Death Notices from the Montgomery Advertisor, May 1-31, 1881, Montgomery, Alabama =============================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed and copyrighted by: Larry E. Caver, Jr. <> ================================================================================= June 2004 Death Notices From the Montgomery Advertiser -Transcribed by Larry E. Caver, Jr. May 1, 1881: (Autauga County) Mr. Hugh L. NARRAMORE, an old citizen of this county, who was confined to his bed during several weeks by typhoid pneumonia, died at his residence in this place, last Saturday evening and was buried Sunday evening. -Prattville Citizen (Autauga County) An old colored man named Henry ROUNTREE was found dead last Sunday morning, in an outhouse on Mr. A. WILSON's plantation near Prattville. -Prattville Citizen (Autauga County) Died, on the 23rd instant, at the residence of her son, J.L. GOLSON, Mrs. Eliza GOLSON, in the 79th year of her age. She had been a resident of this county for nearly half a century. -Southern Signal (Randolph County) J.B. AMOS, former sheriff of this county, died on the 22nd of this month, from injuries received a short time since by a severe blow on the head from the sweep of a log cart… -News Died, in Dadeville, the 21st, Mrs. Mary M. SMITH. Died, near Green Hill, Mrs. Isabelle HOLLAND, relict of the late Harrison HOLLAND, aged 71 years. Died, in Moulton, recently, Mr. Lindsey MOORE. Died, near Livingston, April 23rd, Eddie L., son of L.H. and L.I. PREWETTE, aged 14 years. Died, in Prattville, recently, Mr. Henry C. DURDEN, in the 26th year of his age. Also, on last Saturday, Mrs. J.T. HELMS. Died, near Jasper, August 19th, 1880, A.M. Rainey SHERER, wife of Absalom SHERER, aged 53 years. Died, in Alexander City, on the 17th, Mrs. Jane F. DEAN. May 3, 1881: (Escambia County) Mr. William CROSS, Sr., aged 74 years, left his home, near this place, last Sunday morning with a load of goods, to go about 20 miles east, and when at the house of Mr. Joseph LAMBERT, about sundown, he complained of feeling bad, and in a few minutes lost the use of his limbs. Growing worse, he expired at 2 o'clock in the morning. His corpse was brought home Tuesday for interment. -Brewton Blade Died, at Day's Mill, Bibb County, recently, Mr. Kimion HARWELL. Died, in Chambers County, recently, Mr. James A. THOMPSON. Died, near Cusseta, Chambers County, a few days since, Mrs. Robert HOWELL. Death Notices From THE MONTGOMERY DAILY ADVERTISER Died, in Monroe County, recently, Mr. T. S. McNEILL. Died, near Brooksville, on the 22nd instant (ultimo), of consumption, Mrs. Crickett REID. Died, on the night of the 22nd instant (ultimo), near Brooksville, Polly, wife of Mr. P.M. ANDERSON. Died, near Jefferson, Marengo County, William ALLEN, aged 45 years. Died, in Camden, the 24 ultimo, Mrs. Mary PELKINGTON, aged 83 years. Died, at Montgomery Hill, Baldwin County, the 20th ultimo, Mr. Peter McCONNELL. Died, in Jefferson County, 24th ultimo, Mrs. Josephine, wife of F.B. McWILLIAMS. Died, at Coketon, on the 24th (ultimo), Lizzie, aged about 27, wife of Robert TURNER, Superintendent of the Slope. May 4, 1881: (Cleburne County) On or about the 15th instant (ultimo), a fatal difficulty occurred in the eastern portion of this county between Johnnie SCOTT and Bob SCOTT, uncle and nephew. The two young men were living in the same house. Upon the fatal day, Bob SCOTT was treating his mother in a disrespectful manner, when Johnnie interfered and importuned Bob to desist... Bob then turned towards Johnnie… To avoid a difficulty then and there, Johnnie left home and stayed that night with some of his relatives. Next morning, he with some others returned to his home. As soon as he arrived, Bob SCOTT, the uncle of Johnnie, followed him in the house and attacked him with a knife… Johnnie seized him by the hand in which the knife was in, and drawing a pistol fired three shots… The unfortunate young man lived till the next morning when he expired (Lengthy). -Clarion Dr. George C. DUGAS, of Augusta, who came to Montgomery several weeks ago to be with his brother-in-law, the