Lenoir County NcArchives Court.....Tilghman, Joseph J. 1852
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Source: Heritage Place, Lenoir Community College
Written: 1852

Vertical File of Reuben CLARK
Joseph J. TILGHMAN, Dec'd, Alexander TILGHMAN, administrator; Lenoir County, 
NC-July Term 1852.

State of North Carolina
Lenoir County
Order issued July Term 1852 to me Alexander TILGHMAN, administrator of 
Joseph J. TILGHMAN, deceased to sell the lands and pay the debts of said 
deceased; in obedience to above named order to me directed and received I, 
Alexander TILGHMAN, Administrator of Joseph J. TILGHMAN, deceased after 
advertising the lands of said deceased at the Court House door in the town 
of Kinston and three other public places in said County more than forty days 
proceeded to sell at public sale at the Court House door in the town of 
Kinston on the 21st day of September 1852, one tract or parcel of land to 
Jesse VAUSE, he being the last and highest bidder. I made a report of the 
sale of the above named tract of land which will be more fully described in 
the following deed to our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at March Term 
A.D. 1853. The Court confirmed the report and ordered and decreed that I 
should make title to Jesse VAUSE he being the purchaser, he paying or 
securing the payment of the purchase money. Now this Indenture made the 23rd 
day of March One Thousand eight hundred and fifty three between Alexander 
TILGHMAN administrator of Joseph J. TILGHMAN, deceased of the County of 
Jones of one part and Jesse VAUSE of the county of Lenoir of the other part 
both of the State of North Carolina, Witnesseth that for and in 
Consideration of the sum of Three Hundred and ninety nine dollars and 
seventy five cents to me in hand paid by the said Jesse VAUSE, the receipt 
whereof is hereby fully acknowledged by the said Alexander TILGHMAN, 
administrator of Joseph J. TILGHMAN deceased have bargained and sold and by 
these presents do hereby bargain and sell unto Jesse VAUSE a certain piece 
or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the North side 
of Stonington Creek. Beginning at a post oak in the old County line and runs 
thence with the old County line North 176 poles to a pine formerly Daniel 
WETHERINGTON'S corner then South 70 West 158 poles to a post oak or a 
lightwood stake formerly another of Daniel WETHERINGTON'S corner and now a 
corner of Wilson TILGHMAN these North 3/2 East 128 1/2 poles to a lightwood 
stump another of Wilson TILGHMAN'S corner at the head of the old ditch 
thence down the ditch to a maple another of Wilson TILGHMAN'S corner at the 
head of a small branch, thence down the Branch to again another of Wilson 
TILGHMAN'S corner, thence down the branch to a water oak, still down the 
Branch to a pine near the old cropping place another of TILGHMANS corner 
thence South 69 West 42 3/4 poles to a red oak another of Wilson TILGHMAN'S 
corner thence South 30, East 118 poles to a black Jack or Lightwood Stump 
thence South 46 poles to a black gum near the road on the southside of the 
big branch thence up the Big branch to a small black gum on the South side 
of the Big Branch, thence South 31 East 108 poles to a post oak near the 
road, then South 30 East 20 poles to a pine at the end of a lane at the head 
of a deep bottom, thence South 41, East 42 poles, to a red oak by the side 
of Stonington Creek thence to an ash on the North side of the Creek formerly 
Lewis WHITFIELD'S corner thence with WHITFIELD'S line to the Creek thence 
with the run of the Creek to a Cypress, thence with the dividing line which 
formerly divided the lands of Joseph TILGHMAN, Senior deceased and the lands 
formerly owned by Reuben CLARK, deceased known by the name of the BAKER land 
and sold by Reuben CLARK, deceased to Joseph TILGHMAN, Senior, deceased sold 
or given by Joseph TILGHMAN, Senior deceased to Joseph J. TILGHMAN, Deceased 
and with the courses and lines dividing the two above named tracts of land 
to the Beginning containing three hundred and Seventy Acres be the same more 
or less. To have and to hold the aforesaid land with all the appurtenances 
thereunto belonging unto the said Jesse VAUSE his heirs and assigns in fee 
simple forever free and discharged of any and all interruption or 
incumbrance whatsoever. And I the said Alexander TILGHMAN, administrator of 
Joseph J. TILGHMAN deceased as aforesaid hath covenant and by this Indenture 
doth with the said Jesse VAUSE his heirs and assigned to warrant and forever 
defend the title hereby conveyed from the lawful claim or claims of any and 
all person whatsoever as administrator of the said Joseph J. TILGHMAN 
deceased appointed by the Court to sell the lands and pay the debts of said 
In testimony where of I, Alexander TILGHMAN administrator of the said Joseph 
J. TILGHMAN, deceased doth hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and date 
first above written.
Alexander TILGHMAN, Admr. (Seal)
Signed, Sealed, & delivered in the presence of 
Stephen WHITE

State of North Carolina
Lenoir County
December, 3rd, 1853
There was the foregoing deed of Bargain and sale from Alexander TILGHMAN, 
administrator of Joseph J. TILGHMAN, deceased to Jesse VAUSE, duly 
acknowledged before me by the grantor agreeable to an Act of Assembly in 
such cased made and provided. Let it therefore be Registered in Lenoir 
Nicholas HUNTER, C.C.C.
Enrolled int he Register's Office of Lenoir County 
the 3rd day of December A.D. 1853.

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