North Carolina,Lenoir Co.,Bible, HARDY SUTTON Sr. Will ========================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be repro- duced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright 2000 by Martha Mewborn Marble. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. by Martha Mewborn Marble ======================================================= No further information as to the location but it probably came from the Manuscript Collection, ECU, Joyner Library and this may be a hand written copy of the original. WILL OF HARDY SUTTON, SR. In the name of God, Amen, I Hardy Sutton Senr of the County of Lenoir and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and disposing memory but considering the worthy quality of my earthly existence do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say First That my executor herein after named shall provide my body a decent christian burial suitable to the wishes of my relatives and friends and my circumstances of life and pay all funeral expenses together with my just debts howsoever and to whomsoever owing out of the moneys that may first come into his hands as a part of my estate. Secondly It is my will and desire that the property being negroes that I have heretofore by deed of gift given to Dempsey Wood and his children be his and theirs for them to hold and enjoy for their own use and benefit and which said deed of gifts I do now in every respect confirm and make it a part of this my Last Will Testament. Thirdly I give unto my beloved wife Ann Sutton for her life or widowhood one third of my home tract of land which shall include my dwelling house and out buildings being one third of the land given me by deed and by will of my father, Benjamin Sutton, deceased and at her death or marriage it is my will and desire that it shall then go to and I do hereby at that time devise and give the same unto my well beloved son, Julius E. Sutton and his children forever. Fourthly I give unto my well beloved wife Ann Sutton for her life or widowhood the following negro slaves - old Chaney, Eliljah, Hardy, Polly, Martha and little Save and at her death or marriage I give and bequeath the said old Chaney, Elijah and Martha to my well beloved son Lemuel H. Sutton and his children forever. Fifthly I give and devise unto my well beloved son Julius E. Sutton all of my home tract of land with the exception of the third thereof herein before to and unto my wife Ann Sutton for her life or widowhood being the land given me by deed and by will by my father, Benjamin Sutton so that at the death or marriage of his mother he the said Julius E. Sutton shall own the whole of my said home tract to him the said Julius E. Sutton and his children forever. Sixthly At the death or marriage of my wife Ann Sutton, I give and bequeath unto my son Julius E. Sutton the negro woman Polly before loaned to my wife for her life or widowhood and the increase of the said Polly from this time forth to him the said Julius E. Sutton and his children forever. Seventhly At the death or marriage of my wife Ann Sutton, I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Julius E. Sutton the negro slave Little Save before loaned to my wife for her life or widowhood to him the said Julius E. Sutton and his children forever. Eighthly I give and devise unto my beloved son Junius E. Sutton all that portion of my Uzzell tract of land that lies on the west side of the Kinston and White Hall public road and on the Pinebrast ?? road and adjoining the lands of Dempsey Wood and Joe L. Elmore and my home tract to him the said Junius E. Sutton and his children forever. Ninethly I give and bequeath unto my beloved son John A. Sutton all that portion of my Uzzell tract that lies on the last side of the Kinston and White Hall public road to him the said John A. Sutton and his children forever being that of the Uzzell tract of land not before given to my son Juius E. Sutton. Tenthly I give unto my beloved wife Ann Sutton one bed, her choice and stead and furnture and at her death or marriage I give the said bed and stead and furnture to my son Julius and his children forever. Eleventhly I give and devise unto my beloved son Thomas Sutton all of the tract of land upon which he now lives being the land that I purchased of Benjamin Sutton to him the said Thomas Sutton and his children forever provided and on condition that he pays over to my son Lemuel H. Sutton the sum of one thousand dollars with which payment I do hereby charge said land. But if the said Thomas Sutton should depart this life without leaving lawful begotten children surviving then and in that went the said land shall be divided unto two portions of one third and two thirds each and the one third portion it is my will and desire that the wife of the said Thomas Sutton, my beloved daughter in law Julia A. Sutton shall own and have for and during her life or widowhood on condition and provided that she the said Julia Ann Sutton shall never sell the same to any one save and excepting to some of my own children and at her death or marriage I give and devise it to my children to be equall! y divided between them each to share and share alike and at the death of the said Thomas Sutton without leaving lawfully begotten children him surviving then the two thirds portion of said land it is my will and desire shall be divided between all my children for them to share and share alike. Twelfthly At the death or marriage of my wife Ann Sutton, I give and bequeath the negro slave Hardy before loaned to my wife for life or till she married unto my beloved Thomas Sutton and his children forever but if he the said Thomas Sutton should die without leaving lawful begotten child or children, heirs surviving it is my will and desire that the said Hardy shall be divided between all my children for them to share and share alike. Thirteenthly I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Nancy Wooten wife of Joseph Wooten and her children forever the following negro slaves vis Rachel, Mary, George, Wright, Hecter, Charity, Liah, Albert child of Mary and their future increase and all other property which I have before now put into her possession. Fourteenthly I give and devise unto my well beloved son William H. Sutton all that tract of land upon which he now lives and which I bought of Wm J. Hunter to him and his children forever but provided and on condition that he pays over to my son Benjamin F. Sutton the sum of one Thousand Dollars which payment I do hereby charge said land. Fiftenthly I give and devise to my well beloved son Lemuel H. Sutton and his children forever one half of my Frog point tract of land being the half upon which he now lives and the said tract to be divided according to quately. Sixteenthly I give and devise unto my well beloved son B. F. Sutton and his children forever one half of my Frog Point tract of land being the half other that above given to Lemuel H. Sutton and his children the said tract to be divided according to quality. Seventeenthly I lend unto my beloved son in law Joel Elmore for and during his own life provided he does not outlive his present wife my beloved daughter Martha Elmore and if he does so outlive her his said present wife the said Martha Elmore there so long as she does live the following negro slaves Margaret - rest on copy not readable - ---- present husband. The said Joel Elmore then and in the event I lend all of the said negro slaves and their increase to her for and during her own life and at her death I give and bequeath all the said negro slaves and their increase unto her children by her present or future marriage but to the exclusion of any child or children by her had and bore by any former marriage. Eighteenthly I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Sallie H. Sutton and her children forever the following negro salves viz Mary, Gatsey and Arter and their future increase. Ninettenthly I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Louisa Sutton and her children forever the following negroes slaves viz Clarlsey, Avey, and Barbara child of Polly and their increase. Twententhly I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Christiana Sutton and her children forever the following negroes slaves to wit Lany, Charity and little Nice and their future increases. Twenty firstly It is my will and desire that if any of my children sons or daughters to whom I have given any portion of my property as well lands as negroes should die without leaving lawful begotten children their surviving the portions of there so ?? desire with the exception of that given to my son Thomas Sutton for with regard to his portion provision has already been made shall be equally divided between my children for them to share and share alike as they would do under our laws of distribution were I to die intestate. Twenty secondly It is my will and desire that my executor here in after named shall collect all the debts to me owing sell all my perishable estate of all and every kind and species ?? and the following negro slaves viz Nicey aged about forty three years, Alfred Lucy ?? son aged thirty years, Jerry, Prince, Isac, George and Allen on such a credit as to him may seem best and out of the proceeds of said sale to pay all of my jut debts and funureal expenses and the surplus if any it is my will and desire to be divided between all my children - and their children for them to share and share alike as they would do under our law of Distribution were I to die intestate. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty faithful and dutiful son Benjamin F. Sutton my lawful executor to all interest and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof hereby revoking and declaring utterly word all other wills and testament by me heretofore made. In witness where of I the said Hardy Sutton Sr. do here unto set my hand and seal this 28 day of February 1861. Hardy Sutton, Sr