late Dr. W.J. HOLT, during his illness, leaves for his home this morning… His sister, Mrs. HOLT, accompanied him on a visit to her father. Mrs. Thomas BARNETT departed this life in this city on Sunday afternoon last. Her funeral services at the Episcopal Church on Monday were largely attended… . Died, at Mt. Willing, Wednesday last, Mr. Henry HARTLEY, Mr. Elias FAIRES, aged 84 years, and for years a citizen of Lauderdale, died in Wayne County, Tennessee, recently. Died, near Green Hill, Lauderdale County, Tuesday of last week, Mr. Jacob SLUTTS, aged 86. Died, in Madison County, recently, Mrs. Lucian C. BETTS. May 6, 1881: (Columbia, S. C., May 1) General John S. PRESTON died at his residence in Columbia this morning of a complication of liver and kidney diseases… The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. PIERSON are invited to attend the funeral of the latter, from her late residence on Goode Street, at 4 o'clock p.m. Mrs. A.B. PIERSON, a resident of this city for many years past, dropped dead yesterday evening while engaged in some domestic duties. Col. J.J. JOLLY died at his residence in Gainesville on the 1st instant. Died, in Selma, the 3rd instant, Mrs. C. HEINZ. Died, in Evergreen, on the 30th ultimo, Mr. Eli HIRSCHFELDER. Died, in Butler County, a few days since, Miss DINNARD. May 7, 1881: Colonel (J.J.) JOLLY- The death of this well-known citizen removes from the walks of men, one of the prominent and patriotic sons of Alabama… Colonel JOLLY followed the Confederate flag, with courage and devotion, throughout the memorable struggle. He was, at the time of the surrender, Colonel of one of Alabama's best regiments… Since the war, he served in the session of the Legislature of 1876-1877, as a member of the House from Jefferson County…. In 1872 he was one of the Democratic nominees for Congress for the State at large. A few years since, he removed from Birmingham to Gainesville, in Sumter County… It is rare that a death so awful and horrible is known, or read of, as occurred to Houston LOWERY, a little eighteen-month-old child of Mr. C. L. LOWERY, night watchman of the Western railroad, yesterday afternoon… By some means, the child escaped the eye of its watchful mother, and went out of the front gate into the road yard, as far as the track. When it reached that point, he placed his hands over the rail on the track… The car was about fifteen or twenty feet from the child… the brakes were put down and the engine reversed, but too late… (Lengthy article) May 8, 1881: A few days ago Mr. W. E. WARE, a young man in this city, was stricken with paralysis, and his friends have been very uneasy in regard to his condition. Yesterday morning their worst fears were realized, when his soul passed into the spirit land. He was a son of Dr. R.A. WARE, and died at his father's residence about six miles into Alabama. He was about twenty-two years of age, and for some time has been engaged as a clerk at the shoe store of Mr. W.R. BEDELL… -Columbus Enquirer, May 7th [Additional note] Mr. W. E. WARE was a brother of Mrs. James L. WARE, of this city, and she and her husband, Dr. WARE, have the sympathy of their host of friends in this community in their sorrow and trouble. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. TAYLOR are invited to attend the funeral of their youngest son, Frank, from the residence of J.H. TAYLOR, this evening at half past five o'clock. We are sorry to learn of the death of the little son of Mr. J.L. COWAN on Wednesday night last. -Opelika Times Died, near Roanoke, the 1st instant, Mr. G. M. JONES. Died, near Lamar, Randolph County, 27th ultimo, Mr. James RICHARDSON. Died, Capt. James H. DRAKE, late of Courtland, a few days ago. Died, in Opelika, Wednesday, Mrs. Capt. Daniel BULLARD. Died, near Moulton, the 25th ultimo, Ed H. ROBERTSON, aged 19. Died, near Prattville, last week, Mr. James DURDEN. May 10, 1881: (Marengo County) On the morning of the 27th ultimo, at Shiloh, in this county, while Mr. J.R. VICE was plowing in his farm, a limb fell from a tree and killed him instantly, breaking his neck, back