LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILL - William Brown, 1846.

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Copy of original Will found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community 
College, Kinston, North Carolina - Vertical File # 02877-9 and #02877-10

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                          Will of William Brown
              Written 12 February, 1846 no other date given.

William Brown of Lenoir, NC makes LW&T. I loan to my wife Argent Brown 
during her life my home track of land and use of boxes (?) on same, 
household and kitchen furniture, 1 gelding and mare and 3 cows and 
calves. Land loaned to my wife divided equally at her death between my 
son Hardy Brown and daughter Elizabeth Brown. At my wife's death to 
daughters Penny and Elizabeth, 1 bed etc. and residue of estate sold and 
divided between five youngest children: John, Zacheriah, Hardy, Penny 
and Elizabeth.

To son John Brown, land on north side of Vine Swamp and west side of 
Colbert Branch,beginning in the run of Colberts Branch at a stake at the 
end of old ditch that divides big cut and the little orchard cut, and 
runs with the ditch of a small branch leading from the little pocosin to 
Vine Swamp, then with the edge of the little pocosin to a small branch 
making from the south end of Chinquepin Island then with the said branch 
in the thick by the south end of Chinguepin Island to edge of Ridge 
Pocosin then with the edge of the pocosin and beginning corner of a 
patent granted to James Griffith, then a straight line to a blackjack 
tree north to Joseph Hopkins last corner, near Joshua Nunn's line, then 
with the Hopkins line south to Hopkins beginning corner then with 
Hopkins first line to the run of Colberts Branch and down Branch to the 

To son Zacheriah residue of land on north side Vine Swamp and west side 
of Colbert Branch, beginning in the run of Vine Swamp at the mouth of 
Colbert Branch and runs up the branch to beginning corner given to son 
John Brown and with his line to Griffiths corner on Long Sand Ridge, 
then with my line and Richard Rouse line across Sand Ridge Pond and to 
the run of Vine Swamp and down the swamp to beginning..

To my daughter Penny Brown all land on south side of Vine Swamp known as 
my old place beginning in the run of Vine Swamp at mouth of the Little 
Deep Branch and James Jones corner and runs up the branch my own line 
and to James Jones corner then south and east to a corner near Jesse's 
Pocosin with my old line and John Williams line to the run of Vine Swamp 
to the beginning..

To son Henry Brown's lawful heirs, all land I bought of Isaac Taylor, 
Jr. where Henry now lives, and at his death to be equally divided 
between his heirs.

To my sons Fredrick and Henry $5.00 in addition to what they already 

To my daughter Mary Clark in KY, $50.00.

To my daughter Minnifred Heath wife of W.H. Heath, $20.00 in addition to 
what she has already received.

To daughter Susan Stroud wife of Amous Stroud $40.00 in addition to what 
already received.

To daughter Catherine Howard wife of John B. Howard $50.00 in addition 
to what she has already received.

To daughter Sarah Stroud wife of Job Stroud $40.00 in addition to what 
she has already received.

Appoint worthy friend James Jones and son John Brown, Executors.

12 February 1846                  signed William Brown

John Williams
Alexander S. Rouse