Lenoir County, NC - Will of Lewis Whitfield, 1848


NC Archives

NOTE: This is a typed copy with some obvious errors in typing 
especially spelling and punctuation starting with the spelling of 
Whitfield which changes in the original typing. 

The Cannon Place Plantation is referred to several times and it was the 
Carman Plantation not the Cannon.  The researchers should approach this 
will with caution. A small portion of the Will was previously posted as 
found in The Colonial Records of Lenoir Co, NC also known as the Lovit 
Hines Collection and those sections have been used in this rendition 
because it was a handwritten certified copy. Also, a section was found 
in the Lenoir Co Deed Book and that is being used here. In both cases 
the intent is the same.

In the name of God Amen, I Lewis Whitfield of the Counties of Lenoir 
and Cartret and State of North Carolina being of Sound Mind and memory 
do make Publish & Declare this Instrument of Writing to be and to 
Contain my Last Will and Testament, in Manner & form Followering Viz:

First: I Ordain and direct that my Four Negroes Ned, Charles, Juno, 
Patsey be Settled and fixed for Living in a comfortable manner on Such 
Part of my Cannon (sic) Place Plantation as Lies East of a crop fence 
North & West of a Small Branch running Through Said Plantation and a 
field East of Boghole Pocosin or any other Land my Executor May 
designate, and to have the use of said Part to Cultivate for Their 
Support and That Neds Daughter Beck Live with him during his natural 
Life to aid and assist him in making Support on Said Lands and to Nurse 
him in his Afflixion. I do direct that they have a horse or Mule, a 
Riding Saddle & Bridle two Cows & calves Three Sows & Pigs Corn to make 
a Crop, & Raise meat for the Second year, Some Kitchen Furniture & 
Farming Tools, Such as are necessary For them. And Provisions for the 
first year for the said four Negroes. I give to old Ned all of my 
Wearing apparel after my Buriel & four Good Blankets, and to Charles 
Juno & Patsey two Good Blankets Each.  Which Four Negroes I leave in 
the Care of and under the direction of my Executor, and I Do hereby 
Clothe him with all Necessary Power to Govern and Protect Them.  And I 
Further ordain & direct That five Hundred Dollars be Reserved & Remain 
in The hands of my Executor, & kept at interest during the Life or 
Lives of Old Ned Juno & Patsey which Interest be it understood Shall be 
applied To Their Real wants.  & if the Interest is not Sufficient a 
Part of all of The Five Hundred Dollars Shall be Applied if Nesesary.
And That Ned be paid The Sum of Twelve Dollars Pr Anum and Juno & 
Patsey Six Dollars apiece pr Anum as a Pension for Life and that Juno 
and Patsey have the Liberty of Living with Their Children with the 
Consent of The owners.  I Request my Executor to act from the most 
Noble Principle of Love to God and his Creatures and with Humanity to 
the unfortunate Black Slaves.  I leave in his Care, without being 
accountable to my heirs in any Respect Whatever.  So far as Relates to 
Said Negroes and I do hereby declare That No Succeeding legacies Gifts 
Loans or Condition Shall alter or Change the Provisions I have made in 
favour of These old Negroes.

Second. I Give Bequeath and devise to my daughter Rachel Wright my Land 
on Topsail Sound Lying Between said Sound and Holly Shetler Desert. In 
New Hanover County. Including my Sloop point Plantation and The Lands 
Continguous Thereto.  And my Lands in Mikes Neck held by deed from 
Woodman S Sidbury James Howard Nathan Green and Archibald Blake and all 
The Lands Patented in my Own Name in said county to her her heirs & 
assings forever and Confirm to her the Right to all the Negroes I have 
Put in her possession.

Third.  I give and devise to my Daughter Janet Moseley Five dollars in 
Notes & confirm in her the Right and Title of all the Negroe Slaves 
That I have Put in her Possession to her her heirs and assigns forever.

Fourth.  I Give and devise unto my Son in Law Snoad B. Carraway and 
Harriet his wife and to The Survivor of Them for Life that Part of my 
Lands on Wheat Swamp Whereon They now Live Called Monticello Beginning 
at a Small Maple at the Edge of Wheat Swamp Run Between the mouth of 
Betty Hughes & Hallams Branch and Running South five degrees East 
Crossing an Elbow of Betty Hughes Branch one hundred and forty Poles To 
a Large Poplar Then South Thirteen degrees west forty seven Pole to a 
Large White oak on the Public Road Thence with the Public Road South 
Sixty four Degrees West to a Small white oak on the Edge of Tarapin 
Branch By the Public Road thence South forty degrees West (19) nineteen 
Poles to a Sake on said Road thence south Seven degrees west one 
hundred and Eighty Poles to a post white Oak at Bectons & Kilpatricks 
Corner Standing on the South Edge of my land (which said lines were 
made by me in the Presence of Joshua Mosely) Thence with Several Lines 
Round to my Lower Corner on Wheat Swamp Thence up the Various Courses 
of said Run to the Beginning So as to contain the East part of my Wheat 
Swamp Tract of Land, also the Land I hold by deed from John Patridge 
and the two Robert Wetheringtons also apart of lands on Beaver dam 
Branch Called LaFayett. Beginning at the mouth of the Lane in Snoad B. 
Carraways Line & runs thence North one degree East Seventy one Poles 
along the Road and fence towards the Cannon (sic) house thence North 
Eighty Eight degrees East to the first Crop Ditch Thence Northwardly 
down said ditch to a ditch that Leads from the Cannon (sic) Place 
thence Down Said ditch Eastwardly to the Big Ditch thence Southwardly 
along The Various Courses of said Big Ditch to the Old (Snow Hill) Road 
Thence Down said Road Eastwardly to the Kinston Road at the old fork 
Thence up the Road along S. B. Carraways line to Beaverdam Branch 
Thence up the Various Courses of Said Branch to the Snow Hill Road. 
Thence Westwardly along Said Road to the Beginning also the half of two 
lotts in the town of Hookerton and after the death of said Survivor I 
give and Bequeath the Said Tracts of Land and Plantation to Such Child 
or Children now in Being of the Said Snoad B. Carraway & Harriet his 
wife as the Said S. B. Caraway Shall name designate and appoint to Take 
the Said Lands in & by his Last Will and Testament or any Writing in 
the nature of a Deed or Last Will and Testament and after the death of 
said Child or Children and devisees So named designated & appointed to 
the Children of said child or Children to be equally divided among them 
& Their heirs forever and in default of any appointment or designation 
of any Such Child or Children by the Said S. B. Carraway as aforesaid 
Then I give and devise that Part of my land on Wheat Swamp as above 
described Called Monticello and the half of two Lotts in Hookerton to 
William W. Carraway Son of S. B. Carraway and Harriet his wife and That 
part of my Land on Beaver Dam Branch as above described Called Lafayett 
to Mary Jane Carraway daughter of Snoad B. Carraway & Harriet his wife 
to them and heirs forever.

Fifth.  I Give and bequeath to my daughter Harriet Carraway the 
Followering named Negroe Slaves Old Joe Dick & Ben and do also confirm 
the Right and Title of all the negroe Slaves I put in her Possession in 
the Life time of Samuel Wiggins & all of their increase to and after 
this day and mine & my Wifes last portrait and frames to her her heirs 
and assings forever.

Sixth.  I Give to my daughter Julia Beck all the Negro Slaves I put in 
her Possesion when She was married and the twelve She Carried away from 
Sloop Point in New Hanover County to her her heirs and assings forever 
also five dollars in money

Seventh.  I give to the Children of my Grandson George William 
Whitfield five dollars in money and confirm to Them Right and Title to 
all the Negro Slaves I put in Their fathers Possession and Their 
Increase from the day he Received Them To Them their heirs and assings 

NOTE: Item 8 & 9 from the Colonial Records with some minor 
additionsEighth  I give bequeath and devise to my  5 grandsons, sons 
my lands in Sampson Co and that part of my land in Wayne County on SS 
Neuse River, also land in Wayne on NS Neuse in bend of river with 
following bounds -  beginning on the margin of Bogue Marsh,  at the 
mouth of Mrs IVEY'S ditch, by the public road running along the margin 
of Bogue Marsh Westwardly to the  place formerly called Flat neck, at 
or near the head of Beaverdam Creek thence down various courses of said 
creek the prong next to the harts Place by my old mill seat to Neuse 
River thence down the various courses of said River to White Hall Ferry 
to the beginning - all the lands I own within these bounds except 
thelower half of land I purchased of Patsey ELLMORE; & in event of 
death of grandsons, sons of ALLEN WHITFIELD, dec having no heirs then 
aforesaid lands to be divided equally between TABITHA WOOTEN & MARY 
JANE WHITFIELD daughters of ALLEN WHITFIELD dec or their children.  
Each son of ALLEN to receive his property when he arrives at age 25 
years and not before.