and both jaws. Mr. VICE was 72 years of age. He moved from North Alabama to this county about ten or twelve years ago. -Linden Reporter Died, in Randolph County, last week, Mr. John MONAW. Died, near Brooklyn, Alabama, April 30th, of heart disease, Mr. Collen BLOW, aged 70 years. May 11, 1881: Sunday evening, in Montgomery, Alabama, Mrs. UPDEGRAFF died at the advanced age of 76 years. Her remains were brought to this city yesterday for interment. She was one of the earliest settlers of this section, coming here before the red man had left for the land of the setting sun… For several years past she had been an invalid, suffering much… -Columbus Times May 14, 1881: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel CELLNER are invited to attend the funeral of their daughter, Jeanette, Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, form their residence on Sayre Street. On Friday, the 6th instant, at the new mill of Walker, Thomas & Co., in Henry County, there was an accident which deprived a good man of his life… Mr. Moses LANGSTON, who was in charge of the work, was on the frame above the sheeting, or rather the place which was being fixed for the sheeting, and lost his balance and fell 21 feet to the rock bottom, from the effects of which he soon expired… He was an old citizen of Henry County, was known and esteemed by all, and leaves a large family to mourn his loss. He was buried at Columbia on the 7th instant. -Eufaula Times Died, at Abbeville, Mrs. Ella OWENS. Died, in Macon County, Mr. A.J. PLANT. Died, in Russell County, Mrs. Harriet S. MOSS, aged 70 years. May 15, 1881: An old colored man named Tom GILBERT, living in the lower part of Coosa County, started home from a visit to a neighbor on Sunday afternoon, and died on the way… A jury was summoned, and they returned a verdict that he died of heart disease. -Wetumpka Times Death Notices From THE MONTGOMERY DAILY ADVERTISER (Hall Montgomery Medical and Surgical Society, May 12th, 1881) Dr. J.F. JOHNSON, chairman of committee appointed at former meeting to draft resolutions of respect to the late Dr. W.J. HOLT, reported the following: … Resolved, that in the recent death of Dr. William Joseph HOLT this society has lost a member of eminent professional attainments… Dr. J.B. GASTON added- Of distinguished parentage Dr. HOLT was born in Augusta, Georgia, on the 29th of January 1829. There he acquired his academic education and entering the South Carolina College in 1846 he pursued and completed the curriculum of that institution… Of the particulars of his service as surgeon in the Russian Army, I know little; but I know that he so discharged the trust confided to him by his illustrious master, the Czar of Russia, that this sovereign bestowed upon him such badges as confidence, such honorable recognition and dignity, such patents of rank as have rarely, if ever, been conferred on an American citizen before or since… Married to the accomplished daughter of his distinguished preceptor, Dr. L. A. DUGAS, of Augusta, and with a comfortable fortune, he led the life of a planter in Alabama until the outbreak of our civil war… He left his home and repaired to the scene of hostilities at Pensacola… Dr. R.F. MICHEL added- …If my memory serves me correctly, that Dr. William J. HOLT was one of the founders of the Medical and Surgical Society of Montgomery… (This issue contains very lengthy resolutions on his medical career) Yesterday morning, in East Selma, Ed JONES, colored, split open with a hatchet the head of Hetty SMITH, also colored… -Selma Times Died, in Tallapoosa County, Reverend Jethro OATS of the Primitive Baptist Church; also, in the same county, Mr. B.J. PLANT. The interments in the City Cemetery for the week ending last night, May 14th, were as follows: White May 8 Frank TAYLOR*, child, scarlatina. Black May 8 Fred HUGHES, typhoid pneumonia. May 12 Lucy Ann HALL*, chronic Brights. Ann SAUNDERS*, old age, 80 years. Child of Annie BARTON, marasmus. May 13 Child of Reuben DEAN, congenital malformation-imperforate anus. May 14 John THOMAS*, consumption. *Died outside of city