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The USGenWeb Archives Project - Alabama

Chambers County, Alabama
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Total Records: 281
1Abernethy, Rev. Nathan Hubert  __/__/____/__/__Mary Abernathy Meyer
2Abernethy, Samuel  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
3Adams, D. L.  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
4Alexander, Infant  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
5Allen, William A.  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
6Anglin, Frank M.  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
7Anglin, Willie Kate Eleanor  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
8Avery, Green B.  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
9Avery, Mitchell  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
10Belcher, W. B.  __/__/____/__/__William Fischer, Jr.
11Bell, J. O.  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
12Blackmon, James Farley  __/__/____/__/1964Betty Beard
13Blackmon, Sarah Alice Dickson  __/__/____/__/1989Betty Beard
14Blakely, Emmaline  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
15Blasingame, Benjamin  __/__/____/__/1881Larry E. Caver Jr.
16Blasingame, Narcissus & John  __/__/____/__/__Glenda Brack
17Bohannon, Sely Ann  __/__/____/__/1887Veneta McKinney The Registry
18Bozeman, Nathan E.  __/__/____/__/1904Glenda Brack
19Bradfield, F. P. Jr.  __/__/____/__/1928Benny Gross
20Bradfield, Will W. Sr  __/__/____/__/1935Benny Gross
21Brand, Lloyd W.  __/__/__01/22/1948Linda Ayres The Registry
22Brooks, Annie Elizabeth Redmond  __/__/__03/18/1903Linda Brewer The Registry
23Brooks, Joseph G.  __/__/__08/__/1916Linda Brewer The Registry
24Brooks, Leila  __/__/__07/21/1909Linda Brewer The Registry
25Brown, Fay Carol Boswell  __/__/__11/12/1994Phillip Davis
26Brown, Infant Of Robert E.  __/__/__07/17/1907Linda Ayres The Registry
27Brummett, Mrs. Marv G.  __/__/____/__/2003Delilah Evans
28Burdett, Clementine Leslie  __/__/____/__/1914Meredith Clapper The Registry
29Burdette, John Sylvester  __/__/____/__/1915Meredith Clapper The Registry
30Callaway, Rev. Francis  __/__/__04/4/1864Linda Ayres The Registry
31Chambley, James Samuel  __/__/____/__/1938Benny Gross
32Cleveland, Hollis  __/__/__01/__/1979Debra Crosby The Registry
33Cofield, Annie Mae  __/__/__10/16/1948Linda Ayres The Registry
34Coley, Martha E.  __/__/____/__/1938Benny Gross
35Colley, T. F.  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
36Collins, Joshua L.  __/__/____/__/1916Christine Grimes Thacker
37Cook, Harold  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
38Crosby, William J.  __/__/____/__/1924Benny Gross
39Cumbee, Mrs. J. R.  __/__/____/__/1915William Fischer, Jr.
40Davis, Mrs. Amanda C.  __/__/____/__/1896Glenda Brack
41Davis, Mrs. Eb  __/__/____/__/1896Glenda Brack
42Davis, Dr. J. L.  __/__/____/__/__William Fischer, Jr.
43Davis, Mary Frances  __/__/____/__/1901Charmon Hale
44Davis, Reppie Lavastie Gay  __/__/__07/12/1986Phillip Davis
45Devore, Susie Celester Hill  __/__/__02/26/1959Karen Blanks
46Duffey, George N.  __/__/____/__/1937Benny Gross
47Duffey, W. J.  __/__/____/__/1939Benny Gross
48Dunn, J. J.  __/__/__03/__/1905Glenda Brack
49Edwards, Emmett  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
50Eller, Linda Susan Arrington   __/__/__6/2/2022Debra CrosbyThe Registry
51Ellington, Captain G. W.  __/__/____/__/__William Fischer, Jr.
