I 
purchased from LEM'L G. LASSITTER on which he now resides to have and to 
hold to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

7th - I give and devise to my son WILLIAM C. MOORE one tract of land which 
I purchased at JESSE J. MOORE sale lying on the South Side of Lousin Swamp 
bounded as follows. beginning at the canal bridge and runs South S5 E 10 
poles, then S21 W 300 poles to a stake, then N86 E98 poles to a lightwood 
stump, then N25 E23 pols to a stake, then N1 E 124 pols to a post oak near 
the road, then with said road S861/2 E 37 1/2 pols then N85 E50 poles, then 
S88 E6 pols to a white bay, then N78 1/2 E28 pols to the canal, then up the 
various courses of the said canal to the beginning, containing 205 acres, 
more or less, to have and to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever.

8th - I give and devise to my son JESSE R. MOORE the remainder of my land 
lying on the South side of the Greenville road bounded as follows: 
beginning at a chinquepin on the west side of the ditch, mine and HARDY 
HILL'S corner runs N31 W15 pols to a red oak stump then N88 W51 pols to the 
road then with the road N16 E 80 poles, N201/2 E20 pols N95 E31 pols to a 
stake near the road, then S66 E54 pols to a stake, then N86 E98 pols to a 
lightwood stump then S13 E85 poles to a stake in DUPRESS'S field, then S13 
W80 pols to a pine, then S26 W72 pols to a gum, then to the beginning, 
containing 202 acres more or less to have and to hold to him and his heirs 
and assigns forever.

9th - I give and devise to my son, HENRY H. MOORE, the land I purchased of 
FRANK HARVEY'S sale, consisting of two lots or parcels, bounded as follows. 
One lot beginning at a stake in a small branch the beginning corner of lot 
No 1 in the division of the THOMAS HARVEY land, runs with the same N52 W120 
pols to a stake in FIELD'S line, second corner of lot No 1 then with said 
FIELDS line S22 W 773/4 pols to a stake near ELIJAH FIELDS' house, then 
with FIELDS line S56 E 156 1/2 poles to a stake near the road then N38 E 
81/2 pols to stake near a large hickory, then with JOSEPH TAYLOR'S line N54 
E206 pols to the Newbern and Goldsboro; then with said road N381/2 W 141 
pols N661/2 W 10 pols to the canal, then down the various courses of the 
canal to the beginning. The other lot beginning at a pine, JACOB LANSTON'S 
corner runs with his line S32 E100 pols to a stake, then with the said 
LANSTON'S line S58 W 100 pols to a stake near the road then with the road 
and JOSEPH TAYLOR'S line N 3! 2 W 100 pols to a stake, then N58 E110 pols 
to the beginning, both tracts containing 250 acres more or less, to have 
and to hold the same to him and his heirs, but if my son Henry H. MOORE 
should die without leaving any lawful issue living at the time of his 
death, then the said land to go to my other children, to share and share 

10th - I give and devise to my son THOMAS A. MOORE a certain tract of land 
which I bought of LEMUEL J. MEWBORN and wife SALLIE E. MEWBORN, bounded as 
follows. Beginning at a bridge across Lousin Swamp Canal runs N10 W 216 
poles to a gum on the side of the road, then N84 E 10 poles to a pine on 
the side of said road, then N121/2 E 148 poles to a stake, then S75 E39 
poles to a stake then S11 E156 poles then along a ditch S8 E 421/2 poles, 
S20 E32 po, S8 E46 po, S4 W321/2 po, S25 W7 po, S6 W36 po to the canal then 
up the canal to the beginning containing 254 acres more or less to have and 
to hold to him and his heirs but if the said THOMAS A. MOORE shall die 
without leaving any lawful issue living at the time of his death the said 
land is to go to his brothers and sisters, my other children, to share and 
share alike.

