Obituary for W. B. Belcher, Chambers, Alabama 
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William Fischer, Jr.
January 2002


Mr W B BELCHER, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Chambers county, died 
at his home in Five Points at 11:00 last Saturday night, after a long illness. He was 83 
years and 27 days old and had been a citizen of Chambers about 43 years. For a longer 
time than that probably he had been a member of the Methodist church. The services were 
conducted by his pastor, Dr SLAUGHTER, Sunday afternoon, in the presence of a large 
congregation of friends and relatives. The deceased was the father of Messrs J W, T L and 
J M BELCHER, of this place [Roanoke]. In addition to the relatives, a number of the 
friends of the family attended the funeral from Roanoke.

[From The Roanoke Leader (Randolph County, Alabama), 20 May 1903, p.3]


W. B. BELCHER, Abt 19 Apr 1820--16 May 1903,

T. L. BELCHER, 25 Sep 1859--23 Oct 1937,
Jeff. M. BELCHER, 31 Jul 1868--1 Apr 1935,
Sons interred in Cedarwood Cemetery, Roanoke, Alabama.