52Ellis, Thomas Edward  __/__/____/__/1966BillieAnn Rucker
53Ellis, Thomas Edward Jr.  __/__/____/__/__BillieAnn Rucker
54Fant, A. J. (Murder) __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
55Fears, Algie (Algernon) __/__/____/__/1901Don Clark The Registry
56Fetner, L. T. (Murder) __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
57Fincher, Sophronia K. Davis (Fronia) __/__/__12/8/1953Phillip Davis
58Ford, James Benjamin  __/__/__08/21/1986Debra Crosby The Registry
59Foster, George S.  __/__/____/__/__William Fischer, Jr.
60Freeman, Green  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
61Fuller, Ived  __/__/__08/7/1991Debra Crosby The Registry
62Fuller, Rebecca Frances Jones (Fannie) __/__/__07/27/1981Debra Crosby The Registry
63Gaines, Robert T.  __/__/____/__/1908Glenda Brack
64Gammill, Miss Mattie  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
65Garrett, N. B.  __/__/____/__/__Linda Ayres The Registry
66Gay, Frances Ellen Veal  __/__/__10/19/1946Phillip Davis
67Gilder, Martha J. Hinkle  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
68Gilder, Reuben F.  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
69Gillespie, Daniel  __/__/____/__/1848Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
70Godby, Mr. Infant Of & 1910  __/__/____/__/__Glenda Brack
71Gowan, J. L.  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
72Grace, S. E. Sallie  __/__/____/__/1915William Fischer, Jr.
73Gray, Eugenia A. Threadgill (Mrs. J. W.) __/__/____/__/1885Candace (teal) Gravelle
74Green, Mrs. E. P.  __/__/____/__/1903Glenda Brack
75Griffin, Mary Adams  __/__/____/__/1909Glenda Brack
76Griffith, Mrs. S. E.  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
77Hadaway, Alice Helen  __/__/____/__/1930Benny Gross
78Hadaway, George W.  __/__/____/__/1936Benny Gross
79Hadaway, Kenneth (Ken) __/__/__12/20/2009Wendell Hadaway
80Hamner, Mrs. Elmira  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
81Hamner, Dr. L. P.  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
82Harmon, Elias  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
83Harmon, L. W.  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
84Harrington, John M.  __/__/__01/25/1900Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
85Harris, Joel D.  __/__/____/__/1919Cathy Reed
86Harris, Ollie Higgins  __/__/__11/12/1914Linda Brewer The Registry
87Headley, Frank Pearson  __/__/____/__/1901Glenda Brack
88Heath, Rev S. L.  __/__/____/__/__Ronald Bridges
89Heflin, Mrs. J. Thos.  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
90Heggood, F. E.  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
91Henderson, Forrest G.  __/__/____/__/1928Benny Gross
92Hicks, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1929Melissa Smith
93Higgins, Anna Jane Germany  __/__/__01/__/1953Linda Brewer The Registry
94Higgins, Beaulah Faye Wooddy  __/__/__03/30/2005Linda Brewer The Registry
95Higgins, Brooksie  __/__/__11/15/1893Linda Brewer The Registry
96Higgins, Claude Whatley  __/__/__01/4/1971Linda Brewer The Registry
97Higgins, Ernest Hassell  __/__/__11/6/1901Linda Brewer The Registry
98Higgins, George Edward Jr.  __/__/__12/4/1915Linda Brewer The Registry
99Higgins, James Pierce  __/__/__05/2/1928Linda Brewer The Registry
100Higgins, John H.  __/__/__02/18/1886Linda Brewer The Registry
