Lenoir County, NC - Abstracted Estates ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Russell King <RolandKing51@aol.com> ___________________________________________________________________ This is an abstract of the loose estate papers of Lenoir County at the State Archives. The date given is sometimes the earliest date listed on a document in the file of the folder. Where there is a name and a date listed means that there were no papers other than one asking to handle the estate of that person. ESTATE RECORDS OF LENOIR COUNTY ABSRACTED BY RUSSELL KING ABBOTT, R. M. - Nov 1891 - children: Robert, May, Jennie, & Blanch. ALDRIDGE, L. H. - 1877 - (Lemuel H.) - dec'd by 22 Aug 1876 BARWICK, H. W. - 1893 - note to see W. H. WEST estate. BECTON, W. R. - 1877 - (William R.) - died 4 Sept 1877 - has inventory of $3000 worth of goods from his store also bill for horse board from W. G. HARPER. BELL, Penelope - 1894 - died 1879 - 110 acres - divide 12 parts - heirs: James H. BELL, Myrtle Penelope HEATH, Debora BELL, George BELL, Thomas BELL, Ida BELL, Josiah BELL, and Joshua BELL - James H. BELL is son - Myrtle Penelope HEATH is daughter of Thos. HEATH and grand-daughter of Penelope BELL. BURSELL, George H. - Nov 1890 - orphan child of Mrs. FAULK- NER and Mr. BURSELL, dec'd. BIRD, W. S. - Sept 1893 - (William S.) - Byron D. FORD & wife S. E. FORD, S. A. BIRD. BROADWAY, Jesse - 1884 - (J. W.) - Edward S. BROADWAY son - (June 1883) - Seth WEST son of W. H. WEST - R. L. WEST brother to W. H. WEST - children and heirs of J. W. BROADWAY are: Georgie FERRELL, Charles A. BROADWAY, Meade A. BROADWAY, Alice BROADWAY, and Willie D. BROADWAY - Richt. T. DAUGHETY age 61 22 Mar 1888 - J. W. DAUGHETY age 45 by 22 Mar 1888 - J. W. BROADWAY died 1880 - 290 acres Sand Hill - 25 acres - J. W. BROADWAY signed note 23 Oct 1879 dec'd by Jan 1880 - wife Elizabeth - lived together younger children hers one born 2 months before his death - W. B. FERRELL dec'd by 6 Aug 1887 - J. W. BROADWAY married by Lam ALDRIDGE JP was a false report spread by ALDRIDGE & BROADWAY - William FIELDS elected Sherriff 1852 and until May 1867 except for 1 year in 1865 - Elizabeth BROADWAY was Elizabeth OXLEY and died before 1880 - W. A. MOOR nephew to J. W. BROADWAY who may of not been married to Elizabeth - Jincy SUGG niece to J. W. BROADWAY says in 1856 Elizabeth OXLEY had 3 children before living with BROADWAY: first died smothered, Georgie md. FERRELL, & James who died Oct 1885 - Elizabeth/Lizzie BROADWAY died 1874 - Joseph SUGG md. Jincy - Rev. Daniel CULBREATH Methodist preacher bapt. J. W. - Meade Alonza BROADWAY age 18 - Georgie age 26 and a cripple in 1885 - Alexander HOOTEN age 30 1883 - W. W. N. HUNTER deputy clerk 1856 to April 1861 and again 26 Nov 1866 to 1868 then Deputy of Superior Court Jan 1872 till Dec 1882 - Elizabeth DEAVER says Elizabeth OXLEY was at BROADWAY's when his wife died about 1854 - Elizabeth OXLEY has a miscarriage few days before her death - Susan E. BROADWAY first wife of J. W. bought land from Jesse VAUSE at sale of her first husband Joseph TILGHMAN - Meade, Alice, and Willie determined to be heirs of Jesse W. BROADWAY - W. B. FERRELL moved to Lenoir County 1882 and married Georgie C. - Council HOOTEN born Feb 1818 owns 130 acres - VAUSE heirs and Mrs. DICKINSON - Tearsy PATE called aunt by J. W. BROADWAY, she age 77 in 1883 Nov 15 - Abram BRIGHT age 48 Spring 1883 - Eliza WATSON aunt to children of and sister to Elizabeth OXLEY - Thomas SUTTON married 1870 daughter of Winnie WARTERS Ann BUDD had 3 children before she married - E. S. BROADWAY lived with his Aunt Elizabeth - Council HOOTEN wife a relative to Elizabeth OXLEY - Mary GRANT niece to J. W. BROADWAY - Green BUDD's wife Ann - Alex HOOTEN son of Council HOOTEN - Alex TILGHMAN brother to Susan BROADWAY - Mead born 14 June 1867 - Alice born 2 Dec 1869 - Willie born 3 Sept 1871 - Alice md. Quince A. FAULKNER - Nancy S. ARTHUR wife of Fred P. ARTHUR bought land from E. S. BROADWAY - Susan TILGHMAN widow of Joseph TILGHMAN married Jesse W. BROADWAY and had one child E. S. who died 27 Apr 1880. BROOME, L. M. - 1898 - Helen M. BROOME admtrx 1928 BROWN, W. C. - 1875 - (William C.) - Ann HERRING dec'd by Jan 1867 only heir of Ellen W. HERRING - of age June 1877 - Guardian Daniel G. TAYLOR - admtr granted 5 Mar 1872. BROWN, Z. T. - 1899 - children: Sadie & Zeattie BROWN. BRYAN, H. C. - 1887. CAULEY, R. B. - 1883 - heirs: Ada, John V., James Richard, & Lizzie Maud CAULEY - Rebecca A. CAULEY widow. CLARK, Oscar - 1885 - died 17 Dec 1874 in Texas - son Oscar COLEY, John - 1877 - see L. H. ALDRIDGE. COWARD, John H. Sr. - 1878 - died 22 March 1878 - son John H. Jr. - Benjamin HAZZLETON dec'd by 1870 Greene Co. COX, Kittie - 1904 - hiers: Stacy, Nash, Thos. E. COX. DAVIS, Anthony - 1894 - heirs: Elizabeth & John H. TAYLOR, E. K. DAVIS, Jerry HOMES, Geo. B. HOMES, Zobediah NOBLES, Alma HOWARD - will written 1 Jan 1856 - next will written 14 Oct 1889 - alive 24 Sept 1894 - W. I. TAYLOR born 15 Nov 1823. DAVIS, James - 1883 - Fall Term 1869 - John S. & D. S. DAVIS exec. - Smithy DAVIS sells to Council P. DAVIS all her personal property in trust her signature - Windal DAVIS children: Council P., W. T., A. W. DAVIS minors in 1848 - James DAVIS died 1879 - Council P. DAVIS born 8 Dec 1847. DAVIS, Caroline - 1887. DAVIS, James K. - 1890. DAVIS, John S. - 1882 - see James DAVIS. DEAVER, John E. - no date - heirs: Addie Cornelia, Simpson, and Ora DEAVER all minors - wife Elizabeth. DILLON, Celestia N. - 1925 - heirs: Lillian D. WOOTEN of Goldsboro, V. M. DILLON of Winston-Salem, and Reginald DILLON of Baltimore, Maryland. DUNN, Elizabeth J. - 1887 - Stephen C. PHILLIPS, H. B. MOYE and Elizabeth DUNN each 1/3 part of lands as heirs - 3 March 1886 - this land 23 Feb 1881 belonged to Jeptha M. DUNN and wife Sallie as one third of lands that Jane DUNN lives on as life estate - others: Louisa COX wife of Bryant COX, Elizabeth