Ninth.  I give granddaughter MARY JANE WHITFIELD daughter of ALLEN 
WHITFIELD dec one negro man George, one negro girl Zilphia and their 
increase.  If MARY JANE has no issue, negroes to be divided between her 
brothers and sister children of Allen Whitfield

Tenth.  I Loan unto My Granddaughter Sarah Mason Lee Williamss daughter 
of Harriet Carraway all the Negro Slaves I put in her Possesion through 
Snoad B. Caraway during her natural life and at her death to be Equally 
divided among her Children to them their hers and assings forever

Eleventh.  I give to the whole of my grandchildren, sons and daughter 
B. WHITFIELD, JAMES B. WHITFIELD the following negroe Slaves - 
Margaret, London, Rhoda his wife, Henry, Claiborn, Lynda, Needham, 
Eliza, Harry, Handy, Kedar, Dick, Dean, Ezikiel, Caroline and child, 
Needham, Rachel, Susan and all their increase to be divided equally.  
The daughters to receive their share when they come to the age of 
Twenty Five or sooner if married and the Sons to receive their when 
they arrive to the age of twenty five and not before. The increase of 
said Negroes from the death of Allen Whitfield until this day are also 
included in this Legacy to his Children as above named and in the Event 
of the death of the aforesaid children leaving no heirs of their own 
Boddy then in That event the aforesaid Negroes and their increase to be 
equally divided between Tabitha Wooten & Mary Jane Whitfield daughters 
of Allen Whitfield dec or their children   

Twelfth. I give devise and Bequeath to my Grand Son Hazard Whitfeild 
(Son of Lewis S. Whitfeild dec) all that Part of my Lands I hold by 
deeds from Charles Hooks Martial F. Hooks and William Wright in New 
Hanover County Lying on Both Sides of the North East River near the 
town of South Washington also his Likeness and frame and my Mahogany 
hair cloth Sofa and in the Event of the death of Hazard Whitfeild (Son 
of Lewis S. Whitfeild dec) Leaving no heirs of his own Boddy Then in 
that case the above described Lands and other Property shall desend to 
the Three Sons of Lewis S. Whitfeild dec. Cicero Whitfeild Lewis 
Whitfeild & Franklin Whitfeild or Survivor of Them & in Case the last 
Survivor of the Sons of Lewis S. Whitfeild Should die without Leaving 
an heir or heirs of hiss own Body the said Lands or Real Estate Shall 
be Equally Divided between all my Grand Children

Thirteenth.  I give and devise and Bequeath to my Grand Son Cicero 
Whitfeild (son of Lewis S. Whitfeild dec) all that Part of my Lands on 
Wheat Swamp in Lenoir county adjoining (on the east) Lines Made in the 
Presence of Joshua Mosely as described in Harriet Carraways Legacy 
Brights Land on the South & West and Wheat Swamp on the north also all 
the Lands I hold by Deeds from Micager Bell and William Alexander 
Mosely also that Part of my Cannon (sic) Place Land Lying West and 
North of my Lafayet Plantation Given in the Legacy to my daughter 
Harriet Carraway which said lands I hold by deeds from S. B. Caraway 
also one half in value of the remaining lands which I hold by Deed from 
James Kilpatrick and Calvin Tyson & wife adjoining Harriet Carraways 
Legacy in Bogue Hole Pocosin and the Cannon (sic) Place lands the East 
half of two Lotts in the town of Hookerton one half of my Lott at 
Bectons old Field Landing and my large Mahogany Bedstead and in the 
Event of the death of the said Cicero Whitfeild son of L. S. Whitfeild 
leaving no heirs of his own Boddy Then in That event the above 
described lands and other Property Shall desend to the Three (sons of 
Lewis Whitfeild dec) Hazard Whitfeild Lewis Whitfeild & Franklin 
Whitfeild or the Survivor of Them and in Case the last Survivor of the 
Sons of L. S. Whitfeild dec Should die without Leaving an heir or heirs 
of his own Body the said lands or Real estate shall be equally divided 
between all my Grand children

NOTE: There is obviously an error in one of these instruments in the 
name of one of the grandsons  Hazard or Hayard. Also an error in the 
Bogue Pocosin or big hole Pocosin