101Higgins, John H.  __/__/____/__/1901Don Clark The Registry
102Higgins, John Henry  __/__/__11/10/1900Linda Brewer The Registry
103Higgins, John Todd  __/__/__11/12/1909Linda Brewer The Registry
104Higgins, John Wade Sr.  __/__/__12/23/1910Linda Brewer The Registry
105Higgins, Robert Cecil  __/__/__07/28/2004Linda Brewer The Registry
106Higgins, Robert Columbus  __/__/__02/3/1903Linda Brewer The Registry
107Higgins, Robert J. Jr.  __/__/__10/13/1896Linda Brewer The Registry
108Higgins, Simeon Grier  __/__/__01/9/1907Linda Brewer The Registry
109Higgins, Simeon Tucker  __/__/__05/13/1927Linda Brewer The Registry
110Higgins, Sterling Tucker, Jr.  __/__/__08/7/1904Linda Brewer The Registry
111Higgins, Vivian Olivene  __/__/__09/12/1913Linda Brewer The Registry
112Higgins, Winnie Gammill  __/__/__06/11/1909Linda Brewer The Registry
113Hill, J. M.  __/__/____/__/1880Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
114Hinckle, John W.  __/__/____/__/1956Glenda Brack
115Hodnet/Hodnett, Mrs. C. A  __/__/__09/25/1886Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
116Hodnett, Mrs. C. A.  __/__/__10/2/1886Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
117Holman, Vernon Lee  __/__/____/__/1989Melissa Smith
118Holstun, William Cornelius  __/__/____/__/__Melissa Smith
119House, William H.  __/__/__10/11/1845Linda Houlroyd
120Hughey, Ronald Earl  __/__/__12/18/2010Debra Crosby The Registry
121Huguley, Annie T. Heard (Mrs. Amos Clinton) __/__/____/__/1919Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
122Huguley, Glanton Ward  __/__/____/__/1913Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
123Huguley, Naomi Dallis (Mrs. Amos) __/__/____/__/1880Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
124Huguley, William Henderson Sr.  __/__/____/__/1917Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
125Hunt, Jeff A.  __/__/____/__/2008Kemis Massey
126Hussey, Janelle Dean  __/__/____/__/2005Debra Crosby The Registry
127Jackson, Mrs. W. J.  __/__/____/__/1903Glenda Brack
128Jarrell, Henry  __/__/____/__/__William Fischer, Jr.
129Johnson, Mattie R.  __/__/____/__/1885Carla Miles The Registry
130Johnson, Mattie R.  __/__/__09/1/1885Carla Miles The Registry
131Key, Mary C.  __/__/__02/17/1953Linda Ayres The Registry
132Key, Thaddeus S.  __/__/__12/22/1954Linda Ayres The Registry
133Koon, M. C.  __/__/____/__/1921Benny Gross
134Lamb, Willard Lee  __/__/____/__/1933Benny Gross
135Lanier, Elijah Frank  __/__/____/__/1921Freeman & Gravelle
136Lanier, George Huguley Sr.  __/__/____/__/1948Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
137Lanier, Joseph Lamar Sr.  __/__/__11/28/2000James Woodyard
138Lanier, Lafayette  __/__/____/__/1910Freeman & Gravelle
139Lanier, Marie Lamar  __/__/____/__/__Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
140Lauderdale, James Alfred (Major) __/__/____/__/__Melissa Smith
141Law, Charles William  __/__/____/__/1924Peter Law
142Law, John Samuel  __/__/____/__/1920Peter Law
143Lee, William Joseph  __/__/____/__/__Christine Grimes Thacker
144Leverett, Mrs. John  __/__/____/__/1884Glenda Brack
145Littlefield, G. W.  __/__/____/__/__William Fischer, Jr.
146Looser, Mr. J. C.  __/__/____/__/1881Larry E. Caver Jr.
147Lovelace, Infant Of Bob Lovelace.  __/__/____/__/1904Glenda Brack
148Lusk, Minnie  __/__/____/__/1881Larry E. Caver Jr.
