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Note:  Simon B. Parrott was born 5 November, 1776, in Dobbs County, NC.  He
was one of five sons (probably the youngest) of John Parrott (ca.
1730-1791) and Elizabeth Oxley (ca. 1740-1820/30), who had moved in the
1760's from Bertie County, NC, to that part of Dobbs County included in
present-day Lenoir.  He may have been named for a neighbor of the family,
Capt. Simon Bright (ca 1734-1776), a prominent colonial official and an
early patriot of the American Revolution, who died about the time Simon
Parrott was born.  Around 1803, Simon married Bramley Murphrey, born 6
September, 1785, the daughter of Jethro Murphrey (b. 1755) and Penelope
Ward (b. 1766), and the grand-daughter of  Capt. John Murphrey (d. 1776)
and Elizabeth (Harrison?) (d. 1788), prominent residents of colonial Dobbs
who moved to the region from Virginia in the 1740's and settled at "Beare
Garden," a plantation near the site of present-day Snow Hill.  Between 1804
and 1822, Simon and Bramley Parrott had nine children.  In the 1830's, the
couple moved from Lenoir County to the Darlington District of South
Carolina, where Simon's older brother, Jacob Parrott, Sr. (d. 1821) had
relocated earlier.  Simon Parrott died there in September, 1860, in his
eighty-fourth year, leaving an estate of nearly three thousand acres of
land and more than one hundred slaves.  His widow, Bramley, died in October
of the following year, age seventy-six.  Although Simon and Bramley did not
live out their lives in Lenoir County, they nevertheless left many
descendants in the region, including those of their daughter, Mary Parrott
Hodges (1808-1842), whose children, Simon and Mary Hodges, are among the
heirs mentioned in the following will. I would like to thank Carolyn Rowell
of Fort Worth, Texas, for providing me with a photo-copy of the  will,
codicil, and estate inventory


