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Total Records: 529
1Abercrombie, James Hoyt  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
2Adams, Annie Blanche Macomson  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
3Adams, Brantley  __/__/__09/10/1943Alisa Dunn
4Adams, Mrs. Eunice Jackson  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
5Adams, Grover Lee Sr.  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
6Addison, Billy Odell  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
7Addison, J. Lawrence  __/__/__10/16/1924Evie Whitfield The Registry
8Addison, Miss Julia L.  __/__/__01/10/1967Evie Whitfield The Registry
9Aderhold, J. S.  __/__/__02/7/1947Evie Whitfield The Registry
10Aderhold, James S.  __/__/__02/6/1947Evie Whitfield The Registry
11Akin, Epps Thomas  __/__/__04/9/1939Evie Whitfield The Registry
12Akin, Myra Bell Eskew  __/__/__10/13/1949Evie Whitfield The Registry
13Akin, William David  __/__/__10/3/1940Evie Whitfield The Registry
14Aldrich, Charlie O'Neal  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
15Alexander, Thomas D.  __/__/__01/__/1921Jacqueline King The Registry
16Alexander, W. Guy  __/__/__03/9/1922Jacqueline King The Registry
17Alexander, William G.  __/__/__03/__/1923Jacqueline King The Registry
18Andrews, Linda 11  __/__/__05/__/1978Evie Whitfield The Registry
19Andrews, William Columbus  __/__/__04/5/1925Evie Whitfield The Registry
20Ansley, Emmie Vera Ward  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
21Archer, Ralph Otis  __/__/__11/3/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
22Ariail, Mattie Ayers  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
23Atkinson, Teresa Melinda  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
24Ayers, Clarence Landers  __/__/____/__/1975Carole Walker
25Ayers, George Freeman  __/__/__06/12/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
26Ayers, George Freeman  __/__/__06/12/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
27Ayers, Henry Washington  __/__/__09/14/1974Evie Whitfield The Registry
28Ayers, Lavada Lorrine Strickland  __/__/__02/14/1960Evie Whitfield The Registry
29Ayers, Lewis Milton  __/__/__09/6/1948Evie Whitfield The Registry
30Ayers, Mary Grace  __/__/__11/21/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
31Ayers, Pearl Garrison  __/__/__11/3/1972Evie Whitfield The Registry
32Ayers, Pearl Garrison  __/__/__11/3/1972Evie Whitfield The Registry
33Ayers, Peggy  __/__/__07/20/1943Alisa Dunn
34Ayers, Shanta Alaine  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
35Ayers, Dr. Thomas Wilborn  __/__/__01/5/1954Evie Whitfield The Registry
36Ayers, Timie Whitehead  __/__/__10/25/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
37Ayers, Virginia Opal  __/__/__01/11/1940Evie Whitfield The Registry
38Ayers, William Herschel, 05  __/__/__06/__/1969Evie Whitfield The Registry
39Ayers, Willie Minora Skelton (Minnie) __/__/__01/21/1935Evie Whitfield The Registry
40Baker, Allie Bertie  __/__/__12/4/1972Alisa Dunn
41Banks, William Groves  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
42Baskins, Maudie Mozell McCollum  __/__/__07/__/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
43Battson, John Mark  __/__/__02/7/1947Alisa Dunn
44Battson, John Mark Jr  __/__/__02/6/1947Lindsey Dunn
45Baty, J. D.  __/__/__12/16/1921Jacqueline King The Registry
46Bell, Katie Lee Griffith  __/__/__12/13/2004Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
47Bell, Katie Bell  __/__/__12/13/2004Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
48Bellamy, Emma Parlee Kesler  __/__/__09/9/1948Evie Whitfield The Registry
49Bellamy, John Wesley  __/__/__12/17/1938Evie Whitfield The Registry
50Bennett, Carl Wade  __/__/__06/10/1931Alisa Dunn
51Bentley, James Pope 28  __/__/__03/__/1999Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
52Bentley, Mary E. Wilson  __/__/__04/5/1982Evie Whitfield The Registry
53Berryman, Effie Jon  __/__/__09/8/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
54Berryman, Forest Glenn  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
55Berryman, Iolene Strickland  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
56Bishop, Ruby Nell  __/__/__06/4/1930Alisa Dunn
57Black, Jack  __/__/__07/10/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
58Black, Jack  __/__/__07/10/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
59Blackburn, Roy Edward  __/__/__08/11/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
60Blackburn, Roy Edward  __/__/__08/11/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
61Blackwell, Thomas J.  __/__/__07/__/1885Jacqueline King The Registry