11th - I give and devise to my son, NEEDHAM J. MOORE, a certain portion of 
my home tract of land, counded as follows - beginning at a pine on Lousing 
Swamp canal runs S22 E209 po to a pine, then S52 E92 po to a pine then S38 
W69 po to a gum, then S52 E28 po then S80 E15 po, S38 E76 po to the road 
then with the road N16E 1431/2 po, N20 E30 po, N45 E31 po to a gun, the N33 
W90 po then N8 E15 po to a ditch in hickory neck branch then down said 
ditch to Lousin Swamp Canal, then up said canal to the beginning, 
containing 360 acres more or less to have and to hold to him and his heirs 
subject however to the life estate of my wife, ELIZABETH MOORE, on that 
portion loan to her in the second item of this Will, but if the said 
NEEDHAM J. MOORE should die without leaving any lawful issue living at his 
death, then the said land to go to my other children to be equally divided 
among them. I also give and bequeath to my son NEEDHAM J. MOORE, one black 
mule named Bill and at the death of my ! wife all the household and Kitchin 
furniture, all the horses, mules, cattle, hogs, the farming tools, carts, 
wagons, buggies, and all the provisions and other personal proper of any 
kind which I loaned to my wife in the 2nd item of this will or so much of 
the same as shall be on hand at the death of my wife to have and to hold 
the same forever.

12th - I give to my daughter MARY F. MOORE a certain part of my home tract 
of land bounded as follows - beginning at a pine on Lousing Swamp canal 
(the beginning corner of the lot devise to N. J. MOORE in the preceeding 
item) runs S22 E209 po to a pine, then S52 E92 po to a pine, then S38 W69 
po to a gum then N52 W198 po then N37 W22 po to a crop ditch, then N221/2 
W139 po to the canal, then down the canal to the beginning, containing 186 
acres more or less to have and to hold the same to her the said MARY F. 
MOORE, her heirs and assigns in fee forever.

13th - It is my will and desire that my Executor collect all moneys due me 
that can be collected and the same together with the money on hand at my 
death, after paying my just debts and the expenses of the settlement of my 
estate, that then may remain be equally divided among all my children 
equally to share and share like, and if any of my children be dead leaving 
issue the issue to represent and take such part as their parent would if 

I hereby constitute and appoint my sons JAMES J. MOORE and NEEDHAM J. MOORE 
my lawful executors to execute this my last Will and Testament and every 
part and clause thereof according to the same intent of the same and I 
hereby revoke and declare utterly null and void all other Wills and 
Testaments by me heretofore made.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 1st day 
of July A. D. 1879.

Needham Moore

(The words "all my farming tools, carts, wagons & buggies and horses" were 
installed before signed)

Signed sealed published and declared by the said NEEDHAM MOORE to be his 
last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his 
presence subscribe our names as witnesses.


Whereas I NEEDHAM MOORE of Lenoir County State of North Carolina, have by 
my last Will and Testament in writing duly executed, bearing date July 1st 
1879 given and devised to my sons, HENRY H. MOORE, THOMAS A. MOORE and 
NEEDHAM J. MOORE certain parcels of land named and described in the ninth, 
tenth and eleventh items of my said Will. Now I the said NEDHAM MOORE being 
desireous of altering my said will in respect to the said devises of land 
made in my said will to my said HENRY H. MOORE, THOAS J. MOORE, and NEEDHAM 
J. MOORE do therefore make this present writing which I will and direct to 
be annexed as a codicil to my said will and taken as a part thereof.
I do hereby give and devise to my son HENRY H. MOORE the land named and 
described in the Ninth Item of my said Will to have and to hold to him and 
his heirs absolutely forever.
I do hereby give and devise to my son THOMAS A. MOORE the land named and 
described in the Tenth item of my said Will to have and to hold the same to 
him and his heirs absolutely forever. I do hereby give and devise to my son 
NEEDHAM J. MOORE the land named and described in the eleventh item of my 
said Will to have and to hold the same to him and his heirs absolutely 
forever. And I do ratify and confirm my said Will except where the same is 
altered as aforesaid.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 10th day 
of December A. D. 1879

          Needham Moore Seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said NEEDHAM MOORE as and for a 
codicil to be added to and be considered as a part of his last Will and 
Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence of 
us who have subscribed our names as witnesses in his presence.