State of South Carolina Darlington District

         I Simon Parrott of the District of Darlington and State aforesaid
being of sound and disposing mine, memory, and understanding do make,
publish and declare the following as my last Will and Testament. First  I
wish all my just debts paid from cash on hand, moneys due me, the proceeds
of crops growing or gathered. Second  I give and Bequeathe to my Beloved
wife Bramley Parrott for and during her natural life the following named
slaves, to wit, Harriet, Catharine, Jackson, and Lemon and the increase of
the said Female slaves; and I hereby authorise my said wife by deed or will
duely executed to give said slaves and their increase to such of my
children or Grand children as she may think proper, except my Daughter
Elisabeth McNeese wife of John McNeese, and in default of such disposition,
of said slaves and their increase, by my wife as aforesaid I wish the said
slaves and their increase to be divided among my surviving Heirs, except
the said Elisabeth McNeese, the issue of any deceased child to represent
deceased Parent in such division and take the share the Parent would have
been entitled to if living. Third  I give and Bequeathe to my Beloved wife
for and during her natural life only the following named slaves and the
increase of said Females, to wit, Bright, Old Dinah, Daniel, Peter, Graves,
Henry, Chloe, Sampson; I also give and Devise to my said wife for and
during her natural life only the following described Lands, To wit, all
that tract situated in the District and state aforesaid Bounded by the
Public Road leading from Darlington Court House by my House, Swift Creek, a
Large Ditch running from said Swift Creek (to?) said Public Road, and a
tract of Land owned by Thomas House, also all that other tract of Land
included in a field on the south side of said Public Road lying opposite
the Land first mentioned containing fifteen acres more or less.  I also
give and Bequeathe to my said wife and my Daughter Louisa a comfortable
support and maintenance for one year after my decease to be charged upon my
Estate. Fourth  I give and Bequeathe to my Son Jesse W. Parrott The
following named slaves, to wit, Jane, Antony, Airy, Nervy, Caroline, Ann,
Gatsy, Isaac, Charles, Eunes, Frank, Froney, Robert, and also after the
decease of my wife the slaves Henry and Graves, To Have and To Hold said
slaves and the increase of the Female slaves to the said Jesse W. Parrott
for & during his natural life. I also give and devise to my Son Jesse W.
Parrott for and during his natural life all that plantation and tract of
Land containing Twelve hundred and eighty five acres being the Land
represented by a plat of the same made by Samuel N. Atkinson Deputy
Surveyor and certified by him the 10th day of November A. D. eighteen
hundred and fifty one, excepting from said tract for and during the natural
life of my wife, so much thereof as is herein before given and devised to
my said wife for life, and from and after the decease of the said Jesse W.,
I give and devise the said Lands, slaves and the increase of the said
slaves to such of the issue of the said Jesse W. as he may by deed or will
duely executed direct and appoint, and in default of such direction and
appointment by the said Jesse W. I give and devise the said Lands, slaves,
and the increase of the slaves to the issue of the said Jesse which he may
leave, living at the time of his decease, to be equally divided among them
as Tenants and to vest in them as their absolute property. Fifth  I give
and Bequeathe to my Daughter Louisa Parrott the following named slaves and
the increase of said Female slaves, to wit, Rhody, James, Aelick. Heyward,
Betsey, Dick, Nancy, Sugar, Julia, Hepsey, Mirny, Hannah, and also after
the decease of my wife the slaves Peter, Bright, Old Dinah, & Daniel given
to my said wife for life.  I also give and Devise to my said Daughter all
that tract of Land situated in said District and state containing five
hundred acres being the same Land represented on a plat of the same made
and certified by Samuel N. Atkinson Deputy  Surveyor the 15th
day of November A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty one, excepting so
much of said land during the life of my Said wife as I have herein before
Devised to her for life To Have and To Hold said Lands, slaves and the
increase of said slaves to the said Louisa Parrott for and during her
natural life, and at her decease I give and devise the said Lands, slaves
and the increase of the said slaves to Such of the issue of the said Louisa
as she may by deed or will duely executed direct and appoint, and in
default of such direction or appointment by the said Louisa I give, devise,
and Bequeathe the said Lands, slaves, and the increase of the slaves to the
issue of the said Louisa which she may leave living at the time of her
decease, to be equally divided among them as Tenants in common and to vest
in them as their absolute property.  But if the said Louisa shall leave no
issue living at the time of her decease, then after her decease I give and
Bequeathe the slaves Nancy, Sugar, Julia, Hepsey, Mirny, Hannah and their
increase to such of the Brothers and Sisters of the said Louisa (or their
children) except the said Elisabeth McNeese as the said Louisa by deed or
will duely executed shall direct and appoint. Sixth  I give and Devise to
my son Oliver Parrott all that plantation and tract of Land situated in the
District and state aforesaid containing Thirteen hundred and forty four
acres or thereabouts represented on a plat of the same made and certified
by Samuel N. Atkinson Deputy Surveyor the 3rd day of February A. D.
Eighteen hundred and forty six excepting about twenty five acres Lying on
the south side of High Hill Creek and adjoining Lands purchased by me from
Ashley Williams and excepting such rights, privileges and interests as are
hereafter given to Jesse W. Parrott, John I. Parrott and Simon F. Parrott
in and to the Griss and Saw Mills on said Lands and the necessary
appurtances to the Same.  I also give and Bequeathe to my said son Oliver
the following slaves and the increase of the same, to wit, Toney, Lucy,
Briant, Charity, Mary, Hannah, Jane, Edmund, Miles, Nedem, George,
Pleasant, Della To Have and to Hold the said Lands, slaves and the increase
of said slaves to the said Oliver Parrott for and during his natural life,
and after his decease I give, devise and Bequeathe the said Lands, slaves
and the increase thereof to such of the issue of the Said Oliver as he may
by will or deed duely executed direct and appoint, and in default of such
direction and     (end of the first sheet)

Signed Sealed Published and declared                           Simon
Parrott (SEAL)
as & for the first Sheet of the Last
will and testament of Simon Parrott
In our presence who have hereto
signed our names in the presence of the
said Parrott & of each other

