LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILL - Snoad Carraway, 1856 (Abstract).

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Snoad Carraway will.

Copy of original Will found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community 
College, Kinston, North Carolina - Vertical File Carraway #03319-9

We thank the staff at LCC for their permission to copy selected 
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Abstracted by Rose Parks

Will of Snoad B. Carraway 28 January, 1856  Lenoir Co. NC

Codicil of same 10 March 1858  Probate 2 November 1858

Snoad B. Carraway makes LW & T, pay debts out of personal property, if 
not sufficient, sell Negros, Rosetta, Jordon, Joshua, Noah, John, Wesley 
and all children of Rosetta. If Negros not sold, bequeath them to son 
William M. Carraway and Mary J. Nicholson divided equally between them.

Bequeath to wife Sarah F. Carraway tract of land in Wake Co., purchased 
of Mrs. G. Meredith, all improvements and household furniture, animals, 
farm equipment, on plantation in Wake Co. NC and every article of 
furniture and property in the house at Monticello, Lenoir Co. that 
belongs to her at or before our marriage. I give to her everything 
secured to her in a marriage settlement previous to our marriage.

Executors to pay my wife Sarah $1500. To repair and furnish house at 
Brandon in Wake Co. 

Bequeath to son Samuel P Carraway 25 named Negros, his total interest in 
them, my interest in plantation purchased for $10,000. from Thomas 
Barrett in Montgomery Co., AL and other property amounting to $2,000. I 
give him four lots in Paradise in Carteret Co., NC which I have conveyed 
by deed as executor of will of Lewis Whitfield.

To daughter Mary Jane Nicholson one house lot and improvements in 
Washington ,NC  purchased from Matthew Shaw and occupied by my sister 
Elizabeth Fullerton and her daughter Mary E. Fullerton. To daughter Mary 
21 named negroes and $4500. Which I paid to Joseph J. Nicholson for her 

To son William W. Carraway all the land on Wheat Swamp purchased from 
Levi Mewborn from heirs of Robert Witherington. Include also the 
plantation Monticello given to him by LW & T of his grandfather, Lewis 
Whitfield and 23 named Negros hired to S.S. Carraway in AL. and 11 more 
named. All property not given previously and one lot in Hookertown in 
Greene Co. NC and one acre at Bectons old field on Neuse River 

I give to Sarah M.L. Williams lot # 28 in Paradise, Carteret Co. 
To cousin Louisa Carraway $500. and bed and furniture.

Treat kindly the slaves I have given you. They have rights and it is 
your duty to protect them.

Appoint friend Samuel L. Biddle and son William W. Carraway executors, 
if William is 21.
Witnesses: R.F. Bright and S/L? Bright

Codicil: give to wife Sarah only $750. For repairs to house in Brandon, 
Wake Co. as some repairs have already been made. I revolk the clause "if 
son William be 21" and appoint him Executor. Witnessed by L. Scott and 
I.B. Taylor

Lenoir Co. NC: N. Hunter Clerk of Court certify true copy of LW&T 2 Nov.