Chambers County AlArchives Obituaries.....Higgins, Brookie November 15, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Brewer August 28, 2018, 1:19 pm Newspaper "The Gospel Messenger", Volume 16, No. 4 – April 1894: Brooksie Higgins. Brooksie was born April 3, 1877, and died November 15, 1893. He was the youngest child of Deacon S. G. and Sister Henrietta Higgins. His father had sent him to the field to drive out a neighbor's cow and calf, away from his corn. While attempting to pass them in a lane, his horse being in full speed, ran over the calf and fell, throwing him on the hard road and breaking his skull, and fell on him, and so bruised his body that he died in about three hours. On the evening to the 16th his remains were carried to the family cemetery and after a few remarks and prayer by the writer, were placed beneath the sod. We had known him from infancy, and knew him to possess noble traits of character, such as soberness, truthfulness, kindness to all, "and best of all," obedient to his parents. He had never made any profession of religion, but our hope that he is at rest with Jesus is not without foundation. A word, a tear, a sigh, frequently caused us to believe he had been with Jesus. Brother Higgins' family has been tried in many ways, and this last seemed to be one of the severest, but all of these things seems to purify their lives more and more, and will cause the light of Jesus to shine brighter and brighter, until the perfect day. Brethren and sisters pray that they, and that we all, may able to bear all things put upon us. J. T. Satterwhite. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb