Chambers County AlArchives Obituaries.....Hodnett, C. A.  (Mrs.) September 1886
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Candace (Teal) Gravelle October 8, 2006, 12:00 pm

"The Jacksonville Republican"
Jacksonville, Calhoun Co., Alabama

NEWSPAPER Issue of Saturday, OCTOBER 2, 1886

ALABAMA State News

CHAMBERS County News

The LaFayette Democrat reports that Mrs. C.A. Hodnett died at her home a few 
miles east of LaFayette last Sunday morning about nine o'clock. She got up 
as usual and prepared breakfast and a short while afterwards complained of 
not feeling well and lay down and began reading a paper. Noticing that she 
was very quiet, her husband went to the bed and found her gasping. The 
neighbors were immediately notified and Dr. Davis of this place summoned, 
but she expired before the doctor arrived. Apoplexy is thought to have been 
the cause of her death.

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