Lenoir County NcArchives Court.....E. S. Broadway, W.B. Ferrell & Wife Et Al., Vs. 1883
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Source: Clerk Of Court-probate Records Lenoir Co., Nc
Written: 1883

Superior Court
Spring Term 1883
W.B. FERRELL & wife et al., vs. E. S. BROADWAY
Estate of Jesse W. BROADWAY- Deposition of Council HOOTEN
15 Nov. 1883

Council HOOTEN being sworn says that he lives in less than one half mile of 
where Jesse W. BROADWAY, Dec'd & Elizabeth OXLY, Dec'd. lived and died-his 
lands adjoins the lands of the said Jesse W. BROADWAY dec'd- he has lived 
within that distance of where they lived together for 15 or 16 years and up 
to their death - he knew the said BROADWAY & OXLY well - has visited their 
house, he is 66 years of age next February and is a man of family - owns 130 
acres of land in Lenoir County.
This affiant further says that the general report in the neighborhood where 
the said Jesse W. BROADWAY & Elizabeth OXLY lived was at the time they began 
to live together that they lived in fornication & adultery and this general 
report continued up to the time of the death of the said Elizabeth OXLY. 
This affiant further says that the general report was that they were 
indicted several times for living together - he heard a report from two or 
three persons about the time said BROADWAY joined the church that they were 
married - but the general report still continued that they were not - never 
heard any one say that they saw them married - that the said BROADWAY & OXLY 
began to live together in fornication & adultery soon after the death of the 
defendants mother, wife of said BROADWAY - he further says that Elizabeth 
OXLY is first cousin of his wife. This affiant further says that he knows 
this land well and have known it for 50 years - was raised near it and have 
been on it very frequently - sees it when home every day of his life - stays 
very close at home and attends to his business - he says further that owing 
to the claim the VAUSE hires and one Mrs. DICKINSON were making to this land 
at the time the defendant purchased under mortgage for $725.68 he paid about 
its value.
He further says that the defendant has considerably improved this land since 
he has had it in charge - it is worth a good deal more now than it was when 
he took charge of it - it has been improved by ditching clearing, manuring, 
building houses & c? but he defendant.
He further says he has known the defendant since childhood and know him to 
be prudent in business and careful - he is not wasteful but is close in 
business transactions.
He further says that if the rents of the land were to go into his deft's 
hand they would be taken care of.
He further says that the defendant's property taking care of this land & 
improving, and in fact is doing much more for it than his father did.
This affiant further says that he knows the general character of of J. G. 
PRICE - that is very good - knows that general character of Mrs. Tearsay 
PATE- it is good - knows the general character of Ann BUDD - it is good for 
truth - has never heard anything against the character of David CRAFT.

Signed: Council (his X mark) HOOTEN

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th Nov. 1883

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