NC, Lenoir, Will, Edwin Taylor 1874/1876
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Copyright  2000 by Martha Marble. This copy contributed
for use in the USGenWeb Archives. by Martha Marble

Original at the Lenoir County Courthouse, Will Book A, p 118
Transcribed by Martha Mewborn Marble

September 5th, 1874

In the name of God, Amen.
I, EDWIN TAYLOR, Senr of the County of Lenoir and State of North 
Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty 
of Earthly Existence do make this and publish this my last will and 
testament in manner and for me following that is to say,
First that my Executor hereinafter named sall provide for my body a 
decent buriel suitable to the wishes of my relation and friends pay all 
funeral expenses together with my just debts howsoever and to whomsoever 
owing out of the moneys that may first come into his hands as a part of 
parcel of my estate
Second I give and bequeath to my Eldest Daughter CATHERINE WHALEY fifty 
dollars in money to her and her heirs in fee simple forever to have and 
to holde
Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN TAYLORS lawful children a 
certain piece or parcel of land being and lying in the County of Lenoir 
and on the north side of the Southwest Creeke and East side of the 
Grate horse branch to them to have and to hold to them and their heires in 
fee simple forever
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my sone EDWIN TAYLOR, Junr a certain 
piece or parcel of land on the west side of the Grate Horse branch and 
North side of the saide Southwest Creeke adjoining ZECHARIAH DAVISES 
lands. Beginning at the mouth of the Great Horse Branch containing 149 3/4 
Acres more or less to him and his heires to have and to holde in fee 
simple for Ever
Fifthly I give and bequeath unto my sone JAMES TAYLOR a certain piece 
or parcel of land being and lying on the South side of the Southwest 
Creeke and east side of Gum Branch Adjoining NATHAN HILLS lands and being 
the place he now lives. Beginning at the mouth of a ditch at the 
Southwest Creek and runs up said ditch S 3 wt 34 po to crook of Ditch. Then 
up said ditch So 72 wt 56 po to head of ditch to a cross fence thence 
along the cross fence S. 53 wt 17 poles then along the lane So 40 Et 22 
poles to end of lane then So 40 Et 46 poles to a stake in the path then 
So 20 wt 85 poles to a pine in the head of Gum branch then down the Gum 
branch to the Southwest Creeke and down the Southwest to the beginning 
Containing 88 acres more or less to have and to hold his live Time and 
at his death to his sone WINDOL TAYLOR and daughter PERSY SUSAN HILL to 
them and their heires in fee simple forever.
Sixly I give and bequeath unto my youngest Daughter SUPHRONA SMITH a 
certain piece or parcel of land adjoining the above named Eighty Eight 
Acre track and on the westside of the Great Swamp and on the south side 
of the South west Creeke Beginning at a Hickory on the side of the Great 
Swamp and runs So 63 wt 150 po to a pine then So. 26 wt 35 po to a 
stake in the path then no 40 wt 46 poles to the end of the lane then along 
the land No 56 Ex 17 poles then No 30 wt 4 poles to Cross fence then 
along cross fence No 53 Et 52 pol to head of a ditch then along the ditch 
No 72 Et 56 po to crook of ditch then along the ditch No 3 Et 34 poles 
to the Southwest Creeke then down the Southwest Creeke to the mouth of 
the Great Swamp then up the Greate Swamp to the Beginning Containing 73 
acres more or less to her her life known as the plase that she was 
borned on Raised and now live and if she dies leaving no lawful children to 
be divided between her Brothers and sisters children equally to !
shear and shere alike each and every of them
Lastly my will and desire is that the residue of my property (if any) 
after taking out the divises and legacies above mentioned shall be solde 
and the debts owing to me collected if any and should be any surplus 
ove and above the payments of debts expenses and legacies that such 
surplus shall be equally divided and paide over to all my children in equal 
proportion shear and shear alike to each and every of them there 
Executors administrators and assigns absolutely forever and lastly I do 
hereby constitute and appoint my Trusty sone EDWIN TAYLOR Junr my lawful 
Executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and 
testament according to the intents and meaning of same and every parte and 
clause thereof hereby revoking declaring utterly voide all other wills 
and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I the saide 
EDWIN TAYLOR Senior do hereunto set my hand and seale this 5th day of 
September, A. D. 1874 signed sealed published and declared by the said!
e EDWIN TAYLOR, senr to be his last will and testament in the presence 
of us who at his Request and in his preasants do subscribe our names as 