DUNN - land from John P. DUNN - Susan wife of Stephen C. PHILLIPS - Elizabeth DUNN married STANLEY. DUNN, John P. - 1885 - see John H. COWARD. DUNN, John P. - 1859 - died 1859 will - L. C. DESMOND died 1867 was exec. - heirs: J. J. DUNN, Laura J. wife of J. C. WIGGINS, Mary E. wife of R. B. MC COTTER - will proved 1 Jan 1860 - Columbus DUNN came of age 27 April 1877 - Jacob MC COTTER father to R. B. - Christina ARNOLD born 19 Mar 1850 wife of W. W. ARNOLD md. 8 July 1869. DUNN, Walter Sr. - died 26 May 1850 - son W. W. DUNN - grandchildren: Walter, Gertrude, & Charlie children of G. K. & Helen M. BAGBY (she dec'd) daughter of Walter DUNN - will probated Jan 1851 - Lewis C. DESMOND and wife Elizabeth have land mentioned of Daniel DESMOND - Cynthia DUNN widow died 1887 - Children of Walter: Martha J. wife of S. H. ROUNTREE, W. W. DUNN & wife Susan, Cynthia A.TULL dec'd wife of John, Theresa F. wife of E. H. CHADWICK (he now dec'd), R. A. DUNN dec'd wife of L. B. COX, Helen M. DUNN dec'd wife of G. K. BAGBY - W. W. DUNN md. 15 Sept 1860 - Gertrude COX daughter of R. A. DUNN COX dec'd - Cynthia DUNN died Jan 1887 - Helen BAGBY died 1881. FAULKNER, Leander - Nov 1891 - John FAULKNER, minor. FERRELL, W. B. - 1886 - Andrew DIXON son of Ellis DIXON - W. B. FERRELL married Georgia C. on May 1882 - Ellis DIXON owed money by FERRELL; Eliis did work on old wheat mill called TILGHMAN Mill. FIELDS, R. K. - 1886 - John FIELDS brother to minors, he guardian to Lela, James, Mary, Adolpus, Charlie, & Bertie FIELDS, minors. - wife Eliza O. FIELDS - he died 1885 - other hiers: McIlwane wife of Berry SMITH, Huldah FIELDS, John FIELDS all children of R. K. FIELDS, W. M. - 1912 - widow Dora FIELDS - six children: Mrs. Effie wife of R. M. HARPER, Mrs. Mamie E. wife of William GRAY, Leila FIELDS, J. W. FIELDS, Rowland FIELDS, Mrs. Attie wife of A. A. ROSS - J. W. FIELDS married Mabel - dec'd by Dec 1911. FISHER, L. H. - Aug. 1887 - hiers: James H., Samuel L., Elizabeth L., Phralons, Amanda, Fred, Rosa Garfield, Marcha, L. D. FISHER all minors. FISHER, Lavis (Louis) H. - Aug. 1882 - widow Martha A. - children: James H., Samuel L., Elizabeth L., Phralous, Amanda, Fred, Rose, Garfield, Martha, and L. D. FISHER GILBERT, S. N. - 1936 - widow Swannie Nelson GILBERT - hiers: Stephen Phillips and Thomas Nelson GILBERT, Mildred wife of Oscar Vance ABBOTT, Hannah wife of Luby A. MC LAWHORN. GRADY, B. S. - 1887 - (Benjamin). GRAINGER, J. W. - 1925. GRAY, C. - 1891. GRAY, Chancy - 1891 - Addie Cornelia, Simpson, and Ora DEAVER are minor hiers of John E. DEAVER and wife Elizabeth, dec'd. - they mortgaged their land to Chauncey GRAY - (Their Signatures on notes) - Elizabeth DEAVER daughter of John and Nancy DEAVER who deeded her land in 1879 - (Deed in papers). GRAY, M. A. - no date - GUWIN, George B. - 1886 - (GUION) - Nov 1885 - deed 25 Jan 1878 from Henry C. BAILEY and wife Deborah to George B. GUION of Craven a La Grange town lot conveyed to Deborah by John