Lenoir-Jones County NcArchives Wills.....Loftin, Joseph 1834 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Martha M. Marble http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00022.html#0005285 February 15, 2010, 2:55 pm Source: N C Archives Written: 1834 WILL OF JOSEPH LOFTIN Found in NC Supreme Court Case # 4909 In the name of God Amen, I Joseh Loftin of the County of Lenoir & State of N Carolina Being of Sound mind and memory hath this 7th Day of July in the year of our Lord A.D. 1834 made and ordained this my Last will and testament in manner and form Following that is to say I commit my Soul to God who gave it me and my Body to my Executor to Be Buried in Masonic form Item 1st. I loan to my beloved wife Polly Loftin the Plantation or Part thereoff agreeable to the Bonds hereafter mentioned that is to Say Beginning at the mouth of the Big Ditch down the swamp and running up the Same to the mill and then along the lower side of the west End of the Dam to the End then across and with the fence to the fields where Frederick B. Loftin now Tends then with the East End of that Fence to what is Called the Erwin field fence then along that to the Bank fence then with the west End of that fence to the Corner and then to include all this Part of the Plantation with Cobbs fence and mine to the Beginning with the Privilege of Timber of any Kind for her and family, and all my household and Kitchen Furniture Except such as I shall hereafter Give away Corn and Provisions Enough to serve her and here Family to Christmas, one yoke of oxen, ox cart Three heads of Horses her choice Three plougs and gear five cows and Calves or yearlings 2 Steers for Beef, as many of my Hogs as she Thinks will do for her 5 ews and Lambs her Sadle & Bridle her Double Gig the Loom and all the apparaties the following Negroes to wit Ellis Bill London Lucy Silvah Judah & Nancy 2 Grubbing hoes 3 axes 3 weiding hoes all her choice Provided she will keep my three youngest children free from Expence and Educate them if she lives long Enough or untill they come of age or day of marriage, all the above property I loan to her on the above conditions Item 2nd. I have give to my Son Fred. B. Loftin by Deed & Bill of Sale the Land that I Allotted for him and a Boy Sam and a Part of Lots and other things which he has got In his Possession and one Negro Boy by the name of Primas, to him his heirs and Assigns for ever Item 3rd. I give and Bequeath to my Son-in-law John Oliver and his wife Penelope one gun and one negro Boy By the name of Right and the negro Girl that they have got and has been So often in Division in the Simmons estate by the name of Rachel as I never Before made a written title though I always considered the title in the Division to be good to her and him & their heirs and asigns forever Item 4th. I give and Bequeath unto my son in law Joseph Rhem Ten Dollars in Cash to be paid out of my Estate to him his heirs and asigns forever and the Boy Cato I have Given him a Deed for already to him his heirs and asigns forever Item 5th. I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Mary An Eliza Loftin the following Property that is to Say one Bed Stead Bed and Furniture one Side Saddle & Bridle and the following Negroes to wit Sarah Luke Eliah Riah & Raney to her her heirs and asigns forever Item 6th. I give and Bequeath to my two Sons John Lewis Loftin & Joseph James Oliver Loftin or the surviving one when they come of age or in other words if they live to be of age or the Surviving one one Bed and furniture apiece and all my Lands except the Lenord Loftin Lands and that with the Old Road which will make 750 acres and it is my will and desire that, that part-not-loaned to my wife to Rented out until my wifes Death then all to be sold and a credit of one & two years payment and the money arising from the sale to be Kept on Interest until they come of age or day of marriage on the surviving one to have the whole if Both living then an Equal division with them in the Negroes if living and if not the survivor to have the whole say ?? & sum London Nancy Leah Jacob Bet Gomen then their increase to them their heirs and asigns forever and Judah also if Joseph Elizabeth Rhem should die Item 7th. I give and Bequeath provided my Grandson lives to come of age or day of marriage say Joseph Elizabeth Rhem one Negro Girl by the name of Judah to him his heirs and asigns forever Item 8th. At my wifes death I Give and Bequeath to my Grandson Furnifold G. Simmons one Bed and Furniture, also to my son Fred. B. Loftin Old Ellis and to my son in law John Oliver one negroe Girl or woman by the name of Lucy all to them their heirs and assigns forever Item 9th. I Give and Bequeath unto Benjamin C. Simmons one Common horse Bridle & Saddle Provided he lives with my wife until he comes of age Item 10th. All of the rest of my property not Given away I leave to be sold on a Credit of six months and to pay my just debts and at my wifes death, all the Property Loaned her and not heretofore Given away Please to be sold and Equally divided Between my three youngest Children say John Lewis Loftin M. A. Eliza Loftin and Oliver Loftin to them theirs heirs and forever Item 11th. I leave the Lenord Loftin Lands to be immediately sold as my Executors will think Best to pay my debts with Item 12th. It is my will and desire that all my Family shall Continue together until the crop is made and housed and the Cotton Picked out and all the Tar Carried off with the Ton Timber got to carry it with and pay Fred. B. Loftin for attending to it to go towards paying my Just debts and if there should not be Enough to pay my debts then it is my will and desire that each heir shall pay in proportion to the Residue agreeable to their legacies Item 13th. I make and ordain this my Last will and testament Revoking all wills heretofore made by me and nominate and appoint my worthy friends Frederick B. Loftin and Blount Colemon Executors to this my last will and testament the day and date above written Joseph Loftin Signed Sealed and Acknowledge in presence of us as witnesses F. Isler Becton Zachariah Gray John Mackie Ruben Knox NOTE: Died in Lenoir Co on the 18th ult. Joseph Loftin, Esq. In the 58th year of his age. He was a former Sheriff of Lenoir County and Representative in the State Legislature NCS. Oct. 16, 1834 from Onslow Register by Roger E. Kammerer This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ncfiles/ File size: 6.8 Kb