149Maples, Infant Of S.e.  __/__/__03/10/1922Linda Ayres The Registry
150McCoy, Nathan  __/__/____/__/1937Melissa Smith
151McGinty, Ann Moore  __/__/____/__/1898Jerry McGinty The Registry
152McGinty, Douglas Clairfield  __/__/____/__/2006Jerry McGinty The Registry
153McGinty, Mollie Hinton Redd  __/__/____/__/1931Jerry McGinty The Registry
154McGowan, John  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
155McKinney, Maggie B. Redmond  __/__/__04/27/1929Linda Brewer The Registry
156McKinney, Zachary Tilman (Tim) __/__/__05/18/1924Linda Brewer The Registry
157McLemore, J. J.  __/__/____/__/1882Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
158Megginson, J. M.  __/__/____/__/1910Glenda Brack
159Megginson, Mrs. Polly Ann  __/__/____/__/1901Don Clark The Registry
160Miller, George Helfin __/__/__10/31/2001Georgia Maude
161Miller, Willie Dell __/__/__09/26/2002Georgia Maude
162Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous  __/__/____/__/__Rex Sands The Registry
163Moore, Mrs. John W.  __/__/____/__/1881Larry E. Caver Jr.
164Moorefield, Mrs. Carrie Crawford  __/__/____/__/1905Glenda Brack
165Morgan, William T.  __/__/__10/31/1925Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
166Nelson, James Heflin  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
167Newman, Calvin Webster 'Tad'  __/__/__03/6/1939Linda Brewer The Registry
168Newman, Charles Monroe  __/__/__02/14/1914Linda Brewer The Registry
169Newman, Eula Redmon  __/__/__11/12/1914Linda Brewer The Registry
170Newton, Giles E.  __/__/____/__/1936Benny Gross
171Nixon, Lois Daniel  __/__/____/__/1984Valerie Johnson Freeman The Registry
172Ogilvie, W. E.  __/__/____/__/1916Benny Gross
173Oglesby, James Davis  __/__/__06/19/1937Linda Ayres The Registry
174Ogletree, Elizabeth  __/__/__08/6/1940Linda Ayres The Registry
175Osburn, Arthur  __/__/__12/__/1915Linda Ayres The Registry
176Parnell, John Howard  __/__/____/__/1923Jerry McGinty The Registry
177Pate, Lucy  __/__/____/__/__Don Clark The Registry
178Pearson, Amanda Lorena Higgins  __/__/__03/19/1921Linda Brewer The Registry
179Pearson, B. H.  __/__/____/__/1908Glenda Brack
180Pearson, Hiram D.  __/__/____/__/1911Glenda Brack
181Pearson, James M.  __/__/____/__/1912Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
182Pearson, Mrs. Janie Tucker  __/__/____/__/1900Glenda Brack
183Pearson, Lizzie Kate Smith  __/__/____/__/1908Glenda Brack
184Pearson, Nancy M.  __/__/____/__/1911Glenda Brack
185Pearson, Richmond  __/__/____/__/1900Glenda Brack
186Pearson, Richmond  __/__/____/__/1900Don Clark The Registry
187Pearson, Susan Jane  __/__/____/__/1908Glenda Brack
188Penn, Samuel M.  __/__/__05/25/1967Linda Ayres The Registry
189Pratt, Anna Trammell  __/__/____/__/1999Melissa Smith
190Prince, Mrs. S. C.  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
191Ray, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. William Mannon) __/__/____/__/1907Meredith Clapper The Registry
192Reaves, Virgil  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
193Redmon, Lurie Griffin  __/__/__04/1/1920Linda Brewer The Registry
194Redmon, Martha Hamilton  __/__/__07/18/1914Linda Brewer The Registry
195Redmon, Susan Ann Brooks  __/__/__04/7/1930Linda Brewer The Registry
196Redmond, Nancy L.  __/__/__04/8/1902Linda Brewer The Registry
197Redmond, Sarah Francis Webb  __/__/__04/16/1902Linda Brewer The Registry
198Reese, Frank  __/__/____/__/1917Benny Gross
199Richards, Mrs. James W.  __/__/____/__/1915William Fischer, Jr.
200Robinson, David O.  __/__/____/__/__Melissa Smith

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