Chambers Co. AL  Obituaries Miscellaneous - Avery, Satterwhite, Sands, Humphrey, Blackmon, Skinner, Smith
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by:  Rex <> 

I hope to be transcribing and adding to this page some Obits that appear in Allie 
Abernathy's scrapbook and other sources that I have access to. Much care has been 
taken in transcribing this data and some corrections were made by myself that were 
in error in the news copy.
If you notice any errors please contact me so that I can make corrections. 
Thanks Rex <>

Copied from Allie Abernathy's Scrapbook. No dates of Obit were listed but other 
records indicate he was born in 1830 this would place his date of death during 1921

J. M. Satterwhite 
     My father, James Madison Satterwhite, died at his home near Roanoke, Ala., 
last Friday January 2d, at 5 p. m. and was near 91 years old. He was taken sick 
on the Tuesday before but was not thought to be in a serious condition until Friday
 morning. He was buried at the Mount Pisgah church, laid by the side of mother who 
preceded him to the grave fourteen years. Elder B. F. House conducted the funeral 
services, preaching a brief and comforting sermon and some remarks were made by 
other friends, Though it was a cold, windy day the congregation was large, friends 
coming a distance of fifty miles in autos. He leaves four children - Mrs. M.E. Whitten 
of near Roanoke (with whom father lived for many years, and whose faithfulness to him 
is sure of great reward) B. F. Satterwhite of Roanoke, F. P. Satterwhite, of Memphis, 
Tenn., and myself, also ten grandchildren and eighteen great-grandchildren. 
    He had for a long time been a faithful member of Mount Pisgah Church. He served 
most of four years in the civil war and, to be Brief, he was true and faithful in 
every relation of life, and many pages could be written to his memory, but for the 
time being, let this suffice. 
His son, J. T. Satterwhite 


Although, these two Ladies died in Chambers Co Al., They were both born in Harris 
County.  They were the daughters of William Joseph & Annie Lou (Smith) Sands

Mrs. Humphrey Services Pending 
Mrs. Eunice Humphrey, 83, of Fairfax, is scheduled to be held today at 5 p.m. in 
the Fairfax Cemetery. Mrs. Humphrey was born in Harris County January 22, 1893 and 
died Tuesday at 11 p.m. in the Opelika Nursing Home. 8:05 a.m. She was a life long 
resident of Chambers and a member of the Lanett First United Methodist Church. 
Rev. Sam Pickard will be the minister for the service. Johnson-Brown Service 
Funeral Home will be in charge of the arrangements. Survivors include several 
nieces and nephews.
Services Pending
For Mrs. Blackmon 
Mrs. Nannelle Blackmon, 83, of Route 1, Cusseta, a member of the Fairfax Methodist 
Church, died today at George H. Lanier Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Blackmon, who was 
born in Harris County on April 29, 1890, died this morning at 8:05 a.m. Mrs. Blackmon 
is survived by one son, Harry, (Should be Walt) of Fairfax, two daughters, Mrs. Hoke 
West of Fairfax, and Mrs. Gaines Prather of Naples, Fla. and one sister, Mrs. Ray 
Humphrey of Fairfax. Mrs. Blackmon is also survived by five grandchildren and six 
great-grandchildren. Harry Campbell, Mrs. Blackmon's minister, will officiate at 
the graveside service in Fairfax. Further funeral arrangements are pending. 