limits. Died, in Autauga County, Mrs. Mary WOOD. Died, in Randolph County, Mrs. Jasper GAINES. Died, in Choctaw County, Mr. H.B. CALLIS, aged 76 years. Died, in Tuscumbia, Mr. Thomas SKIDMORE. May 17, 1881: Died, in Marengo County, Mrs. Sarah E. BATES. Died, in Barbour County, Mrs. Art REYNOLDS. Died, in Coffee County, Mr. Elisha WINSLOW. May 18, 1881: Died, in Marshall County, Mrs. P.J. CORLEY. Died, in Marshall County, Mr. Thomas MANNING, aged 78. Died, near Columbia, Henry County, Mr. Morgan BEST, of Columbus, Georgia. Willie DAVIS, son of the late Col. Nick DAVIS, died at Washington City, recently, of meningitis. Died, on Lookout Mountain, Mrs. Rebecca STEPHENS. May 19, 1881: (Reagan, Texas, May 18) Paul SWEET, a section boss, fell from the cars this evening and the wheels passed over his breast, crushing his ribs and lungs. He died at seven o'clock. He leaves a wife and two children. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. William C. CRENSHAW and of Mrs. M. L. ATKINSON and family are invited to attend the funeral of the former from the residence of the latter, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Departed this life, April 30th, Mrs. Julia A. MARTIN, wife of J.M. MARTIN, of Independence, Washington County, Texas. May 20, 1881: Died, in Mobile, 14th instant, Mrs. Gertrude MOLLINOLLI. Died, at Marion Junction, Mrs. Rebecca JOHNSON. Died, in Eufaula, 16th instant, Mrs. C. REEVES. Died, in Greenville, 14th instant, Dr. J.R. GLASGOW, aged 57. May 21, 1881: (Barbour County) "Black Crook", a horse belonging to Mr. Wells J. BRAY, died recently at 36 years of age. His owner refused to give his carcass to the vultures and had him decently buried. -Eufaula Bulletin Died, in Union Springs, recently, Reverend J. P. DUNCAN. Died, at Floy, DeKalb County, little Fannie McLEROY. May 22, 1881: Mr. J. P. EASON, we much regret to learn, was drowned in the Tallapoosa River, at some point near Cowles Station, on Friday evening last… Mr. EASON was a brother of Mr. J.H. EASON, of this county. A notice of the death of Mr. Louis FELDER, who died a few days ago at his residence in this county, was unavoidably omitted. The cause of his death was cancer, from which he had suffered a long time. He was a planter and a brother of the late Chancellor Adam C. FELDER, and the last one who remained of the family except a sister living in this city. Last Sunday, Steve SHELMAR, colored, living on the Nininger place, went with two or three others to look up some cattle. They came to the singular pool on Ft. Deposit Creek and concluded to bathe… But Steve sank, and arose no more in this life… The body was recovered and buried Monday. -Hayneville Examiner The interments in the City Cemetery the past week ending last night, the 21st, were as follows: White May 15 Miss Jeanette CELLNER, congestion of lungs. May 16 Lewis E. FELDER*, cancer. May 19 William C. CRENSHAW, tubercles. Black May 15 Cornelius E. STEPHENS, child, inflammation of the bowels. May 15 Child of Richard MASON, teething/convulsions. May 16 Child of Hannah ROSE, unknown cause. May 17 Child of Mary STEAMS, stillborn. May 19 Mary JOHNSON, erysipelas. *Died outside of city limits. (Clarke County) Eugene, son of Jesse R. BETTIS, who removed hence to Brown County, Texas, a few months ago, died there on the 23rd ultimo. -Democrat Died, near Troy, Mr. George W. STEWART. Died, at Clanton, 15th instant, Mr. James A. WELCH. Died, in Clarke County, last week, Mr. W. Bishop HICKS, aged 83. Died, in Demopolis, 15th instant, Dr. James COLE, 51 years of age. Died, in Greene County, the 15th, Mrs. Martha VALENTINE, age 82. May 24, 1881: Died, on Saturday, May 21st, Eleanor, daughter of Alex and Alice B. TROY, aged 6 months and 16 days. Mrs. Mary M. HART, a lady well known and highly respected in Montgomery, died in Mobile on the 16th instant. Albert THOMAS, colored, of this city, was drowned Sunday, 23 miles this side of Pensacola, in the Escambia River. He had been to Pensacola, and returning home, stopped off, and went in the river bathing… We regret to learn that Dr. James KENT, who has resided near