FIELDS - copy in file - map of lot. HARPER, Simpson - 1894 - Simpson HARPER age 91 in 1893 - lived with Blackledge and Puss HARPER who were married 18 Dec 1884 in Lenoir. Herring, Washington - 1892 - widow Charity R. married (2) H. R. MAXWELL - May Term - Hiers: Josephine, Kitty J., Lola A., Barney O., Charity J., Denny W. HERRING. HILL, John B. - 1901 - Jan Term 1901 - HILL, Mary A. - 1891 - May 1891 - minor children: Herbert L. & Alonzo HILL. HILL, E. H. - 1892 - 13 Feb. HILL, Thomas P. - 1897 - Oct. 1897 - probate of will 17 Sept 1897 - wife Sarah C. - sons: Thomas, Albert, Noah, Offie Bryant HILL & daughters Fannie D. HARTSFIELD wife of George L., Harriet E. (Hattie) wife of James S. BROWN, Susan wife of Franklin DAIL, granddaughter Annie L. DAIL, - will proved not to be valid. HILL, Thomas W. - 1883 - declared a lunatic in 1867 or 1868 died in Raleigh Insane Asylum 1881. HOOKER, T. E. - 1890 - died 15 Mar 1887. HOWARD, S. S. - 1911 - Pink Hill - three children: John S. HOWARD, Claracy E. HOWARD, and Sarah W. BOYETT wife of S. I. BOYETT - widow Sarah W. HOWARD. HUGHES, Samuel - 1922 - Confederate pensioner - d. May 1922 ISLER, James - 1913 - children: Thomas, Marshall, & Elijah ISLER, J. F. WILLIAMS and Rowena, Laura GRIFFIN & husband Wiley, Clarence, Susie May, & Coel ISLER - last 3 minors - 25 Jan 1913 petition. JACKSON, D. R. - 1893 - Nov Term 1893. JORDAN, C. M. - 1920 - Children: I. H., Annie, W. E., George L., and G. Ray - widow Sophie - 1 Dec 1920 court docuement. KENNEDY, E. J. - 1897 - Charles E. married 25 Nov 1873 Eliza Jane LOFTIN - chn: Hanson & Forrest - died 22 Oct 1886 - Eliza Jane LOFTIN married Charles E. KENNEDY kin of S. H. LOFTIN. KENNEDY, O. H. - 1886. KILPATRICK, James - 1885 - see John H. COWARD. KILPATRICK, John W. - 1900 - Sept Court 1900. KIRKMAN, John - 1879 - Amelia KIRKMAN admtrx - Court 7 Mar 1879. KOONCE, Senas - 1891 - chn: Chelly, Lula, Nannie, Isabella minors - colored - Nov 1891 Term. KOONCE, J. E. - 1922 - (KOONS on file) - died 27 June 1927 Confederate Vetern on pension roll Lenoir County KORNEGAY, J. M. - 1894. KORNEGAY, James M. -Feb 1891 - Sarah H. KORNEGAY admtrx. LASSITER, Jesse - 1879 - dec'd 1866 - Burial goods bill dated 13 Nov 1866 - Note 10 Oct 1866 for estate of Jesse LASSITER - Stephen LASSITER admtr - Stephen LASSITER died 1872 - chn: Stephen LASSITER and Lucy Jane JOYNER wife of Moses - Stephen LASSITER widow Lucy C. LASSITER and chn: Stephen & Jesse minors. LASSITER, Stephen - 1874 - died 1872. LASSITER, Stephen - 1881. LOFTIN, W. F. - 1883 - Josephine E. LOFTIN admtrx. LOFTIN, W. F. - 1886 - widow Josephine - son Wm. F. - land of B. L. & Ann B. BRYAN to W. F. LOFTIN for love and consideration - Ann B. BRYAN's dower in JACKSON Tract - Ann B. daughter of William GOODING - Lewis M. LOFTIN died 1855 husband of Ann B - Ann B. and B. L. BRYAN married March 1857 - W. F. LOFTIN son of Ann B. & Lewis M. LOFTIN - W. F. died 1882 - Durant JACKSON land. LOFTIN, William F. - 1883 - died Feb 1882. LOWERY, Wiley - 1898 - Apr 1897 earliest date. MC ARTHUR, Scott - 1898 - hiers: Wm. A., Charles MC ARTHUR, Fred FIELDS and wife Annie, G. L. MOORE & wife Martha, Henry C. MC ARTHUR, T. E. CUNNINGHAM & wife Mary, Martha J. MC ARTHUR admintrx. MC COTTER, Emaline - 1891 - died Dec 1887. MC DANIEL, James - 1877 - died Jones Co. - Harriet wife of Albert GORAM of Craven county - died Jul 1854- sons: William, Adonijah & Nathan MC DANIEL - Adonijah died 18__ - Harriet freed slave of James MC DANIEL - William died 1864. MANNING, Joshua - 1887 - died 1887. MERRITT, Mary C. - 1922 - widow of Confederate Vetern on pension rolls - died 8 Jan 1922. MONROE, H. A. - 1887 - dec'd by 5 July 1887. MOORE, W. C. - 1885 - admtrx Susan C. MOORE - Court 1 June 1885. MOSELEY, Matthew - 1830 - sons: Joshua & William D. W. O. MOSELEY - 1923 - hiers: Fanny D. widow, Fanny J., Launa MOSELEY, Dr. J. B. & wife Hattie MOSELEY PERSON, L. C., Herbert P., Ora V., Mary C., John W., E. T., H. E., L. C. MOSELEY, Joe MAY & wife Mary HODGES MAY, H. H. HODGES, T. L. HAYES & wife Lucy HODGES HAYES, Robert & Mable HODGES ETHERIDGE, Alex & wife Ethel HODGES MC DONALD, James M. HARPER, Will & wife Alice HARPER KILPATRICK, Wm. T. HARPER, K. H. & wife Alice MOSELEY WATSON, Wylie T. MOSELEY, R. F. & wife Ella MOSELEY HILL, T. V. MOSELEY, E. G. & wife Fanny MOSELEY BARRETT, Zeb V. MOSELEY, A. D. MOSELEY, Martha E. MOSELEY wife of Wylie T. MOSELEY dec'd, and George W. HODGES. MOSELEY, Wylie T. - 1923 - see W. O. MOSELEY. MOYE, W. B. - 1894. MURPHY, Nannie E. - 1882 - minor Fannie - Nannie died 1882- chn: Annie, J. L. & Fannie. ORMOND, William - 1877 - guardian in 1877 to B. F, J. H. ORMOND and Nannie E. SUMRELL - hier: Elizabeth F. IVES wife of John L. - E. P. SUMMERELL husband to Nannie - Elizabeth F. IVES nee DIXON under ORMOND as he was her guardian - ORMOND died 9 May 1872 - Elizabeth F. DIXON married John L. IVES on 6 Mar 1871. PARIS, Maria C. - 1926 - court date 10 Apr 1926 - Addie PARIS admitrx. PARKER, Thomas - 1896 - 22 May 1896 court date. PARKER, Lewis - 1904 - colored pauper - burial expenses paid by county on 5 Sept 1904. PARKS, John - 1891 - see W. H. WEST - died 1890. PARROTT, Elizabeth M. KORNEGAY - 1881 - court doc. 10 Jan 1881. PARROTT, J. M. - 1879 - M. A. PRIDGEN now HOLTON - wife E. E. PARROTT - died 187_. PERRY, D. E. - 1899 - Lillian N. PERRY admtrx - Marshal DAVIS hiers: Marshal, George, Emmett, Mary, John, & Hattie DAVIS - George in Fla. & Mary in W. Va. - D. E. PERRY died 3 Apr 1897. PHILLIPS, Fannnie - 1888 - chn: Zilphia & W. S. minors & Harlow PHILLIPS. PHILLIPS, George - 1898 - chn: R. L., Joseph, John Henry, George, Elias P. PHILLIPS & Mary P. wife of W. H. HODGES. PHILLIPS, William A. - 1888 - died 1885 - before 11 July PHILLIPS, W. F. - 1885 - court date 17 Nov 1885. PIPKIN, Winnifred - 1893 - lot 4 of Wyndal DAVIS, dec'd - A. T. of Wayne County son of Winnifred PIPKIN - Windal D. PIPKIN, Jesse and Willis PIPKIN are sons - POTTER, Christian - 1917 - widow of Jesse POTTER - Confederate Vetern - she on pension rolls - she died 30 Sept 1917 - burial expenses paid to Zach WILLIAMS. RHODES, Mary E. J. - 1922 - widow of Confederate Vetern on pension rolls - she died 1 Jan 1922 - J. S. ROCHELLE given burial expenses. ROUSE, Benjamin Sr. - 1880 - died 1877 - left no will - Benjamin ROUSE Jr. of Wayne County. ROUSE, Wiley - 1883 - estate listing given - hiers: Alonzo, Laura, & Myrtie C. ROUSE (md. T. E. ELMORE) - died 1 May 1883. SIMMONS, Simmon - 1896 - ment: J. D. SUTTON & wife M. N. vs. Simeon & Clyde W. SIMMONS. SKINNER, Joshua - 1891 - Felix SKINNER son - J. T. SKINNER uncle to Felix. SKINNER, Lillie - 1891 - see Joshua SKINNER - son Felix SKINNER, Nathan - 1921 - Confederate Vetern on pension roll died Dec 1921. SMITH, Job - 1891 - chn.: Thomas W., Isaiah, Leah, - 1/5 to Julia STROUD, 1/5 to Smith STROUD, Earnest STROUD, and Everitt STROUD - 1/5 to Leah SMITH and 2/5 to F. M. SMITH - Wm. G. & Zilpha STROUD chn: Smith, Earnest, & Everett she is dec'd - three daughters of Jobe SMITH are: Julia STROUD wife of Jonas A., Zilphia STROUD wife of Wm. G., and Leah SMITH wife of F. M. - sons Isiah, Thomas W. - wife Elizabeth. SPARROW, Isaac - 1888 - chn: Amanda HARPER & Alpha BEST minors. STROUD, Issac - 1928 - Jr. dec'd by 9 Oct 1928. SUGGS, E. T. - 1899 - Lula SUGGS minor heir - widow Eveline minor heir Winnie SUGG - heirs Edward T. & William SUGG. SUTTON, A. H. - 1877 - hiers: John F. & Martha BARWICK, Jerry SUTTON - A. H. = Alonza H. widow is Martha now BARWICK - chn.: Tobitha & Alonzo SUTTON - married 7 Aug 1871 SUTTONS - BARWICKS married 26 Aug 1877 - Jerry SUTTON father of A.H. - died 1875. SUTTON, Alonzo - 1893 - Tobitha SUTTON born 20 July 1872 - she hier to Alonzo her brother - they receiving their portion of their father's estate - mother Martha BARWICK. SUTTON, Alonzo H. - 1881 - Martha his wife married 2nd J. F. BARWICK - see A. H. above - Alonzo died 31 Oct 1875 SUTTON, B. F. - 1903 - Gladis SUTTON age 14 - Clifton SUTTON age 11 - and Jack SUTTON age 7 are heirs of B. F. SUTTON Jr. SUTTON, Cora E. - 1893. SUTTON, H. Fannie - 1895 - gdn. B. F. SUTTON, Jr. SUTTON, James O. - 1903 - minors: Homer G. & Carl N. SUTTON SUTTON, Thomas - 1895 - died 1894. SUTTON, William J. - 1859 - see Richard WARTERS. TAYLOR, Lemuel - 1928 - widow Susan S. - chn. A. N. TAYLOR, Sybil E. FIELDS, Mattie S. HARPER, Susie K. ROLLINS, J. G. TAYLOR, Lemuel TAYLOR Jr., Thelma O. GRAY, Everett G. TAYLOR - all over 21 - A. N. md. Mamie; R. B. FIELDS md. Sybil E.; W. T. HARPER md. Mattie; J. L. ROLLINS md. Susie; J. G. md. Ruth S.; H. T. GRAY md. Thelma. TILLMAN, Emma - 1925 - lost land to back taxes. TULL, Dr. Henry - 1927 - Myrtie admtrx. TYNDALL, Jesse - 1908 - chn. Julia, James, Kitty, Bessie, Florence, John & Plato TYNDALL. WALTERS, Haywood - 1895 - died 15 April 1888 - Sarah A. WALTERS admtrx - Nathaniel WALTERS deeded land to Haywood WALTERS - Jesse WALTERS deeded land to