Chambers Co. AL - OBIT:  James Alfred (Major) Lauderdale

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Submitted by:  Melissa Smith
                   Obit: James Alfred "Major" Lauderdale

   Obit from the Chatt-Valley Times, Wednesday, Jan 29, 1941:
   J A Lauderdale, 86, one of the most beloved men of Langdale, and
   resident of the community for the past 35 years, died at his home
   Sunday. Services were conducted from the Baptist church Monday, the
   Rev L E Kelley officiating. Burial was in Wadley, with Johnson and
   Company in charge of arrangements.
   Mr Lauderdale was a faithful member of the Baptist church, and a man
   highly respected by all who knew him. He and his family came to
   Langdale from Tallapoosa County, years ago.
   He is survived by eight children: Mrs Dave Williams of Clay County;
   Mrs O B Smith of Lafayette; Mrs Jim Gauntt and Mrs Howard Lasley, of
   Langdale; J F Lauderdale of Alexander City; A J of Lafayette; Thomas
   of Buffalo; and Perry of Shawmut.
   **Notes: Born Dec 1854,Tallapoosa Co, AL died 26 Jan 1941, Parents:
   Andrew & Elizabeth Lauderdale, Spouse: Lannie Ann Smith m. 15 Nov 1877
   in Tallapoosa Co, AL.**