Lenoir County NcArchives Wills.....Estate, Cora Grimsley Sutton 1891 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Martha M. Marble 58marble@suddenlink.net January 14, 2008, 10:34 pm Source: Nc Archives Written: 1891 CORA E. GRIMSLEY SUTTON ESTATE Lenoir Estates 1830, 1848, 1850, 1862 - 1956 North Carolina Archives & History CR 059.508.77 Abstracted by Martha Mewborn Marble Cora Elizabeth Grimsley Sutton - b 22 May 1851 d 5 Sept. 1891 - daughter of John William Pope Grimsley and his wife Susan Elizabeth Dixon - widow of Levi Mewborn Sutton who died 22 March 1891. Levi and Cora were in possession of 922 acres that comprised much of Richard Caswell's Red Hill and Newington Plantations in 1885. Her death date on my database is from the cemetery records. Cora died intestate on 15 Oct. 1891 and E. P. Loftin is entitled to be Administrator In Superior Court - 15 Oct 1891 - estate valued at $300 consisting of household and kitchen furniture and one cow - Ruth, Bessie Irene, Frederick Isler, Phoebe and Levi Mewborn Sutton, all minors, have been given a guardian and reside in Lenoir Co. Signed E. P. Loftin END OF DOCUMENT Inventory Real estate - 1 house and lot in the town of Kinston valued at $1,650 Personal Property of 1 carpet, rug and matting 1 set of parlor chairs, sofa & what not 1 pair of hanging lamps 2 chairs 1 set of bed room furniture 1 dining table 1 safe 1 sewing machine 1 set dining room chairs 4 beds & steads, clothing & furniture 2 sets of andirons knives & forks, crockery & table ware 5 lamps 1 large lamp 1 doz fruit jars & contents 1 wash stand 1 oil can 1 half bushel measure 1 clothes basket kitchen furniture, stove & c 1 pot (iron) 3 wash tubs 2 water buckets 1 bureau 2 tables 1 trunk 1 lounge 1 cott 9 chairs 1 cradle 2 sets of window shades 1 piano forte & stool other small things amount of real and personal estate - $2016.70 signed E. P. Loftin, Administrator Recorded in Record of Account "B", p 442, E. W. Bizzell, C. S. C. END OF DOCUMENT E. P. Loftin, Adm. petitioned the Court to sell the personal property as it would best serve the distributees and creditors - it would also make setting the estate easier and quicker - Court gave permission to do so END OF DOCUMENT There is a bill from Dr. Jno. A. Pollock for services rendered to sd Cora in Aug. & Sept - total owed was $60.50 END OF DOCUMENT There is a receipt - received 4 July 1892 of E. P. Loftin, Adm of Cora E. Sutton for $14.50 - payment in full of rent due Jno. T. Walsh, to date from the house and lot known as The Walsh Place on King Street - sd Cora E. Sutton having been guardian of sd. Jno. T. Walsh Signed A. G. Bogue and wife, Ella B. Bogue assignee of Jno. T. Walsh - by their attorney N. J. Rouse END OF DOCUMENT Receipt - received of E. P. Loftin, Adm of Cora E. Sutton dec - $80.07 - as part payment of judgments obtained against the sd E. P. Loftin at Spring Term 1893 Superior Court Signed S. H. Loftin and dated 26 Aug. 1893 END OF DOCUMENT Summons for Relief - Superior Court - S. H. Loftin vs E. P. Loftin Adm - sd E. P. to appear at the Courthouse on 9th Monday after the 1st Mon of March 1893 to answer the complaint - 27 April 1893 END OF DOCUMENT Mortgage Deed - 1 Oct. 1889 - L. M. Sutton and Cora E. his wife to S. H. Loftin - $1,000 - lot in Kinston - WS of Queen Street at W. F. Moore's corner and runs S to J. R. Phillips corner, then W to Locust Alley then back to Queen Street - also 4 shares or 4/6 being the same bought of D. T. ?? Walsh and wife Logan W., Geo. Dodson and wife and Ella B. Walsh, heirs of the late Elizabeth J. Walsh, dec - bounded on the W by T. J. Meacham, on the E by R. H. Lewis, on the S by Queen Street, on the W by Jno. Collins Mortgage was paid in full END OF DOCUMENT Petition to sell land for assets - E. P. Loftin, Adm, vs S. H. Loftin, guardian of Ruth, Bessie, Phoebe, Fred. I., and Levi M. Sutton Cora died 1 Oct 1891 leaving her survivors and heirs her children - Ruth, Bessie, Phoebe, Fred. I. And Levi M. Sutton (minors) living in the town of Kinston with their guardian, S. H. Loftin - the debts of the estate are $1750 and the costs of Administration is $300 - the personal estate is worth $212.28 not enough to pay the debts - at her death she owned a house and lot in Kinston on the SE corner of McIlwean and Gordon plus 3/5 interest in a house and lot on the WS of King Street between Independence and East Street known as the Walsh house and lot In order to pay the debt the rest estate must be sold Signed E. P. Loftin - 30 July 1893 END OF DOCUMENT Answer of the Guardian, S. H. Loftin He has enough money in hand to pay all the debts and does not think the real estate would bring it's full value at this time - NOTE: appears to be a missing page and the actual petition is not attached END OF DOCUMENT Affidavit - this is not a good time to sell and the children will be better served for the guardian to pay the debts - the undersigned is related to the children - states the real estate will increase in value as the town grows older Signed Geo. A. Grimsley - 3 Aug. 1893 END OF DOCUMENT Affidavit - say the same as Grimsley Signed D. E. Perry - 3 Aug. 1893 END OF DOCUMENT' Court found in favor of the guardian - real estate not to be sold END OF DOCUMENT Another complaint - S. H. Loftin vs E. P. Loftin, Adm - sd Cora at her dec owned S. H. Loftin $471.60 - signed ___ May 1893 END OF DOCUMENT There is an accounting of bill pd by E. P. Loftin Adm totaling $212.28 END OF DOCUMENT The final accounting of the estate was ____ Aug 1893 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ncfiles/ File size: 6.0 Kb