LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILL - Jones Family Cemetary.

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Copy of original Will found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community 
College, Kinston, North Carolina - Vertical File #02877-16

We thank the staff at LCC for their permission to copy selected 
documents from their files to place on the internet. It is requested 
that researchers give appropriate credit when using these documents. 
Permission to combine said documents together in printed form is not 

Abstracted by Rose Parks

               Lenoir County, NC Will of Argent Brown
           Dated 12 January 1867, Probate 12 January 1871

I give and devise to my grandson William Davenport, $10.00.
I give and devise to my grandson Richard Brown, $10.00.
I give and devise to my daughter Penny Williams my Bed and necessary 

I give my son Bryan Davenport one chest, blankets and all residue of my 
bedclothes not necessary, one two beds 

It is my desire that all my debts be paid and any residue of my estate 
be divided  between Penny Williams and Bryan Davenport.

Constitute and appoint my trusty friend  Calvin Herring
(at least some is apparently missing here)

Application for Probate of Will, Bryan Davenport, Executor.
David Williams and Bryan Davenport shows that Argent Brown died 1 
September 1870 leaving LW&T. Estate consist of 5 bushels? (bbls) of 
corn, 400 pounds seed cotton, ten barrels (bbls) of Turpentine and about 
Entitled to the testatrix property as follows:
William Davenport, Penny Williams, ____R. Brown and Bryan Davenport all 
of Lenoir Co., NC.

Calvin Herring has renounced his executorship.
Sworn and subscribed before me                                                 
12 January 1871                                                                            
David Williams 
R.F. Green P.J.                                                                               
Bryan Davenport

Lenoir Probate Court, paper purporting to be LW&T of Argent Brown and 
exhibited before me by David Williams and Bryan Davenport after 
renunciation of Calvin Herring the Executor herein named and due 
execution by said Argent Brown by oath and examination of James Herring 
and John L. Williams the subscribing witnesses, being sworn says they 
are witness to paper shown as LW&T by Argent Brown and signed her name 
and bears date 12 January 1867.

[Note: Last few lines missing, no signature of Judge. I believe whoever 
copied for LCC just missed a line or two. --rp]