LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILL - William Aldridge, 1870.

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Copy of original Will found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community
College, Kinston, North Carolina - Vertical File #01365-10

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              Will of William Aldridge of Lenoir Co. NC
              Dated 31 July 1868 Probate 15 October 1870

My executor to pay all debts

To my son Thomas M. Aldridge a tract of land on south side of my 
plantation, beginning at a stake on Falling Creek and Robert Dailey 
corner and my own and running with Daileys line south to Public Road 
then west on said road and north and west to the Moseley Hall Road and 
with said road east to Falling Creek Bridge and down Falling Creek to 
beginning, 96 acres. Also land on north side of Mosely Hall Road 
beginning at the Bridge of Falling Creek running with Mosley Hall Road 
south to the Public Road and running with said road and Josiah W. 
Alridges line north to the crop fence and north to run of Falling Creek, 
down the creek to beginning, 46 1/2 acres.

The said last combined tracts of land to be valued by a committee 
consisting of Jas. Hines, Robert Dailey, and Thomas H. Dawson, equally 
divided to the lawful children of my son James if they are living at the 
time of execution of will.

To son Thomas one set of blacksmith tools and one loom and harness

To son Josiah W. Aldridge beginning at the mouth of a ditch at the run 
of Falling Creek known as the upper ditch of Locus Tree cut and south 
and west to Josiah's line, with his line south to Public Road and 
running with the said road north and west to a ditch and with the ditch 
north and east to a stake, then south and east to a stake, north and 
east to a ditch then west to upper ditch and down ditch north and east 
to run of Falling Creek to beginning, 32 1/2 acres.

To my son John a tract of land 132 acres beginning at the upper ditch of 
a cut known as Jesse's Cut on run of Falling Creek and up said ditch 
then south and west to a stake, then south and east to a ditch and 
running with said ditch west to Public Road and turning with said road 
north to a stake and north and east to a stake then north and west to 
Thomas Dawson line and running with his line north and east to run of 
Falling Creek and down said creek to beginning side adjoining Josiah. 
Thirty two acres of this to be valued by above mentioned Committee at 
$100.00 to be paid to lawful children of son James, provided they are 

And to son John one sideboard and one large pot which he now possess.

I give to daughter in law Nancy Aldridge, widow of my son William, life 
estate in 70 acres beginning at a path at Thomas Dawson's corner and 
running with the path south to a stake, then north and west near Thomas 
Dawson's line and with his line to beginning. and another tract of 16 
1/2 acres beginning at the mouth of a ditch on run of Falling Creek and 
up the ditch south and east then north and west to a stake, then north 
to run of Falling Creek and down said creek to beginning. At her death 
to her son William J. Aldridge.

All livestock, furniture, all kinds of property to be sold and divided 
among the 3 youngest children of my son William and appoint sons Thomas 
M. and John H. Aldridge Executors.

Signed William Aldridge 31 July 1868

Witness: John T. Daley and Robert E. Daley

Sworn in Probate Court above witnesses saw William Aldridge sign his 
last will and testament.

Lenoir County, NC
Thomas M. Aldridge and John H. Aldridge apply for Probate of will of 
William Aldridge late of Lenoir who died September 26, 1870 and leaves 
LW&T. Williams estate consist of about 350 acres of land worth $1600.00 
and personal property all worth about $250.00.

Those entitled to property are: Thomas M. Aldridge, Josiah H, Aldridge 
and Nancy Aldridge all of Lenoir Co. NC and Jesse B. Aldridge of 
Thomasville, GA and William J. Aldridge Greene Co. NC. William W. and 
John H. Aldridge, minor children of James G. Aldridge, deceased, 
residing in Lamar Co., Tx and without guardian. Tabitha Aldridge , 
Alexander and Jesse Aldridge, the last two minors without guardian 
residing in Lenoir Co. NC.
Sworn before R. F. Green P.J. 15 October 1870.