Chambers Co. AL            Samuel Abernathy Obituary
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     The following obituary is from an 1878 LaFayette, Alabama
     newspaper, possibly "The LaFayette Clipper":
     Mr. SAMUEL ABERNATHY died at his residence, 4 miles north of
     LaFayette last Monday morning at 4 o'clock.
     Mr. ABERNATHY was born in Newberry District, South Carolina, April,
     1798; he would have been 80 years of age next April. He moved to
     this county in 1848, and from that time to the day of his death he
     has been known as a man of the most thorough integrity; his word
     was as good as his bond. For upwards of fifty years he had been a
     consistent member of the Primitive Baptist church, and during all
     those years he reflected honor on his profession; and in his death
     he triumphed in that faith which had been the guide of his long
     life. He was a good citizen, an humble christian, and an upright
     Peace to his ashes.
     Note: Tombstone inscription at Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church
     SAMUEL ABERNATHY, April 5, 1798 - January 28, 1878