Oxmoor, died very suddenly in Birmingham, on Sunday evening last… He will be buried in Selma this morning. (Autauga County) At Mulberry, the other day, the wife of Mark LANIER struck him on the head with a hoe, and after breaking his skull, went as usual to her work. He was found some time afterwards in a miserable condition, from which he recovered, but again relapsed and finally died. -Prattville Signal At the close of day, 18th inst., the earthly career of one of Decatur's oldest and most highly esteemed citizens was ended. After an illness of about 30 days, Col. Lawrence S. BANKS died at his residence Thursday evening, in the 78th year of his age. -Decatur News Died, in Demopolis, recently, Dr. J.R. COLE. Died, in Hanover, Coosa County, recently, Mr. Charles McMANUS. Died, near Rockford, the 15th instant, Mr. Charles SAMPLES. Died, in Henry County, recently, Mr. John GISSENDANNER and child. May 25, 1881: (Tuscaloosa County) D. HAMNER, under indictment for killing Powell BOLTON, and for arson, in this city, was brought from Texas and lodged in jail here, on last Sunday. -Times Died, near Columbia, Henry County, Mrs. Martha DEISE. Died, near Pollard, last week, Dr. NIXON. Died, in Dale County, Mr. Abel BRILY, aged 79 years. Died, in Crenshaw County, Reverend John BROWN. Died, in Chambers County, Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.T. LUSK. May 26, 1881: (Galveston, May 25) Patrick LYONS was found dead in the western outskirts of the city, on Wednesday last… The Columbus papers announce the death, at Warm Springs, Georgia, of Col. John L. MUSTAIN, of that city… The Enquirer-Sun says: He was born in North Carolina in 1805, and was in his 76th year of age. He lived in that state until he was about grown, and served as an apprentice at the carpenter's trade under Mr. BRAGG, father of Gen. Braxton BRAGG. Leaving his home state, he adopted Georgia for his home and settled in Macon… While there he formed a copartnership with Col. R.L. MOTT, of this city, for the purpose of starting a stage line. They owned the line from Augusta, Georgia to Montgomery, Alabama… Colonel MUSTIAN, in his early life, married Miss JETER… To them only one child was born, a daughter, who married Mr. John DAVIS, and who died years ago, leaving two children, Charley DAVIS, of Warm Springs, and Mrs. Julia WILKINS, of Montgomery, Alabama. Colonel R.L. MOTT, of this city, and Colonel MUSTIAN were brothers-in-law… (Lengthy article) It was with much regret that we learned yesterday of the death of Mr. R.F. SPARKS, for he has been thoroughly identified with our community for so many years… He was a native of London, and was born in that city in 1836. He came to Mobile in 1857, and has resided here, with the exception of a few years, ever since. -Mobile Register May 27, 1881: A difficulty occurred near Mt. Meigs on Tuesday night, 24th instant, between two colored men, Joe STARK and Bill ROSE, which ended fatally to the former… (New Orleans, May 26) A special to the Democrat from Floyd, Louisiana, says: A difficulty took place in the street yesterday evening between E. L. SADE and H.R. LOTT, Jr., son of Col. H. R. LOTT, in which LOTT was instantly killed. Immediately, T.J. LOTT, brother of H.R. LOTT, Jr., became engaged in the difficulty and was shot down, his wounds being probably mortal. Dr. J.R. GLASGOW, whose sudden death in Greenville has been noticed, was a Captain of Artillery in Hilliard's Legion, consolidated into the 59th and 60th Alabama Regiments, and incorporated into Gracie's Brigade. He was an estimable gentleman, and spoken of by the Advocate as one of Butler County's most substantial and respected citizens. It is with profound regret that we record the death of Mr. Rufus L. FANNIN, which occurred at the residence of Mr. H.P. SCREWS, in this city, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning… On Monday, the 16th, he was taken ill and forced to retire to his room, and the symptoms soon developed into pneumonia… Mr. FANNIN had nearly completed his 34th year, and had been continuously in the employment of Messrs. Tatum & Wilkinson as principal bookkeeper, since October 1871… His remains were carried to the country for interment at the family homestead, attended by a delegation of the Knights of Pythias… Died, in Dallas County, Mr. John W. WALKER. Died, in Lauderdale County, W.F. COST. May 28, 1881: Mr. S.T. DeFORD, well and familiarly known in Montgomery, died in Louisville, Kentucky, a night or two ago, of paralysis of the brain. He was one of the oldest and best-known railroad men in the country. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John B. FULLER died yesterday from the effects of teething… Frank McQUADE, the young brakeman of the L & N Railroad, who was so severely crushed recently while coupling cars, died in Pensacola, Tuesday, from the effects of his injuries. The remains were forwarded to Mobile, where his father resides, for interment. (Jackson County) Mrs. Mary E. CORLEY, wife of Elder P.J. CORLEY, of Woodville, in this county, who had been afflicted for many months, died at the residence of Gen. Ira R. FOSTER, near Warrenton, in Marshall County, on May 3rd. -Scottsboro Herald May 29, 1881: (Dallas County) Died, at Waco, Texas, on the 16th instant, Major T.J. FROW, one of the pioneers of Selma, and its oldest newspaperman. He resided in Selma until a few years ago. -Selma Argus (Marengo County) Died at Aberdeen, Mississippi, on the 20th instant, Mrs. Magdalene BREITLING, of this city, in the 76th year of her age. She was a venerable and esteemed lady, who had been a resident of Demopolis for more than half a century. She leaves nine children, the eldest of whom is Mrs. ZAISER, of this city. Seven of these are residents of this city and vicinity, and the others are Dr. Jo. BREITLING, of Choctaw, and Mr. John BREITLING, of Texas… She came to this place when a girl with the earliest French settlers, and was an inmate of the family of General LeFEVERE, who lived on French Creek, near this city. She had, therefore, lived here about 65 years. -Demopolis News Journal Died, in Lowndes County, Alley PEAKE, son of Dr. PEAKE. Died, in Lee County, Mrs. W.H. HOOKER. Died, in Jasper, Walker County, Miss Virginia, L. GAMBLE. Died, in Bibb County, Mr. Coleman LEMLEY. Died, in Greene County, Mrs. Harriet CHILDERS. The interments in the City Cemetery the past week ending last night, the 28th, were as follows: White May 22 Child of Alex TROY, hydrocephalus. May 23 Mrs. Helena LONG, consumption. May 26 Benjamin LEVY, child, scarlatina. May 28 Child of John B. FULLER, dysentry. Black May 22 Willie C. WATKINS, drowned in Jackson's Lake. May 23 Child of Charles F. MORGAN, stillborn. Child of O.B. FORHAM, cause unknown. Child of William HOLT, cause unknown. May 25 Charles LYON*, child, meningitis. May 26 Susan T. RIVERS*, dropsy & gangrene. Child of Kate BELL, fever. May 27 Child of Sarah FOSTER, cause unknown. May 28 Child of Joe STODEMYER, cause unknown. Flora BRECKENRIDGE, angina pectoris. *Died outside of city limits. May 31, 1881: Mrs. Belle HYER, wife of Capt. William K. HYER, of Pensacola, died in Pensacola on the 25th, as we learn from the Advance. She was a daughter of Hon. James ABERCROMBIE, who represented Montgomery district in Congress, and a sister of Mrs. Gen. CLANTON, of this city… (Washington County) We learn that considerable excitement was caused in Deer Park by a shooting affair which took place on Thursday morning… A young man named George THOMPSON, about 21 years old, had induced the wife of William F. MIDDLETON to leave her husband and go with him. She had been gone about a week, when THOMPSON came last Thursday to MIDDLETON's house, saying he had come after Mrs. MIDDLETON's things… As THOMPSON came up to MIDDLETON's gate, before he could enter, MIDDLETON fired at him with a double-barrel shotgun… killing THOMPSON instantly… (Lengthy article) -Mobile Register Died, in Dale County, recently, Mr. Lewis DEAL, aged 81 years. Died, in Russell County, 27th instant, Dr. McDonough GRANT. Died, near Uniontown, Mr. John WALKER. Died, in Greenville, 25th instant, Mrs. Fannie LONG, of Conecuh County. Died, at Goodwater, Coosa County, 20th instant, Mrs. Julia BURK.