Haywood WALTERS - Benjamin ROUSE deeded land to Haywood WALTERS - J. W. ROUSE and wife Elizabeth J. deeded land to Haywood WALTERS - chn. John D., & David WALTERS, and Mary SUTTON wife of Alexander - David & wife Nancy (she dec'd) chn: Haywood Arnold & Wesley Marvin. WARTERS, Jesse - 1859 - see Richard WARTERS. WARTERS, Richard - 1877 - R. L. WOOTEN admtr. died 1881 - next of kin: Eliza HILL wife of Levi; Nancy CASEY wife of W. B.; Avey wife of Wiley DAWSON, George WARTERS; Emma wife of Jerry FIELDS, & Mollie wife of R. C. CROOM - W. B. CASEY = William - Richard WARTERS died 1857 - Hardy SUTTON died 1861 - Jerre WARTERS dec'd - J. S. CROOM dec'd - W. I. SUTTON Jr. declared bankrupt 1870's. WEST, W. H. - 1893. WHITFIELD, George F. - 1889 - minor heirs: Lula L. & J. E. B. WHITFIELD - J. E. B. born 14 Dec 1867. WHITFIELD, K. W. - no date - released from poll tax as deceased. WIGGINS, Caleb - 1861. WIGGINS, Arden - 1887 - minor Mary E. W. WIGGINS - died 1 December 1879 - W. C. WIGGINS who left minor daughter Mary E. W. WIGGINS - Arden died 1 March 1885 - Mary Eugenia Winifred WIGGINS. WIGGINS, Caleb - 1878 - hiers at law: Arden, Cicero, R. M., & John C. WIGGINS, Susan TURNAGE, Fred JONES & wife Nancy, Jesse HEATH and wife Vicy, James SKINNER and wife Louisa - died 1860 - sons: Arden and Benjamin F. - Called Court: Jacob LANGSTON, Lewis LANGSTON, Mathew WIGGINS, Charles WIGGINS, Mary WIGGINS, Julia EDWARDS, Martha CRAFT, & Lucetta STRICKLIN - coffin made for Caleb on 12 Jan 1862 - widow died Sept 1874 - SKINNER married granddaughter of Caleb - Caleb died 11 Jan 1861 - Charles WIGGINS former slave of Caleb - Mary WIGGINS former slave of Caleb - Judy WIGGINS former slave - Ben F. WIGGINS married August 1861 - Nancy JONES daughter of Caleb - Susan TURNAGE daughter of Caleb married John TURNAGE - R. M. WIGGINS grandson - Mathew WIGGINS former slave - Vicey HEATH daughter of Caleb. WIGGINS, W. C. - 1879 - died 1 Dec 1879 - daughter Mary E. W. Wiggins. WIGGINS, W. C. - 1887. WILLIAMS, Joseph - 1890 - chn. Hattie age 18 & Lula age 16 WILLIAMS, Harper - 1896 - James F. SMITH dec'd by Nov 1898 James L. SMITH and wife Emma sold land to Harper WILLIAMS. WOOD, Elizabeth - 1897 - died 18 Apr 1894 in Greene County heirs: J. M. WOOD, Ava A. HARPER, Laurah W. SWAIM, Bettie A. BEAMAN, Berta CANDELL, Beulah HUGHS, Claud, Thomas H., May, Alma J., & D. W. WOOD. WOOTEN, C. D. - 1899 - heirs: C. D., Marcellus, Eloise, Catheline WOOTEN - chn. Marcellus, Katheline, & Eloise - Caroline D. WOOTEN daughter of Charles & Nancy C. DUFFY of Onslow County - Marcellus WOOTEN died Dec 1899 left widow Zuleme and chn: Marcellus & Carry D. WOOTEN - R. W. WOOTEN father of Marcellus, Katheline, and Eloise and widower of C. D. WOOTEN. WOOTEN, J. C. - 1894 - John C. & wife Emeline M. WOOTEN dec'd - Elizabeth B. DAVES died 9 May 1885 in Craven County - chn. & gchn are R. W., & M. H. WOOTEN, Hanson & Forres KENNEDY. WOOTEN, John C. - 1893 - as above (J. C.). WOOTEN, R. L. - 