       E. W. Charles
       D. C. Milling
       J. A. Dargau

(beginning of the second sheet) appointment I give devise and bequeathe the
same to the issue of the said Oliver which he may leave living at the time
of his decease to be equally divided among them as tenants in common and to
vest in them as their absolute property Seventh  I give and Bequeathe to
Blaney McNeese my Son in Law, a slave named Louis now in his possession, to
have and to hold the said slave to said Blaney and his heirs forever.
Eighth  I give and Bequeathe to my Daughter Penelope McNeese wife of Blaney
McNeese the following slaves to wit, Young Dinah, Ephraim, Young Henry,
Harriet, Rose, Netter, Fortune, Zilpha, Satira, Clarissa, Hannah daughter
of Satira, Paul, Jacob, Young Isaac, Argent daughter of Satira, Sarah,
Mary, Ganser, Dopey, and after the decease of my said wife, the slaves
Chloe and Sampson and their increase To Have and To Hold the said slaves
and their increase to the said Penelope for and during her natural life.  I
also give and devise to the said Penelope for and during her natural life
all that tract of Land situated in the District and state aforesaid
containing four hundred and twenty five acres and is represented on a plat
of the same made and certified by Samuel N. Atkinson Deputy Surveyor the
15th day of November A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty one, and after the
decease of the said Penelope I give, Devise, and Bequeathe the said Lands,
slaves and the increase of the said slaves to such of the issue of the said
Penelope as she may notwithstanding her (illegible word?) by deed or will
duely executed direct and appoint, and in default of such direction and
appointment by the said Penelope, then I give devise and Bequeathe the same
Lands, slaves and the increase thereof to the issue which the said Penelope
may leave, living at the time of her decease to be equally divided among
them as tenants in common and to vest in them as their absolute property
Ninth  I direct my Executors to invest the sum of eighteen hundred dollars
in either Lands or slaves as they may think Best, and the said Lands or
slaves so purchased with said money, and the slaves Lissy and Sidney I give
and Bequeathe to Simon Hodges and Mary Hodges (children of my Daughter Mary
Hodges now deceased) to be equally divided between them -- The share and
portion of each to be held for and during his and her natural life, and
after the decease of either of them I give, devise, and bequeathe the said
Lands, slaves and the increase of the same to such of his or her issue, as
such deceased may by will or deed duely executed direct and appoint and in
default of such direction and appointment then I give and devise the said
property to his or her issue which he or she may leave living at the time
of his or her decease to be equally divided among them as Tenants in
common, and to vest in them as their absolute property, But if either of
them shall die without leaving issue surviving as aforesaid then it is my
will that the survivor shall take the whole of said property subject to the
same rights restrictions and limitations as attach to the share originally
given and received by such survivor. Tenth  I give and devise to Simon F.
Parrott, John I. Parrott and Elisabeth H. Parrott (children of my son John
M. Parrott now deceased) all that tract of Land containing Two hundred and
nine acres which Lands are situated in the District and state aforesaid and
were purchased by me from Ashley Williams and is more particularly
described in a deed from Lydia Cook & Elisabeth Howle to David Teddar dated
30th day of December A.D. eighteen hundred and forty five, also a tract of
Land situated in same District aforesaid purchased by me from Wm. Brunson
containing about fifty acres and adjoins the Lands hereinbefore devised to
Oliver Parrott & also all the Land in the tract surveyed for Oliver Parrott
and certified by Surveyor Atkinson as before stated which lies on the south
side of High Hill Creek and adjoins the Lands purchased by me from Ashley
Williams containing about twenty five acres, I also give and Bequeathe to
the said Simon F., John I.,
and Elisabeth H. Parrott the following slaves to wit, Rosette, Beck,
Adaline, Patsy, Laura, Argent (daughter of Rosette) and Alfred To Have and
To Hold the said Lands, slaves and the increase of said slaves after being
equally divided among them, for and during their respective natural lives,
and after the decease of either of them I give devise and Bequeathe the
Portion of said property to which such deceased may be entitled to such of
his or her issue, as he or she may by will or deed duely executed direct
and appoint and in default of such direction or appointment on the part of
either of them, then I give Devise and Bequeathe the share of the said
property, to which such deceased may be entitled to and so dying as
aforesaid to the issue which he or she may leave living at the time of his
or her decease to be equally divided among them as tenants in common, and
to vest in them as their absolute property.  But if one or more of them
shall die before I do or surviving me shall die without leaving issue as
aforesaid, then it is my will that the share and portion of such deceased
shall go over and vest in the survivor or survivors, which shall be subject
to the same restrictions and limitations as are herein before expressed of
and concerning the portion given to such survivors. Eleventh  The Lands,
slaves & other property herein given and devised to my wife I hereby
declare to be given and devised to her in lieu and Bar of her dower at
common Law. Twelvth  I give and Bequeathe to my Daughter Elisabeth McNeese
wife of John McNeese one hundred Dollars and as I have already provided for
her and she has no children I give her no more. Thirteenth  Should the
survivor of the children of Mary Hodges to wit Simon Hodges and Mary
Hodges, or the Survivor of the children of John M. Parrott to wit Simon F.,
John I., and Elisabeth H. Parrott, or either of my children, Jesse W.
Parrott, Oliver Parrott, Louisa Parrott, or Penelope McNeese die without
leaving issue living at the time of his or her death then I give and devise
the Lands, slaves and increase of said slaves, except as hereafter
excepted, which I have hereinbefore given such deceased for life so dying
without issue as aforesaid to my surviving Heirs, in such division the
issue of any deceased child to represent their Parent and take the Portion
the Parent would have taken if living, the children of Mary Hodges taking
one share among them, the children of John M. Parrott taking one share
among them   (end of the second sheet)

Signed sealed published and declared          Simon Parrott (SEAL) as & for
the second sheet of the last will and testament of Simon Parrott who have
hereto signed our names as witnesses in the presence of said Parrott and of
each other

