Wayne County, NC - Will of William Ferrel

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Hunter Ferrell <hferrill@couriernet.infi.net>

Recorded December 30, 1823

Probated August Term 1837

In the Name of God amen I William Ferrel of the county of Wayne and state 
of North Carolina Being of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks Be to 
God for the same do the 30 day of December in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and twenty three Make and publish this my last will 
and testament in manner and form following in

Item 1st - I gave to my Beloved wife Delila Ferrel one Feather Bed and 

Item 2nd  I gave to my four daughters Namely Polly Rebeckah Nancy & 
Elisabeth Ferrel - one feather Bead and furnature Each

Item 3rd  I then gave the remainder part of My Estate to my Beloved wife 
Delila Ferrel during of her natural Life and after the death My sd wife 
all of my property to be sold an Equally Devided Between My four Daughters 
above named

4thly and lastly I do constitute and appoint my sd wife Delila Ferrel and 
my son Henry Ferrel as Executors to this my Last will and testament in 
Witness whereof I have hereunto sit my hand and did (?) the day and year 
above writen.                                                             

                                William Ferrel  Seal

Ichabod Pearson
Joseph Landers (Sanders?)

(Copied from the original in the North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, 


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