Will of John Parrott County of Dobbs, NC April 5, 1791

        State of  North Carolina

                By the Instance of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions for the County of Dobbs.

                It being certified to us that John Parrott late of Dobbs
County, is dead and hath made his last will and testament in writing, a
true copy whereof is hereto annexed, which will, having been duly proved
before us and Jacob and Benjamin Parrott, the Executors therein named,
having  taken the oath of an executor according  to law.

                These are therefore to empower the said Jacob, John, and
Benjamin Parrott to enter into and upon all and singular the goods and
chattels, rights and credits of the deceased and the same into his
possession take, wheresoever in this state to be found, and an inventory
to return according to law and all the just debts of the deceased to pay
and the residue distributed agreeable to the said deceased will.

                WITNESS:  Winston Caswell, Clerk of the Court at
Kinston, the 5th day of April, A. D. 1791.

Caswell, Clerk

                In the name of God, Amen.  I, John Parrott, senior, of
Dobbs County, in the State of North Carolina, planter, being very sick
and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory, calling to mind the
mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed unto all men once to
die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament.  That is to say
principally and first of all, I give and surrender my soul to God, who
gave it and my body to the dust, and as touching such worldly estate
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise,
and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

        IMPRIMIS.     I give and bequeath unto my son, Jacob Parrott,
one plantation tract or parcel of land containing three hundred and
fifty-five acres (more or less) including the improvements where he
lived.  Beginning at the south of the Great Branch and running up the
meanders of the same to Red Oak Rollins' corner in Harberts' line,
thence with Harberts' line S. 30 E. 50 poles to a pine, Harberts'
corner, then south ten degrees, east to the back line of Spencer
Catowells patent, then north fifty-three degrees, east running the
course of Catowells patent line to his second corner, then north eighty
poles to a white oak in Carruthers line near the main road, then with
road to Loosing Swamp and up with meanders of the same to the beginning
to him and his heirs forever.

        ITEM.      I give and bequeath to my son, John Parrott, one
plantation tract or parcel of land including the improvements where he
lives.  Beginning at the run of the Great Branch where McClendons line
cross at a Sassafras and running north fifty degrees, west running the
course of McCLendons line to a Hickory, Harberts Corner, thence south
eighty-five degrees west along Harberts line to McClendon's third
corner, then south forty-five degrees east being the given line of a
patent bearing date October 13, 1783, to Joshua Williams' line, and with
said Williams line to Jacob Parrott's line and with his line to the
beginning,, to him and his heirs forever.

        ITEM.     I lend to my beloved wife during her natural life or
widowhood the plantation where
        I now live, including the house, orchard, and that part of my
cleared land that is below the branch in my plantation with all the
lower part of the land belonging to said plantation.

        ITEM.     I give and bequeath unto my son, Benjamin Parrott, the
land and plantation whereon I now live.  Beginning at the mouth of Great
Branch and running up the meanders of the same to a Sassafras, his
brother John's corner with this line to McClendons line and with
McClendons line south 30 degrees west to the present dividing line
between me and Mills  Hutchings, thence along said line north thirty
degrees east to the Loosing Swamp, and down the Meanders of the same to
the beginning, as also Horse, saddle, and bridle (already called his)
one feather bed and furniture, two ewes and one lamb, one cow and calf
and heifer, to him and his heirs forever.

        ITEM.     I give and bequeath to my son, Joshua Parrott, eighty
pounds good and lawful money to be raised and levied out of my estate
and paid to the said Joshua by my executors, as also one feather bed and
furniture to him and his heirs forever.

        ITEM.    I give my negroes, Volentine and Phillis to labour on
my plantation one year in order to raise the above mentioned sum of

        ITEM.     I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Amy Parrott, my
negro man Volentine as also thirteen head of cattle, already called
hers, one feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever.

        ITEM:  I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Selah Parrott, my
negro woman, Phillis, and her increase, five head of cattle, already
called hers, one feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever,
as also one mare.

        ITEM.     I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Elizabeth
Parrott, my negro boy, Frank.

        ITEM.     I leave my cattle to be equally divided among my
beloved wife and children, viz:  Joshua, Simon, and Elizabeth, and my
sheep between my wife and children as follows, viz:  Joshua, Simon, Amy,
Selah, and Elizabeth.  My pewter I give to be equally divided between my
wife and my three daughters, viz:  Amy, Selah, and Elizabeth.  After my
lawful debts are paid, I give and bequeath unto my son, Simon,
twenty-five pounds to be raised out of my estate and the residue of my
estate I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth, and lastly I
make, ordain, constitute, and appoint my three sons, Jacob, John, and
Benjamin Parrott executors of this my last will and testament, ratifying
and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.  in
writing whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2nd day of
February 1791.

John Parrott

        Signed, sealed, etc, in
        the presence of us.
        Baker, Simon House,
        Willis Witherington,


                Then was the written will duly proved by Simon House and
at the same time the executors, therein named appeared and qualified as
such. Order of the Clerk upon letters Testamentary accordingly.

W.  Caswell, Clerk

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