        E. W. Charles D. C. Milling J. A. Dargau

(beginning of the third sheet) -- Provided always that my Daughter
Elisabeth McNeese shall not be allowed to take any part of said Property
-- Provided also that this limitation shall not hinder or prevent my
Daughter Louisa from disposing of certain negroes as I have herein before
authorised her to do by giving the same to certain of her Brothers and
Sisters or their children -- Provided also that this clause shall have no
control over the property which my said children or Grand children may
receive under the power of appointment vested in my wife and Daughter
Louisa Fourteenth  Notwithstanding I have given to my children and Grand
children no more than a life Estate in the Lands and negroes devised and
Bequeathed to them directly yet I hereby declare that I have full
confidence in their integrity and regard for my wishes, and feel assured
that they will respect the rights of those who may be entitled to the said
property at their decease, and being disposed to obviate as much as
possible the inconveniences which results from tieing up property in strict
settlement I hereby authorise my said children and Grand children or either
of them that may be so disposed at their discretion to sell any part or the
whole of the Lands and slaves given them or either of them for life as
aforesaid, and to make good and legal titles for the same and thereby to
Bar and defeat the rights of those who may be so entitled to the said
property sold by way of remainder as aforesaid without such (illegible
word?) made, But it is my will and desire and I hereby order and direct
that if any such sale is made by any of the said Parties so as to Bar the
rights of those entitled in remainder the Party so selling the said
property shall reinvest the said proceeds of the sale in Lands and slaves
or either of them, and such Lands or negroes so purchased shall be held by
the Party so selling and purchasing in lieu and stead of that sold and the
same shall stand charged in his, her, or their hands with all the
restrictions, rights, and remainders as are hereinbefore expressed of and
concerning that which may be sold Fifteenth  I heretofore sold a slave
named Reuben which belonged to my Grand children Simon F., John I., and
Elizabeth H. Parrott for whom I am acting as Guardian and to whom I am now
indebted for the proceeds of the sale of said slave and I hereby declare
and such is my will that the property Real and Personal hereby given and
devised to them is intended to be in full compensation and satisfaction for
all claims they may have or set up against me for the proceeds of the sale
of said slave or for Damages for selling said slave, and if not so received
and my Estate Released from all liability, then I order and direct so much
of said Lands and slaves given to them to be sold as may be necessary to
satisfy and discharge the said liability Sixteenth  It is my will and
desire and I hereby declare that the various devises of Land heretofore
made in this will are subject as  between my several Devisees to the
restrictions and privilege of drainage -- that is to say, that when
necessary to the Health and profitable cultivation of any of the Lands
hereby devised that a ditch or ditches should be cut through the Land of
another, that the Party owning such Land shall have the right to open such
ditches -- provided always that if the Parties interested shall fail to
arrange the matter amicably as to the locality, number, direction, and
depth of such ditches that five disinterested Gentlemen shall be called in
by the Parties interested whose decision shall be final and conclusive, and
if either of the Parties interested shall fail to unite in the call for
said arbitration his or her refusal shall be regarded as decision in favor
of the other Party Seventeenth  The Saw and Griss mills with all the
necessary Buildings and Fixtures that appertain thereto, with the free and
uncontrolled use of the soil near the Dam and site of said mills for
repairing said Dam, which said mills are situated on the Lands herein
Devised to Oliver Parrott, together with the free use of the various roads and paths leading to and from said mills I give devise and Bequeathe as follows one third thereof to Oliver Parrott, one third thereof to Jesse W. Parrott, and one third thereof to Simon F., John  I. Parrott, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. -- the said mills to be kept up on joint accounts, expenses and profits ascertained according to the interests of the Parties Eighteenth  All the Rest and Residue of my Estate after the payment of my debts and Legacies, the expenses incurred in the administration of my Estate and the full execution of this my last will I wish divided into seven equal parts, one seventh part I give to each of the following Persons, to wit, my wife, Oliver Parrott, Jesse W. Parrott, Penelope McNeese, Louisa Parrott, and one seventh part to Simon and Mary Hodges to be equally divided between them and one seventh part to Simon F., John I., and Elisabeth H. Parrott to be equally divided between them. Nineteenth  I nominate, constitute, and appoint my sons Jesse W. Parrott and Oliver Parrott the Executors of this my last will and testament and hereby authorise them or the survivors of them to execute the Same. And if any question shall arise as to the distribution of my Estate or the duties of my Executors, there shall be no resort to the courts of Law or Equity to decide the Same, but the question may be decided, if my Executors deem such a course best, by calling in five disinterested Gentlemen whose decision shall be final and conclusive. In testimony whereof and hereby revoking all former wills I have hereto signed my name & affixed my Seal to this & two other sheets hereto attached each of which are signed and sealed by me this the 15th day of August A. D. 1854

