Chambers County AlArchives Obituaries.....Griffin, Mary Adams 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Glenda Brack October 9, 2008, 5:14 am The LaFayette Sun May 12, 1909 In Memoriam. Mary Adams was born in Talbot Co., Ga., Sept. 14th, 1833. She was married to Green L. Griffin Dec. 26th, 1850. She united with the Baptist Church of LaFayette, Ala., in July 1881. She departed this life April 15th, 1909. Her funeral was conducted by her Pastor, Rev. E. M. Stewart, assisted by Rev. W. C. Bledsoe; the pallbearers were her sons, J. C., J. D., C. W., and Lee Griffin, with two of her grand-sons-in-law, Q. P. Siler and L. N. Wilson. She leaves her husband, G. L. Griffin, four sons, three daughters, Mrs. Bettie Marable, Mrs. Martha Sims, and Miss Annie Griffin, together with many relatives and friends throughout this section of Alabama. Mrs. Griffin was faithful in all the relations of life. A devoted mother, a kind neighbor and friend, unselfishly she gave her life to the happiness and well being of those around her. She always sustained to her church the most loyal relations, and from the day she professed faith in her Lord she was true to that profession, finding no greater joy than in doing whatever she could for the glory of His kingdom. Mrs. Griffin was a woman of wonderful patience, enduring without a murmur through many weary months very great physical suffering. All who knew her understood that such patience was hers because there was with her in large measure the presence of God’s Holy Spirit. None knew better than she the preciousness of the promises of God, and on them rests the Christian’s assurance and peace of mind in the darkest hours. May all who loved her follow in her steps and after this life on earth is done find with her a home where there will be “fullness of joy forever.” (Per “Survey of Cemeteries in Chambers County, Alabama” there is a tombstone in the LaFayette City Cemetery that reads: “Mary Adams, wife of G. L. Griffin, Sept. 14, 1833 – April 15, 1909. She is buried next to her husband and daughter and family. Other members of this family are buried elsewhere in the cemetery. gb) This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb