WILL OF WILLIAM TULL Posted by Martha Mewborn Marble <mmarble@erols.com> on Sun, 10 Sep 2000 NC, Lenoir, Will, WILL OF WILLIAM TULL ====================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by Martha Marble, December 2000. ====================================================== WILL OF WILLIAM TULL From the Tull List and records of Roy Juch who keeps the Tull database. It is not known where the original or copy of the original is at this time. In the name of God Amen I William Tull Sen. of the State of North Carolina & County of Lenoir being of sound & disposing mind & memory do this 10 day of August 1819 make publish & declare this my last will & Testament in manner & form following (Viz) Item My Will & desire is that all my just debts be paid Item I lend to my loving wife Susanna Tull the land and plantation where on I now live & which I hereafter give to my son Lemuel Tull during her natural life or Widowhood with exception that she allow my son Lemuel Tull to have the lower part of said plantation at his arriving to lawfull age or marriage. I also lend to my said wife during her natural life or widowhood four negroes named Frank, Noel, Simon & Grace & her increase and the half of one cross cut saw, one currying Knife, & one Fan which belongs between myself and my brother John Tull. Item I give & bequeath to my son William Tull one horse saddle & bridle, one bed & furniture, one negro boy named London to him his heirs and afsigns forever Item I give & bequeath to my son James Tull one negro boy named Gabriel, one horse saddle & bridle, one bed & furniture to him his heirs & afsigns forever Item I give & bequeath to my son Lemuel Tull all the lands which I hold on the Briers Branch and joining the lines of the lands which I heretofore deeded to my sons William & James Tull except the life estate in the house & uper part of the plantation I now live on during his mothers life time I also give my said son one negro boy named Samuel, one horse saddle & bridle one feather bed & furniture to him his heirs and afsigns forever Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Winnifred Uzzell one negro girl named Rachel which has already had & sold Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Nancy Parrott one negro boy named Ings which she has already had to her heirs & afsigns forever Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Eliza Andrews one negro girl named Tinor & her increase which she has already had Item I lend unto my daughter Susanna Uzzell one negro girl named Dinah & her increase during her natural life & at her death to be equally divided between her heirs lawfully begotten & for want of such issue to be equally divided among my three grandchildren William, Susan and James Uzzell to them their heirs & afsigns forever Item My Will & desire is that at the decease of my said wife or marriage the four negroes and increase be sold & the monies arising therefrom be equally divided among my daughters or their children & that all the rest of my property lent as aforesaid be sold & divided equally among all my children or lawfull issues of them except Nancy Parrott whose part I give to her natural daughter Eliza Tull Lastly I hereby nominate constitute & appoint my two sons William Tull & James Tull and my son inlaw Benjamin Parrott Executors to this my last Will & Testament revoking & disallowing all other orformer will or wills by me heretofore made holding this & this alone to be & contain my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed by seal the day and year first herein written Signed sealed & signed William Tull (Seal) published & declared to be & contain my last Will and Testament in presence of Will Lovich Nancy (X) Stephens Isaac Taylor State of N. Carolina} Jany Court 1820 Lenoir County } There was the foregoing last Will and Testament duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of William Lovich & Isaac Taylor two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded at the sametime Benjamin Parrott one of the Executors therein named appeared & qualified as such ordered that letters Testamentary issue accordingly C Westbrook CC