Signed sealed published and                            Simon Parrott
declared as the third sheet
of the Last will and testament of
Simon Parrott who in our presence
also hereto have signed our names
as witnesses in the presence of
said Parrott and of each other
The words "Bright, Old Dinah, &
 Daniel" interlined before signing
between the 6th & 7th lines on the
third page of the first sheet of this will

E. W. Charles
D. C. Milling
J. A. Dargau


The State of South Carolina District of Darlington

 I Simon Parrott of the District of Darlington and state aforesaid being of
sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding do make and declare the
following writing as a codicil to my last Will and Testament executed by me
on the 15th day of August A. D. 1854, in the presence of E. W. Charles, D.
C. Milling, and J. A. Dargau First  If my wife does not dispose of the
slaves given and bequeathed to her for life in the Second clause of my said
will, either by will or Deed as she is authorised to do, then I make the
following disposition of them, to wit, I give and bequeathe the slaves
Lemon and Catharine to my son Jesse W. Parrott; and the slaves Jackson and
Hester (a child of Hannah born since my said will was executed) I give &
bequeathe to Blaney D. McNeese and Julia McNeese children of my Daughter
Penelope (now the wife of James Howle); and the slave Harriet I wish sold
by my Executors or the survivors of them, & the one half of the proceeds of
sale I bequeathe to my son Oliver Parrott, & the other half to Simon E.
Hodges and Mary P. Suggs. Second  Should my Daughter Louisa leave no issue
at the time of her death I give and devise one half of the tract of Land
described in the fifth clause of my will after the death of the said Louisa
to my son Jesse W. Parrott, & the other half thereof I give and devise to
my Executors, & the survivors of them, and the Heirs of the survivors of
them, in trust for the sole and separate use of my Grand Daughter Bramly
Rhodes (wife of William Rhodes) for and during her natural life, and after
her death to her issue living at the time of her death to be equally
divided among them as Tenants in common Third  I give and devise all that
Plantation and tract of Land described in the eighth clause of my said will
at my death to Parrott W. McNeese, Julia McNeese, & Blaney D. McNeese to be
equally divided among them, to have and to hold the same to them for life,
& after their death to their issue and if either of them shall not leave
issue living at the time of his or her death, then his or her portion shall
vest in his or her right Heirs Fourth  I wish & hereby direct that my
Executors shall invest the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars in addition to
the sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars mentioned in the ninth clause of my
said will making in all thirty three hundred Dollars, in Lands & slaves or
either of them, and the said Lands or slaves or either of them so purchased
to be equally divided between Simon Hodges and Mary P. Suggs (formerly at
the date of my will Mary Hodges) the share & Portion of each of them to be
held subject to the same limitations, restrictions, remainders, powers and
appointments as are expressed of, & concerning the property bequeathed and
devised to them in the said ninth clause Fifth  I give and devise all that
tract of Land containing two hundred & nine acres purchased by me from
Ashley Williams, & also another tract of land containing twenty five acres
which lies on the south side of High Hill Creek, & adjoins the lands
purchased by me from Ashley Williams (which said several tracts of Land are
more particularly described in the Tenth clause of my said will) to my son
Oliver Parrott, upon the condition that within one year from my decease he
pay the said Simon Hodges, & Mary  P. Suggs, the sum of five hundred
dollars, to be divided between them, the issue of either of them who may be
dead to take the portion of the Parent. Sixth  I have settled with my Grand
children Simon F. Parrott, John I. Parrott, and Elisabeth H. Natler
(formerly Parrott) as their Guardian, & have accounted to them for the sale
of Reuben, and in part for that reason have revoked the devise to them of
the Lands mentioned in the preceding clause; and I also revoke the
Fifteenth clause of my will as unnecessary Seventh  I give and devise my