1885 - widow Julia A. WOOTEN -chn: Earnest, John L., Frank N., & Julia N. WOOTEN Jr. WOOTEN, William T. - 1875 - Myrtie WOOTEN minor heir - mentioned in suit against J. S. WOOTEN guardian of Myrtie are: J. C. WOOTEN, N. B. WHITFIELD, J. M. WOOTEN, J. C. KENNEDY, M. H. WOOTEN, & Richard W. WOOTEN - widow Mrs. Eliabeth - settlement 1874 - two dec'd daughters in 1874 - Myrtie daughter - Mary L. WOOTEN one dec'd daughter - other Leaura WOOTEN - both dec'd by 22 June 1875. WOOTEN, William O. - 1938 - heirs: T.J. ASHFORD, Estelle W. ASHFORD, J. A. STREET, Maud W. STREET, J. S. WOOTEN, Mamie WOOTEN, Josie WOOTEN, & Mable WOOTEN. Wills in The Estate Files BROWN, William - wife Argent - son Hardy BROWN - daughter Elizabeth - daughter Penny - five youngest chn.: John, Zachariah, Hardy, Penny & Elizabeth - sons: Henry and Frederick - daughter Mary CLARK in Kentucky - daughter Winnifred wife of W. H. HEATH - daughter Susan wife of Amos STROUD - daughter Cathorine wife of John B. HOWARD - daughter Sarah wife of Job STROUD - ww 12 Feb 1846 - wit. John WILLIAMS & Alexander S. ROUSE. DUNN, Eliza J. - 1886 - Eliza Jane DUNN - son S. H. G. ABBOTT - daughter Eliza Elizabeth Jane DUNN - ww 23 Sept 1886 - wit: W. J. POPE & Lewis KILPATRICK - wp 16 Nov 1886. DAVIS, Anthony - 1894 - wife Rachel A. DAVIS - leaves all for Common Free School Funds of Lenoir County - ww 4 Sept 1882 - wit: A. J.LOFTIN & William HUNTER - 3 Oct 1882 he revoked his will in Onslow Court - wife dec'd by Oct 1889 - codicil dated 14 Oct 1889 - leaves money to maintian his family cemetery - Miss Mary E. ROGERS his housekeeper to get life estate in his moneys and land - wit: A. J. LOFTIN & M. A. GRAY. WHITFIELD, Lewis - 1848 - Patsy WHITFIELD dec'd by 1 Apr 1840 - exec. Bythan BRYAN - will of Lewis as follows: counties of Lenoir & Carteret - daughter Rachel WRIGHT daughter Janet MOSELEY - son-in-law Snoad B. CARRAWAY - daughter Harriet CARRAWAY - William W. CARRAWAY son of Snoad & Harriet CARRAWAY - Mary Jane daughter of Snoad B. & Harriet CARRAWAY - daughter Julia BECK - grandson George William WHITFIELD's children - five grandsons sons of Allen WHITFIELD: Lewis Jr., Allen Jr., William B., Nathan B., & James B. WHITFIELD (father is dec'd) - daughters of Allen WHITFIELD dec'd are: Tabitha WOOTEN and Mary Jane WHITFIELD grand- daughter Sarah Mason Lee WILLIAMS daughter of Harriet CARRAWAY - grandson Hazard son of Lewis S. WHITFIELD Dec'd - sons of Lewis S. Whitfield dec'd are Cicero, Lewis, & Franklin WHITFIELD as well as Hazard - Miss Luticia CRAFT - ww 6 Mar 1848 - wit: S. SCOTT, Levi MEWBORN, Curtis PHILLIPS, John P. MEWBORN - wp 5 Dec 1851. WILLIAMS, W. H. Sr. - 1889 - Duplin County - nephew E. P. WILLIAMS - children of deceased brother Joseph WILLIAMS: E. P., Carrie, Ida, Hattie, & Lula - 538 acres in Lenoir County - sister Mrs. H. C. FAISON - nephew Dr. W. W. FAISON - sister Mrs. M. E. LEE - ww 24 Nov 1885 - wit: Jno. D. SPIER, Jas. SPIER, John SPIER - wp 16 Oct 1889.