Lenoir Co Deed Book 1 - P 686  Indenture  2 March 1869  B. F. 
Whitfield and wife Charity M. of Wayne Co and Hayard Whitfield and wife 
Catherine Frances of Williamsburg Co in S. C. to James W. Edwards of 
Williamsburg Co in S. C. - $10  their right and interest in 6 tracts 
in Lenoir Co  the first tract was devised to sd (sic) Cicero Whitfield 
in item #13 of the last will and Testament of Lewis Whitfield dec, 
Grandfather of sd Cicero and probated as follows  "all that part of my 
lands in Wheat Swamp in Lenoir Co. adjoining (on the east) liens made 
in the presence of Joshua Mosely as described in Harriet Carraway's 
legacy, Bright land on the south and west and Wheat Swamp on the north" 
 the 2nd tract also was devised to sd Cicero in the same item of the 
same will as follows "all the lands I hold by deed from Micajah Bell 
and W. Alexander Mosely"  the 3rd tract being that which was devised 
to sd Cicero in the same item as follows "also that part of my Carman 
place lands lying west and north of my Lafayette plantation given in 
the legacy to my daughter Harriet Carraway which said lands I hold by 
deed from S. B. Carraway"  the fourth tract the half interest and an 
undivided interest of one third of the other half of a tract or parcel 
of land being that devised to the said Cicero in the same item of sd 
will as follows" one half in value of the remaining lands which I hold 
by deed from James Kilpatrick and Calvin Tyson and wife adjoining 
Harriet Carraway's legacy in big hole pocosin and the Carman place 
lands"  the fifth tract also devised to sd Cicero in the same item as 
follows "one half of my lot at Becton's old field landing"  the sixth 
parcel an undivided interest of 1/3 of the tracts of land devised to 
Lewis Whitfield (now dec) brother of the said Cicero in the 14th item 
of the said will as follows :I give devise and bequeath to my grandson 
Lewis Whitfield (son of Lewis S. Whitfield, dec) all my lands in the 
bank of the Neuse River and Stonington Creek which lands I hold by 
deeds from William Lovick, Reubin Clark and James Daughety, lying on 
the Neuse River and both sides of Stoneyton Creek, also the lands I 
hold by deed from Jesse Jackson including the Clark place and the 
Walter Jackson plantation and millsead also the remainder of the lands 
which I hold by deeds from James Kilpatrick and Calvin Tyson and wife 
not before given in legacies in this will and one half of my lot at 
Becton's old field landing"

Fourteenth.  I give and Bequeath to my Grand Son Lewis Whitfeild (Son 
of L. S. Whitfeild Decd) all my lands in the Fork of Neuse River and 
Stonington Creek which lands I hold by deeds from William Lovick Reuben 
Clark & James Danyhets lying on Neuse River and Both sides of said 
Stonington Creek also the Lands I hold by Deed from Jesse Jackson 
including the Clark Place and the Walter Jackson Plantation and Mill 
Seat. Also the Remainder of the Lands which I hold by deeds from James 
Kilpatrick & Calvin Tyson & wife not Before Given in Legacies in this 
Will and one half of my Lott at Bectons old field landing, also my 
Largest Clock and in the Event of the death of the said Lewis Whitfeild 
son of L. S. Whitfeild dec leaving no heirs of his own Body then in 
that Event the above described Lands and other Property shall desend to 
the Three Sons of L. S. Whitfeild or Survivor of Them and in case the 
last Survivor of the Sons of L. S. Whitfield dec should die Leaving no 
heir or heirs of his own Body the lands or Real Estate Shall be Equally 
Divided between all my Grand Children.

Fifteenth.  I give and Bequeath to my Grand Son Franklin Whitfeild (Son 
of L. S. Whitfeild Decd) that part of my lands lying on the north of 
Neuse River Between Walnutt Creek & Bear Creek in the Counties of Wayne 
& Lenoir.  Except That part in a foregoing Legacy lying in the Bend of 
said River and described in Said Legacy and one or two acres on the 
East side of Bear Creek Being my old mill Seat at the Bridge including 
my Natures Beauty Plantation Baptist Hall and Rich Gland (sic) 
Plantations half of the Landing (being the lower half) purchased of 
Patsey Elmore and my two Lotts on Neuse River at the High Banks, also 
my Oval Black walnut Table also my Gold Watch and all portraits and 
frames not before given in this Will also my family Bible and all my 
Books and in the event of Event of the death of the said Franklin 
Whitfeild son of L. S. Whitfeild dec leaving no heirs of his own Body 
then in that Event the above described Lands and other Property shall 
desend to the Three Sons of L. S. Whitfeild or Survivor of Them and in 
case the last Survivor of the Sons of L. S. Whitfield dec should die 
Leaving no heir or heirs of his own Body the lands or Real Estate Shall 
be Equally Divided between all my Grand Children.
NOTE: The word "Gland" may have been Island