slave Goodwin  (purchased at a sale made by the administrators of Blaney
McNeese) to my daughter Louisa for & during her natural life, and after her
death, to her issue living at the time of her death, and if she shall leave
no issue as aforesaid, then I give & bequeathe the said slave to my
Daughter Penelope Howle for and during her natural life, & after her death
to her issue living at the time of her death, & subject to the same
restrictions, limitations and remainders as are expressed of, & concerning
the slaves bequeathed to my said Daughter Penelope in the eighth clause of
my said will Seventh (sic)  The Saw and Grist Mills with all the necessary
Buildings and Fixtures that appertain thereto, with all other rights, and
privileges referred to, in the 17th clause of my said will I give and
devise to my sons Oliver Parrott and Jesse W. Parrott, to them, & their
Heirs forever, the said mills to be kept up on joint accounts, & the
expenses and profits to be equally born & shared, provided always that the
said Jesse W. Parrott, & Oliver Parrott shall within one year of my decease
pay the sum of Six hundred dollars to my grand sons Simon F. Parrott and
John I. Parrott, to be equally divided between them, and if either of them
shall then be dead, his issue shall take the share of the deceased Parent
of the said money. Eighth  The Devise of the said mills in the preceding
clause to my sons Jesse W. Parrott, & Oliver Parrott, I wish, & hereby
direct shall be subject to the further provision & charge that they shall
furnish, & supply my wife with Bread Corn for herself, Family, and slaves
during her natural life Ninth  Should either of my said sons Oliver Parrott
or Jesse Parrott leave their present wives surviving them it is my wish
that they shall (during their widowhood) have the use and possession of the
Homestead with one hundred acres of Land adjoining thereto, on the lands
which I have devised to them respectively, or on the Lands occupied by them
at their decease, purchased with the proceeds of the Lands and slaves which
I have devised to them respectively, & that the remainders, limitations, &
appointments to which said Lands are subjected by the provisions of my will
or this codicil thereto shall be postponed, insofar as may be necessary to
allow to the said widows of my said sons the use and possession of the
Homestead, & Lands attached, & adjoining as aforesaid Tenth  My slave
Daniel purchased from Lemuel Parrott since the Execution of my will, I wish
sold by my Executors on such terms as they may deem advisable, & the
proceeds shall be assetts in their hands for the payments of debts, &
Legacies, & the balance be disposed of with the residue of my estate as
directed in my will Eleventh  The Lands and slaves devised and bequeathed
by this codicil (except Mills, & Lands mentioned in the seventh clause of
this codicil) to my son Jesse W. Parrott shall be held by him subject to
the same limitations, restrictions, & remainders, powers, & appointments,
as are expressed in the fourth clause of my will of, & concerning the
property therein devised, & bequeathed to him Twelvth  The Lands and other
property devised and bequeathed by this codicil (except the mills and Lands
mentioned in the Seventh clause of this codicil) to my son Oliver Parrott
shall be held by him subject to the same limitations, restrictions, &
remainders, powers, & appointments, as are expressed in the Sixth clause of
my will of, & concerning the property therein devised, & bequeathed to him
Thirteenth  I hereby revoke all wills or papers of a Testamentary character
except my Will & Testament herein referred to, & this codicil thereto &
also revoke so much of my said will and Testament as may be, & is
inconsistent with this codicil or which makes any disposition of my estate
or any parts of the same in a different manner, or in favor of different
Persons from that which is expressed, provided, & directed in this codicil;
and I wish my said will & this codicil to be consulted together; and it is
my will that all questions arising under my said will & codicil shall be
decided as directed by my will Fourteenth  I nominate, & appoint Jesse W.
Parrott, & Oliver Parrott the Executors of my said will & this codicil, &
authorise them or the survivors of them to further Execute the same without
the intervention of any courts
       In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this
day of August A. D. 1859

