NC, Lenoir, Estate, Simon Herring

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This file was contributed by Leo Anderson, August 2000.



A copy of the original is in my possession (Leo)

State of North Carolina ) Pursuant to the ammened
Lenoir County           )
Commission to us directed wit: met on the lands of Simon Herring deceased on 
the 13th day of May 1842 and divided the said lands into twelve lots or parcels 
and caused the same to be drawn for the heirs, when

Mary Herring drew lot No 1 at laying and bounded as follows.  Beginning at a 
Turkey Oak Denis Daly's Corrner and run N 62 w. 22 poles to a stake hence N 4 
West 270 poles to the road thence 1 w 11 poles thence S 4 # 300 poles then to 

Leonedas Herring drew Lot No 2 and bounded as follow be ginning at a stake Mary 
Herring Corner and runs N 4 West 300 poles thence N 17 W. 16 Poles, thense So 4 
E 313 poles thence to the beginning.

John Herring drew Lot No 3 rd bounded as follows beginning at a stake 
Leonedas's corner and runs with his line N 4 W. 313 poles thence N 60 W 17 poles, these 
So 4 # 339 poles thence to the beginning.

Eliza Sutton Wife of Benj Sutton drew lot No 4 th. bounded as follows beginning 
at a stake John Herrings corner and runs with his line N.4 W 339 poles, thence 
N 60 W 16 poles to a stake thence S4E 343 poles to a stake to the beginning.

Sally Herring drew lot No 5 th bounded as follows beginning at a stake Eliza 
Sutton corner and runs with her line N 4 W 342 poles to a stake thence N 60 W 13 
poles  thence So 4 E 36 poles to a stake thence to the beginning.

Betsy Barrow wife of John Barrow drew lot No 6 th. bounded as follows, 
Beginning at a stake Sally Herring Corner and runs with her line W 4 W 355 poles, 
thence N 60 W 12 1/2 poles thence So 4 E 367 Poles to a stake, thence to the 

Franklin Herring drew lot No 7th bounded as follows beginning at a stake with 
Betsie's corner and runs with her line N 4 W 367 poles to a stake thence  N 60 W 
12 Poles to a stake thense So 4 E 377 p9oles to a stake thence to the 

Rachel Benton Wife of Richard Benton drew lot *th bounded as follows. Beginning 
at a stake Franklin Herrings's corner and runs with his line N 4 W 337 poles to 
a stake thence n 60 W 13 poles to a stake thense So 4 E 390 poles to a stake 
thence to the beginning.

Susan Dawson wife of John Dawson drew lot No 9th bounded as follows. Beginning 
at a stake Rachel Benton's corner and runs with her line N 4 W 390 poles to a 
stake thence N 60 W  12 poles to a stake thence So 4 E 383 poles to a stake 
thence to the beginning.

James Herring drew lot No 10th bounded as follows.  Beginning at a stake Susan 
Dawson's corner and runs with her lien N 4 W 383 poles to a stake thence N 60 W 
12 poles to stake thence So 4 E 381 poles to a stake thence to the beginning.

Nancy Herring drew lot No 11th  bounded as follows, Beginning at a stake at 
James' corner and runs with his line N 4 W 381 poles to a stake thence So 98 poles 
to a stake thence N 78 E 5 poles to a stake then 5 W 97 poles thence So 6 E 163 
poles thence to the beginning.

Allen Herring drew lot No 12th bounded as follows. Beginning at a stake Nancy's 
corner and runs with her line N 6 W 163 poles to a stake thence S 65 W 68 poles 
to Bear Creek thence with the Creek to the beginning.

All of which is respectfully submitted 
  Jesse Lasitter    ( Seal )
  A. G. Blunt       ( Seal )
  Shade Wooten      ( Seal )
  C. Wooten         ( Seal )