Sixteenth.  I give to my Four Grand Sons Hazard Whitfeild Cicero 
Whitfeild Lewis Whitfeild and Franklin Whitfieild all Sons of Lewis S. 
Whitfeild decd the Following named Negroe Slaves viz Will Eanos Desmond 
Mima Lotty Easter and her child Jim Marzilla & her child William Delsy 
and her Child Sheppard Barbary & her child Lettice Judy Mary Jinsey 
Nathan Ellick Lewis Robin Abram Smitty Sally Mila Billy Clem Jinney 
Gilbert Joe Daniel & their increase from this day and in the Event of 
the death of Hazard Whitfeild Leaving no heirs of his own Body his 
Interest in the above named Negro slaves shall desend to his Three 
Brothers Cicero Whitfeild, Lewis Whitfeild & Franklin Whitfeild, or the 
Survivors of them and in the Event of the death of Cicero Whitfeild 
Leaving no heirs of his own Body his Interest in the above named Negro 
slaves shall desend to his Three Brothers Hazard Whitfeild, Lewis 
Whitfeild & Franklin Whitfeild, or the Survivors of them and in the 
Event of the death of Lewis Whitfeild Leaving no heirs of his own Body 
his Interest in the above named Negro slaves shall desend to his Three 
Brothers Hazard Whitfeild, Cicero Whitfeild & Franklin Whitfeild, or 
the Survivors of them and in the Event of the death of Franklin 
Whitfeild Leaving no heirs of his own Body his Interest in the above 
named Negro slaves shall desend to his Three Brothers Hazard Whitfeild, 
Cicero Whitfeild & Lewis Whitfeild, or the Survivors of them and in 
case the last Survivor of the Sons of L. S. Whitfield dec should die 
Leaving no heir or heirs of his own Body the Negro Slaves Shall be 
Equally Divided between all my Grand Children. Each of the heirs when 
he comes to the age of twenty five years shall draw out his share of 
the said Slaves and the Rest remain in common Stock until all are thus 
Divided also they (the sons of L. S. Whitfield) shall take possession 
of the lands devised to them as described above at the age of twenty 
five years and not before.

Seventeenth. I leave to Snoad B. Carraway one Negro Girl named Lila and 
her increase upon Condition that the said S. B. Carraway pay Executor 
the Value of said Girl Lila which shall be assessed by two Competent 
men the money arising from the Sale of said Negro Lila to be applied to 
the Extinguishment of my own debts

Eighteenth.  I give to Miss Luticia (sic) Craft one horse or mare about 
fifty Dollars Price my Carriage & Harness Saddle & Bridle two Cows & 
Calves two Sows and Pigs one Bed and Furniture one Large Maple Teaster 
Bedstead one Small clock one Large Trunk one Loom & Gear one Wheel & 
Cards Twenty Barrels Corn three hundred Pounds of Pork twenty give 
pounds of Coffee twenty five pounds of Sugar as much Common Household 
Furniture and Farming Utensils as Mr. Levi Mewborn or James Kilpatrick 
may Think Proper to set apart for her accommodation  I also Lend unto 
Miss Luticia Craft that Part of my Cannon (sic) Plantation lying West 
of the Crop fence East of the Houses & level on which they Stand with 
the Privalidge of Cutting Rail Timber and firewood to the East or North 
of the Large Branch during her Single Life & continuance on said land & 
Plantation and no Long  She also have Kitchen Furniture

Nineteenth.  I  so hereby appoint Allen W. Wooten guardian to my 
grandchildren William B. Whitfeild Mary Jane Whitfeild Nathan B. 
Whitfeild James B. Whitfeild Sons and daughter of Allen Whitfeild decd 
and he is hereby directed to rent out the Lands or hire out the Negroes 
at Public or Private contracts, that is to say he shall only Rent one 
half of each Field Annually.  I further direct that the Rents arising 
from said Lands which may accrue to them from other funds by this Will 
to the four Sons and daughters of Allen Whitfeild dec Viz Allen 
Whitfeild, William Mary Jane Nathan & James B. Whitfeild be held as a 
common fund for their education and Support and as they arrive at the 
age of twenty five years Each one shall Receive his Proportionable Part 
of said fund --- Mary Jane Whitfeild drawing her Share sooner if 
married    My Will and desire is that Allen W. Wooten Guardian.  Submit 
the Raising and Training of my two grandchildren William B. and Mary 
Jane Whitfeild to Snoad B. Carraway and wife   