Signed, Sealed and declared a codicil to the        Simon Parrott
Last Will and Testament of Simon Parrott
in our presence who have hereto subscribed
our names as witnesses in the presence of
said Testator & of each other  The word
"codicil" interlined  Sealed Either??

Saml B. Dewitt
D. C. Milling
J. A. Dargau

******** South Carolina                                       In the Court
of Darlington District                                 Ordinary

     Personally appeard (sic) before me D. C. Milling and after being duly
sworn made oath that he was present and did see Simon Parrott the foregoing
Testator sign seal and publish the foregoing codicil to his Last will and
testament and that he was at the same time of sound mind memory and
understanding as this deponant doth believe and that he together with Saml
B. Dewitt and J.  A.Dargau witnessed the due Execution of the same at the
same time and of the testator.

Sworn to before me D. C. Milling this 24th September A. D. 1860 John J.
Russell   O. D. D
South Carolina In the Court of
Darlington District Ordinary

Jesse W. and Oliver Parrott was this day duly qualified Executors to the
Last will and Testament and codicil of Simon Parrott deceased September 24,

John  J. Russell  O. D. D.



By John J. Russell  Esq. Ordinary

These are to empower you, or any three of you, whose names are hereunder
written, to repair to all such parts and places within this State, as you
shall be directed unto by Jesse W. & Oliver Parrott Executors of Estate of
Simon Parrott late of Darlington District, deceased, whereever any of the
Goods and Chattels of the said deceased, are or do remain within the said
parts and places, and which shall be shewn unto you by the said Jesse W. &
Oliver Parrott Execs. and then and there view and appraise all and every
the said Goods and Chattels, being first sworn on the Holy Evangeliists of
Almighty God, to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement
thereof, and to cause the same to be returned under your hands or any three
of you to the said Jesse W.& Oliver Parrott on or before the first day of
November Anno Domini, 1860, and in the Eighty fifth year of American

              To Messrs.  D. C. Flinn, H. M. Parrott, S. B. Dewitt, Calvin
Rhodes, Josiah Bass MEMORANDUM, That on the first day of  October in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty personally appeared
before me John J. Russell one of the Magistrates in and for the said
District Christorpher Flinn, Josiah Bass, Calvin Rhodes & Saml. B. Dewitt
being three of the appraisers appointed to appraise the Goods and Chattels
of Simon Parrott deceased, who being duly sworn, made oath that they would
make a just and true appraisement of all and singular the Goods and
Chattels of the deceased, as should be produced by Jesse W. Parrott &
Oliver Parott adms. of the said deceased, and that they would return the
same, certified under their hands, unto the siad Jesse W. Parrott & Oliver
Parrott on or before the first day of November next.

Sworn to me the day
Christopher Flinn
and year above written.
Josiah Bass

Calvin Rhodes
John J. Russell  O. D. D.
Saml. B. Dewitt
H. M. Parrott


Finetta   Zilphy   Bell   Marsell  &  Peter
Dinah   Ephraim   Henry   Rose   Jacob  &  Harriet
Mary   Gansa   Dopey   Tilda   William
Chloe  &  Sampson
Harriet   Catherine   Jack   Hester
Daniel   Dinah   Henry   Peter   Graves   Bright
Sophrony   Lany   Nora   Lias
Nancy   Sugar   Dellah   Julia   Hepsy   Gibson
Minna   Goodin  &  Hannah
Enis   Alferd   Pleasant   Adaline
Jim   Elek   Heywood   Betsey  &  Io
Jane   Antony   Airy   Henry   Roney
Caroline  Will   Ann   Henry
Gatsy   Isaac  &  Frank
Satirah   Paul   Argent   Sallie   Tinah   Juno  &  Abraham
Fortune   Hannah   Isaac  & Isbell
Tony   Jane   Edmon   Miles   Needham
Charity   Davy   Henrietta
Mary   Louisa   Margaret
Hannah   Bryant   Susan  &  Caroline
Daniel  &  George
12 Setting chairs        @     .50
  2 falling leaf Table    @  6
  1 Clock Glass & Lot of Crockery Ware
  Beding & furniture & Bedstids
  1 Bed & furniture & stid claimed by Miss L. Parrott
  1 Double Barrel Gun Safe & Dog Irons

1 Lot Coopers ware & Kitchen furniture
  Lot of Crockery ware
 16 Hundred Bushels Corn  @ $1.00
 Lot of shuckes
 Fodder at $1.00 per Hundred
36 Bushels wheat  @  $1.50
 Lot Carpenter Tools
 1 Carriage & Harness
Lot Bacon @ 12 1/2c
Lot Barrels --
1 Waggon and Harness

2 Ox Carts
1 Buggy & Harness claimed by Miss L. Parrott
2 Dutch Fans
Old Buggy & Harness
Sorrell Mare Martha $125 Sorrell Horse Tom $100
Clay Mare Beck & Sorrell Nelly Lill claimed by L. Parrott
John mule $125 Sol mules $150 Jack mule $125
Sam mule $150 Gin mules 150 Sorrell Horse Bull 125
Three Oxens                   25 each
36 Head Hogs           $4.00 each
1 Lot plantation Tools
1 Large Hog and white sow
1 Lot 28 Hogs at $5,00 each
1 Lot shoats 24 Head at $2.00 each
3 sows and twenty pigs
2 Yoke of oxens        35 each yoke
1 Lot 18 head Cattle    at 6 each
1 Gin & set Balances
1 Lot Cotton Baskets
Log Waggon & 1 set wheels
Lot of ploughs & Stockes  Blacksmitrh Tools and Grindstone
1 set wheels  Lot of old tins & Bar Iron
1 Lot Bookes

Small Waggon
    "   Log Waggon
10.00    Blacksmith Tools & Lot of  saws
Lot 22 Head Hogs  $3 per Head
Lot 23 Head Hogs    4 per Head
Lot of Carpenters Tools
1 Negro Boy Lewis
Malissa   Milly   Sidney
Rosette   Henry  &  Mary
Patsy  &  Laura
Beckey and Argent