Hilliard Raymond Sands
Dec 26 1971 
Hilliard Raymond Sands, 68, of 1920 Burlington Ave died in Missoula Friday. He was 
born in Harris County, Ga. Dec. 30, 1902 and served in the Army from July 1919 
until august 1921. He was married to Myrtis Harper in November 1921 and the couple 
had four daughters. Mrs. Sands died in April 1931. 
On May 1, 1932 Mr. Sands was married to Maxine Wing in Columbus, Ga. The couple moved 
to Montana in January 1933. Mr. Sands worked with Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and was a 
member of the Western Montana Boy Scout Council. 
Mr. Sands was an operating engineer at Eileson Air Force Base and Fort Greeley in 
Alaska from 1951 until 1958. He worked for the Montana Mercantile from September 
1958 until his retirement in Dec. 1969. 
He was a member of the teamsters union. Missoula Lodge 13 A.F. & A.M. and Red Cross 
lodge 18 of the Knights of Pythias in Helena. He served as past grand chancellor of 
Montana and deputy supreme chancellor in the Knights of Pythias. 
In addition to his widow, Mr. Sands is survived by three sons, Raymond Jack, 
Portland, OR; William Claude Helena, and Rex Allen, Quang Tri Viet Nam; six 
daughters, Mrs. Robert (Thelma) Hagen, Kimball NE; Mrs. Richard (Hazel) Gregg, 
Pocatello, Idaho; Mrs. June Eberhard, in Wisconsin; Mrs. Edward (Sarah) Gould 
Cantonment, Fl.; Mrs. Jack (Myrtis) McSloy, Portland, OR; and Mrs. Roy (Barbara) 
Miller, Camp Lejune N.C.; 20 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. 
Funeral services will be Tuesday at 11 AM in the Squire-Simmons-Carr Rose chapel 
with the Rev Richard A. Jones officiating. Burial will be in Missoula Cemetery.
AVERY: - Mrs. Annie L. Avery, 77, died at Phenix Memorial Monday Mar 19, 1951 
after a five day illness. She had lived at 1819 Judson Ave. Phenix City for two years.
 She moved there from Fairfax, Al. She was born Sept 24th, 1873, in Harris county, Ga. 
she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and the widow of G. B. Avery. 
Mrs. Avery is survived by two sons, H.R. Sands, Highwood, Mt and W. A. Sands, 
New Orleans; three daughters, Mrs. Lilla Skinner, Phenix City; Mrs. A. F. Blackmon, 
Fairfax Al, and Mrs. A.R. Humphrey, Opelika, She also is survived by a brother Ben Smith Hamilton, Ga; two sisters, Mrs. J.F. Sands Montgomery and Mrs. Sallie Weldon Atlanta;
 several nieces and nephews, 11 grandchildren and three great-grand children. She 
was a member of the Methodist church. Funeral arrangements will be announced by 
Britton and Dobbs. 
SKINNER: - Funeral services for Mrs. Lilla Sands Skinner will be held at the graveside 
in Lakeview Memory Gardens Cemetery 5 PM. Wednesday 6 January 1965 with the Rev. 
Donald L. Mavity, Pastor of the Westside Baptist church of Phenix City officiating. 
Mrs. Skinner is survived by two brothers, W. Allen Sands of Houston, TX, and Hilliard 
Sands of Missoula, Montana. The family requests flowers be omitted and donations made 
to Glaucoma. Colonial Funeral Home. 
SMITH – Mrs. Nancy Caroline Smith, nee Poer, calmly fell asleep at the home of her 
daughter Mrs. J. H. Sands, near Five Points, Ala. 
March 17, 1907, after a severe illness of several months. She was born in Fulton 
County, Ga. May 12, 1827, and moved to Harris county, Ga, in the year 1832; was 
happily married to Rev. Owen H. Smith December 12, 1844. From this union there were 
fifteen children-thirteen of whom are now living. In 1880 she was left awidow and was 
a faithful and loving mother for many years a joy and comfort to her children and 
grandchildren who will greatly miss her gentle ministrations and often sigh "for 
the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still" In early life 
she Joined the Methodist Church and was a consistent member of the same until her death.
She possessed a beautiful Christian character, and was ever ready to minister to those 
in need and distress, preferring always to serve rather than being served. Her funeral 
was preached by Rev. W. W. Gaines, her pastor. A large number of relatives and friends 
were present to manifest their love for her, and sympathy for the bereaved ones.
We laid her body to rest In New Hope Cemetery, beside the dust of her honored husband, 
there to await the resurrection morn We will miss her presence here, but hope some day 
to meet where sorrow and parting are unknown. When the angle shall open his record, 
may the names of all her precious ones be found written in the Lambs Book of Life, 
is the Prayer of this writer. E. T. Harnell Rev. Owen H. Smith b, Feb. 9, 1824 
d. June 15, 1880 Whereas it has pleased Almighty God. In His providence to remove by 
death from our church and Quarterly conference our beloved brother Owen H. Smith, a 
faithful local deacon. Resolved 1. That in the death of our dear brother, the church 
has lost one of its truest and best friends as well one of its most active and 
acceptable workers - the community a worthy citizen, his wife a devoted husband, 
his children a kind cheerful and provident father. 2. That while we fully realize 
our great loss, we will try with Christian resignation to submit to this wise dispensation 
of God which has removed him from our Church and Quarterly Conference, to the Church 
triumphant to be ever with the Lord. 3. That his wife and children have our prayers 
and sympathies in their sad bereavement 4. That the foregoing preamble and resolutions 
be entered on the Quarterly conference record, and that a copy be furnished the Wesleyan Christian. 
SANDS-- Monday 25 Nov 1985 Fred O. Sands, 81, of 1010 43d St, Columbus, 
died on Monday at St Francis Hospital.The funeral will be 2 PM Wednesday at Striffler-
Hamby Mortuary, Columbus with Masonic burial in Riverdale Cemetery.Mr. Sands was born 
Nov 28, 1903, in Harris County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sands. He lived in Columbus 
most of his life and was a member of Wynnton United Methodist church, Midland Masonic 
Lodge, Augusta Evans Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Miriam Rebekah lodge 
no 7, Muscogee Lodge No 6, International Order of Odd fellows, the Georgia Peace Officers
Associations and the Columbus Retired Employees Association. He retired from the Columbus 
Police Department in 1968 after 27 years and then worked for the Muscogee county sheriff's
Department, transporting prisoners. He recently had been working with State Court Judge 
Robert G. Johnston as a bailiff.Survivors include a daughter Carolyn Deal of Smyrna Ga, 
Two sisters, Myrtice Etheridge and Flori Taft both of Crawford Ala. two granddaughters 
and a great grand daughter.