Twentieth.  I do hereby appoint Snoad B. Carraway Guardian to my Grand 
Children Hazard Cicero  Lewis & Franklin Whitfeild (Son of L. S. 
Whitfeild decd) and he is Hereby directed to Rent out Land and hire out 
the Negroes at Public or Private Contract there is to say he Shall only 
Rent out one half of each Field annually   I further direct that the 
Rents arising from Said land that accrue to them together with what may 
accrue to them from other funds Given by this Will to the Four Sons of 
L. S. Whitfeild viz Hazard Cicero Lewis & Franklin Whitfeild be held a 
Common fund for this Education & Support and as they arrive to the age 
of Twenty five years each one shall receive his proportionable part of 
said fund

Twenty first.  I hereby authorize my Executor to Sell a Certain Peace 
of Land at Cooks Hammock near the Town of Beaufort now laid off in 
Lotts as pr Plan herewith annexed Called Paradise to be disposed of as 
will more fully appear by the Certificate on said Plan of the said 
Towns of Paradise  I also Authorise my Executor to sell at Private or 
Public sale all my Lands on the Warter of North River in Cartret county 
including all my Lands on Turners creek Called Florida the Remaining 
part of my Lands adjoing Paradise and two Tracts of land Containing 
four Hundred acres in the county of New Hanover on Wumpeters (sic) 
Swamp near Coes Branch and all my Lotts in the town of Kinston Lenoir 
county all of which Lands shall be Sold on four yearly & Equall 
instalments by my Executor at any Time within five years.  I leave 
negro man Gansey to be Sold at Private Sale also Negro Woman Beck to be 
Sold after the Death of her father Ned and all my Perishable not Given 
or Loaned in This Will.  My just Debts to be paid and to be applied 
also to the Payment of all Notes due by my Son Lewis S. Whitfeild decd 
wherein he was Principle in said notes and not to pay any security 
Debts I also Leave all my Personal Estate (not herein given away) to be 
Sold and the Following Negroes Ben Dick Will Eanos and Desmond to be 
hired out by my Executor at Private or Public sale and the Lands Given 
to the Four Sons of Lewis S. Whitfeild Decd and my Land in Sampson 
County on Cule Branch (Except about forty acres of the Natures Beauty 
Plantation including the houses and Grave Yard which shall be Rented to 
such person as my Executor and Guardian to the Children may choose to 
be Rented out at Private or Public Contract until the Sales hire & 
Rents Rause a fund Sufficient to pay all my Just Debts and when all my 
Just Debts are paid according to this Provision Allen W. Wooten as 
Guardian is to take in trust my Sampson county Lands

Lastly.  I do hereby appoint Constitute & ordain Snoad B. Carraway 
Executor to this my last Will and Testament Contained on six pages of 
two sheets of paper and Clothe him with all the Power necessary to 
Execute & carry the same into Effect and no Legatee or Legacy shall 
alter or change my purpose in Making any Grants or Loans in this my 
last Will until the Same shall expire and I do hereby declare that no 
mistake in writing this Will no want of form nor want of Gramatical 
Writing or law Phrase or diction Shall in any way alter my Purpose as 
is Expressed in this Will and testament in a plain and simple manner.
Signed Sealed and Published as my Last Will and Testament this Sixth 
day of March in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and 
forty Eight.

Witness my hand & Seal
L. Whitfeild

Signed Sealed Published and declared by the Testator as his Last Will 
and Testament in Presence of us
S. Scott, Levi Mewborn, Curtis Phillips, John P. Mewborn


Attached in a Document from Lenoir Co regarding the Will of Patsy 
Whitfield but the Will was not included.

North Carolina, Lenoir County

By the Worshipful the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter 
It being certified to us, That Patsy Whitfield late of this County is 
dead, having left a last will and testament; and Bythan Bryan having 
duly qualified, as Executor to said Patsey Whitfield
These are therefore to empower the said Bythan Bryan to enter into and 
upon all and singular the goods, chattels, rights and credits of the 
deceased, and the same into possession to take, (wheresoever in this 
State to be found) and an inventory thereof to return, according to 
law; and all the just debts of the deceased to pay, and the residue to 
distribute agreeable to said will.
Witness Lewis C. Desmond Clerk of our said Court at Kinston the first 
Mon day of April 
Signed by Lewis C. Desmond


Also attached is a platt for the town of Paradise on Taylor's Creek. If 
this page can be scanned it will be uploaded.


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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Martha Mewborn Marble - 58marble@cox.net