Note on J. L. Dixon date 10 Nov 1841 / for $184. 47      Not Good
Note on Dr. T. J. Flinn     $68.90
  "          W. Heath   $6.60          May 19th  1851
Not Good
T. W. McCoughton  $16.00
John Padgett     $7 50/100          April 20th 1850
Not Good
John Padgett     $6 60/100          July 22nd 1850
Not Good
J. D. Gardner   $10 00/100        March 31st 1857     Not Good
E. B. Brunson   $30  07/100       Feb 18th 1858
John F. Parrott  $100                  Feb 21 1860
John F. Parrott  $56 57/100        July 1st 1857
Simon F. Parrott   22 83/100         Feb 17 1858
J. E. Murphy  $2 25/100            Aug 22 1858
Not Good
Nathaniel Odum  $5 52/100        Aug 25th 1858
Not Good
Levi Loyd     $4 48/100                 "     26th 1858
Not Good
Herman Grantham  $1 25/100        "     30th 1858
William Davis             18 14/100        Oct 18th 1858
Not Good
A. P. Gray            5 58/100         Oct 20th 1858
Elisha King           8 69/100         May 2nd 1859
J. T. Lunn         $13.00                April 27th 1860
Account   Wiley Goodson    $3 24/100
Good                        "        Willie Register    $8 47/100
Not Good

Account  C. A. Kirvin        $24 69/100
      "        H. M. Parrott     $60 69/100
      "        Jas.  McInvill      $27 75/100
Not Good
      "        Jincy Carter        $6 14/100
      "    William Blackman   $74 25/10
Not Good

      "    R. D. Dubose           22 83/100
      "    Sarah E. Bradly        23 35/100
      "    Alex McLaughlin       5 60/100
Not Good
      "     John B. Rhodes         7 50/100
      "    Noel Clements              46/100
Not Good
     "    John Carter                4 40/100
Not Good
     "   Catharine Beck           6 50/100
     "   Moses Collins             7 50/100
Not Good
     "    James Davis             30 93/100
Not Good
    "    James Odum              4 10/100
Not Good
    "      D. G. Wood          10 12/100
    "      J. A. Dargau          77 44/100
    "      M. S. McCall         18 75/100
   "       John  Josey             9 03/100
   "       E. Kirven                  1 14/100
           Wm. Hendrix          1 03/100
Not Good
            T. A. Wilson         25 31/100
Not Good
            W. A. Thomas           56/100
Not Good
            J. H. Lane             19 81/100
            J. P. Zimmerman      $65
      Thos. Grantham         $2
           Burtram Rhodes
      Asy Garland             1 30/100
Not Good
            Jesse Bryant             2 41/100
            J. O. B. Dargau         2 19/100
            Thos. P. Colvin       8 94/100
Not Good
            Jas. Gamson            52/100
            James C.Wallace     2 84/100
Not Good

Account   R. Beasly & Co.     $5 10/100
      "        Andrew Jackson       3.00
Not Good
      "        Rev. W. Beck    1 69/100
      "           Calvin Rhodes        38 93/100
      "        Josiah Bass            2 74/100
      "        Owens & Parrott   663 60/100
      "        Bryant Parrott & Co   9 74/100
      "           J. O. B.  Dargau        8 03/100
      "        Rev. J. F. A. Elliot    8 45/100
      "        C. A. Kirven             6 48/100
      "           Jas. Privit                24 03/100
      "        R. E. DuBose              68/100
      "        Wm. Strickland     133 99/100
      "         J. Thos, Lunn   8 26/100
      "         Cathrine Beck   9 41/100
      "         T. P. Parrott            8 22/100
      "         C. M. Jones     6 44/100
      "         Robin Lewis
      "        Dr. C. Flinn                  8 11/100
      "           Swift Creek Division       42 72/100
      "        Jas. Howle                     2 28/100
      "        L. A. Gray                    9 99/100
      "           D. R. Murphy              10 66/100
Not Good
      "        Eli Odum                         92/100
      "           G. M. McCown         4 79/100
    "        Abel Stewart             13 45/100
    "    Morgan Shumake     14 95/100
    "         M. S. McCall     11 08/100
    "    W. E. Rhodes             1 76/100
    "          J. M. Davis               2.00
Not Good
    "          Jesse Boswell     5 20/100
Not Good
    "         W. H. Atkinson          4 60/100
    "          Jack Thomas             9 30/100
Not Good

Account    Samuel B. Dewitt            2 50/100
"           John J. Blackman            1 30/100
     "           Jincy Carter           55/100
     "           James E. Goodson           1 56/100
     "           Calvin Rhodes                 9 91/100
     "               James Blackman             4 57/100
     "           William Blackman            1 30/100
Not Good

Names of signers at bottom of page was not reproduced by photo-copier.
By my reckoning the value of the estate is as follows:

103 slaves      -                         $65,050.00
Livestock, houseware, tools    -      4,123.00
Good debts                                  1,069.29
Bad debts                                     480.46

Submitted by:
Francis R. Hodges
Lakeland, FL