Recorded in the office of the Superior Court Clerk and Probate Judge of 
Lenoir County in Kinston, NC the 25th day of September 1876
WM W. N. HUNTER, Clerk & Judge

Lenoir County - In the Probate Court Before Wm. W. N. HUNTER
In the matter of the will of Judge of Probate
EDWIN TAYLOR, JR being sworn , doth say:
That EDWIN TAYLOR, late of said County, is dead having first made and 
published his last will and testament and that EDWIN TAYLOR, Jun is the 
executor named therein. Further, that the property of the said EDWIN 
TAYLOR, consisting of money, land and some household furniture is worth 
about $1200.00 so are as can be ascertained at the date of this 
application; and that CATHERINE WHALEY, JOHN TAYLOR'S lawful children, 
entitled under said will to the said property.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of September 1876
Probate Judge

State of North Carolina, Lenoir County
In the Probate Court
A Paper purporting to be the last will and testament of EDWIN TAYLOR, 
deceased, is exhibited before me, the undersigned, Judge of Probate for 
said county by EDWIN TAYLOR, Jun, the executor therein named, and the 
due execution thereof by the said EDWIN TAYLOR is proved by the oath and 
examination of JAMES DAVIS and WM ELMORE, the subscribing witness 
thereto; who being duly sworn, doth depose and say, and each for himself 
deposeth and saith, that he is a subscribing witness to the paper writing 
now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of EDWIN 
TAYLOR; that the said EDWIN TAYLOR, in the presence of this deponent 
subscribed his name at the end of said paper writing, which is now shown 
him as aforesaid, and which bears date of the 5th day of Sept. 1874.
And the deponent further saith, That the said EDWIN TAYLOR, the 
testator aforesaid, did at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid 
declare the said paper writing so subscribed by him, and exhibited, to be 
his last will and testament, and this deponent did thereunpon subscribe 
his name at the end of said will, as an attesting witness thereto, and 
at the request and in the presence of the said testator. And this 
deponent further saith that t the said time when the said testator 
subscribing his name to the last will as aforesaid, and at the time of the 
deponents subscribing his names as an attesting witness thereto, as 
aforesaid, the said EDWIN TAYLOR was of sound mind and memory, of full age to 
execute a will and was not under any restraint, to the knowledge, 
information or belief of this deponent. And further these deponents say not.

Lenoir County Probate Court Sept 25, 1876
On reading and considering the application of EDWIN TAYLOR, Jun to 
admit a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of EDWIN 
TAYLOR, Sr., dec'd, to probate, and to be qualified as Executor thereof 
according to the appointment thereby made, and having examined on oath 
JAMES DAVIS and WM. ELMORE, the two subscribing witnesses thereto, as 
to the execution thereof.
It is adjudged that the said paper writing and every part thereof, is 
the last will and testament of the said EDWIN TAYLOR, Sr, deceased, and 
the same as such is ordered to be recorded and filed; and thereupon the 
said EDWIN TAYLOR, Jun, the Executor as aforesaid, and takes and 
subscribed the following oath:
State of North Carolina, Lenoir County
I, EDWIN TAYLOR, Jr., do solemnly swear that I believe this writing to 
be and contain the last will and testament of EDWIN TAYLOR, Sr., 
deceased, and that I will well and truly execute to the same by first paying 
his debts and then his legacies, as far as the said estate shall extend 
or the Law will charge me and that I will well and faithfully execute 
the office of an Executor, agreeable to the trust and confidence reposed 
in me, and according to law, so help me God.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 25th day of September 1876
WM. W. N. HUNTER, Probate Judge