Chambers Co. AL - OBIT:  Reuben F. Gilder

Submitted by Don L. Clark <> 

                          Reuben F. Gilder Obituary
     Source: The LaFayette Sun-May 3, 1922
     Mr. R. F. GILDER, one of the best known citizens of this county,
     died at his home in this city yesterday evening at 7 o'clock, after
     a short illness. This announcement will bring sorrow to his host of
     friends throughout this section of the state.
     Mr. GILDER was born in Lee County (originally Chambers) but most of
     his long and useful life has been spent here. He celebrated his
     85th birthday on the 3rd of last April. He was a gallant
     Confederate soldier, serving in the 13th AL Volunteers and held the
     rank of lieutenant. He was wounded at Chancellorsville and the
     lameness from the wound he carried through life.
     Several years ago Mr. GILDER was baptized into the fellowship of
     the Baptist Churdh by Dr. W. C. BLEDSOE, and has been a faithful
     and devoted member of that church. Few men lived among us who had
     won more friends. Genial, big-hearted, and generous, he will be
     sorely missed by his relatives and friends.
     The deceased is survived by one daughter: MRS. THOMAS R. (FELLIE)
     JONES, with other relatives and many friends.
     Funeral Services will be held at the home at 3:30 this afternoon
     and interment will be in the city cemetery.
     Source: The LaFayette Sun-May 10, 1922
     The funeral of Mr. R. F. GILDER who died at his home in this city
     on Tuesday afternoon, May 2, was held at the home last Wednesday
     afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The services were in charge of Rev. J.
     W. RUCKER, pastor of the LaFayette Baptist Church, of which the
     deceased was a member, assisted by Dr. W. C. BLEDSOE. It had been
     arranged for interment to take place immediately after the funeral,
     but a heavy rain made postponement necessary.
     At 9 o'clock Thursday morning officers and members of Charity Lodge
     No. 15, Knights of Pythias, of which fraternity Mr. GILDER was a
     member, assumed charge and escorted the remains from the home to
     the city cemetery, where the interment was made after the Pythian
     Funeral Ceremony had been read. Thus was laid to rest the body of
     one of our leading citizens, whose death has brought sorrow to many
     relatives and friends in this section of the state.
     Note: Tombstone inscription in LaFayette Cemetery, "REUBEN F.
     GILDER, April 23, 1837 - May 2, 1922, First Lieutenant 13th AL Reg.
     Co. H"

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