Lenoir County NcArchives Wills.....Hill, F. D. 1932
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Hazel Yarbrough hhyarbrough@embarqmail.com October 19, 2010, 4:17 pm

Source: Nc Will Book D, Page 408
Written: 1932

F. D. Hill Will 

written March 9, 1932; Probated July 19, 1932

From Lenoir County, NC Will Book D, Page 408.

Transcribed as written from a Xerox copy of the original by Hazel Ruth Hill 

March 9, 1932

this indenture or last will and testiment of F.D. Hill

I give to Homer lot no 1 of the home place and known as the F D Hill draw of 
the John D Hill estate contains 44 acres.

I give to Cecil one draw known as Lizzie S. Hill draw of the John D Hill 
estate contains 63 acres.

I give to Homer and Cecil one parcel of land bought from F Dail Homers on the 
west side of the ditch and Cecil on the east side.

I give to Paul one piece of land known as the T.R. Hill draw of the John D 
Hill estate contains 50 acres.

I give to Earl one piece of land known as the Anne Dail draw of the Franklin 
Dail estate contains 45 acres.

I give Earl and Cecil the privilige of using a tobacco barn and pack room as 
long as present buildings now stand.

I give to Roscoe and Johnnie 3 parcels of land known as J.B. Creech place 76 
acres one known as J.M. Creech piece 16 4/10 acres. One known as Carrie Bruce 
draw of Henry Gregory estate contains 24 acres.

I give to Nancy one house and lot in the city of Kinston 206 East Vernon Ave.

The boys shall pay over to Hazel and Sallie the sum of 3000.00 three thousand 
dollars  $1500 each in denominations as follows. Paul $700. Roscoe John and 
Homer $500 each  Earl and Cecil $400 each.  

I give to the boys all my personal property to do as they see fit.

In case my Insurance fails my property both real and personal goes to my Wife 
her lifetime.

I give to my Wife Esbrann my Insurance and what money I have on hand at time 
of death and what money she has on hand at time of her death shall be divided 
equally between all of my Children.
I appoint Roscoe as executor of my last will and testement. 
                               Signed          F.D. Hill

Witneses    John P. Dail
            B. F. Dail

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