62Bolding, Sarah M.  __/__/__09/1/1916Jacqueline King The Registry
63Bond, Faye Dora  __/__/__01/26/2005Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
64Bond, Mitchell Palmer  __/__/__09/13/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
65Bond, Robert Lee  __/__/__11/13/2004Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
66Bond, Sara L.  __/__/__11/25/2004Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
67Bone, Willie Anderson  __/__/__07/12/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
68Bowers, Luke  __/__/__04/13/1912Alisa Dunn
69Bowers, Mack B.  __/__/__08/1/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
70Bowers, Maggie  __/__/__10/21/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
71Bowers, Ruby Lee Jones  __/__/__08/5/2005Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
72Bowers, Vivian Jordan  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
73Briscoe, Mary Edna Fowler  __/__/__11/28/2004Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
74Brooks, Nellie Christian  __/__/__01/7/1984Brenda Campbell Fitzpatrick
75Broom, B. H.  __/__/__02/1/1912Jacqueline King The Registry
76Broome, Emily Dickson Thomason 02  __/__/__02/__/1942Evie Whitfield The Registry
77Broome, George W.  __/__/__08/13/1915Jacqueline King The Registry
78Brown, Chas. T.  __/__/__01/27/1947Alisa Dunn
79Brown, Elizabeth  __/__/__12/__/1909Jacqueline King The Registry
80Brown, George Allen  __/__/__07/15/1947Evie Whitfield The Registry
81Brown, John F.  __/__/__02/12/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
82Brown, Lebanon D.  __/__/____/__/1932Dawn Brasfield
83Brown, Lula Mae  __/__/__10/28/1977Chandler Eavenson The Registry
84Brown, Lula Mae Conwell  __/__/____/__/1977Chandler Eavenson The Registry
85Brown, Mary Elizabeth Wheeler  __/__/__07/21/1944Evie Whitfield The Registry
86Brown, Noah & 26  __/__/__05/__/1969Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
87Brown, Willie Lee Crow  __/__/__03/25/1946Evie Whitfield The Registry
88Bryant, Harley Linwood  __/__/__12/27/1948Alisa Dunn
89Bryant, Jackson O.  __/__/__06/14/1944Alisa Dunn
90Buntin, Nancy Dickson Loden  __/__/__07/28/1979Evie Whitfield The Registry
91Burroughs, John Mack  __/__/____/__/__Mary Love Berryman
92Burton, Rush  __/__/__12/16/1946Evie Whitfield The Registry
93Burton, Steve  __/__/__09/4/1946Evie Whitfield The Registry
94Bush, George F.  __/__/__02/20/1941Evie Whitfield The Registry
95Busha, George Samuel  __/__/__06/28/1994Alisa Dunn
96Campbell, Alfred  __/__/__01/12/1994Brenda Campbell Fitzpatrick
97Campbell, Bryant  __/__/____/__/__Brenda Campbell Fitzpatrick
98Campbell, Joyce E.  __/__/____/__/__Brenda Campbell Fitzpatrick
99Campbell, Winnie Mae  __/__/__06/17/2006Brenda Fitzpatrick
100Cannon, Silas K.  __/__/__01/3/1934Evie Whitfield The Registry
101Cape, Addie Lee (Hill) __/__/__05/7/1966Alisa Dunn
102Cape, Clifford Bennett  __/__/__03/5/1976Lindsey Dunn
103Cape, Leland Frank  __/__/__12/27/1984Alisa Dunn
104Cape, Roxie (Parten) __/__/__11/10/1966Alisa Dunn
105Carey, A. C.  __/__/__10/29/1989Alisa Dunn
106Carey, Dana Leeanne  __/__/__09/27/1972Alisa Dunn
107Carey, John Milton  __/__/__12/6/1949Evie Whitfield The Registry
108Carnes, Mymie Byrum  __/__/__03/__/1976Lindsey Dunn
109Carson, George H.  __/__/__11/9/1942Alisa Dunn
110Carson, Hattie Belle Higginbotham  __/__/__03/22/1946Evie Whitfield The Registry
111Carson, Margaret  __/__/__09/26/1911Jacqueline King The Registry
112Cary, William L.  __/__/__04/9/1936Evie Whitfield The Registry
113Casey, Luther Lee  __/__/__05/13/1931Alisa Dunn
114Cash, Nelson  __/__/__12/27/2000Evie Whitfield The Registry
115Catoe, Richard Alan  __/__/__09/17/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
116Chandler, Mary (Mrs. Thomas) __/__/__09/12/1880Candace Teal Gravelle The Registry
117Chatham, Harvey Lester Bill  __/__/__12/27/2004Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
118Cheek, James H.  __/__/__01/24/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
119Cheek, Ollie Lee Whiten  __/__/__09/19/1968Evie Whitfield The Registry
120Cheek, Ophie Duncan  __/__/__04/20/1920Jacqueline King The Registry
121Christian, Annie Sue Campbell  __/__/__12/25/2004Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
122Christian, Clarence E.  __/__/__08/1/1998Brenda Campbell Fitzpatrick
123Christy, Sadie Davison  __/__/__10/7/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
124Cleveland, Clay K.  __/__/__08/24/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
125Clodfelter, Fred C.  __/__/__11/24/1970Connie Bond The Registry
126Cobb, Florence  __/__/__06/8/1944Alisa Dunn
127Cobb, Samuel Alvin  __/__/__07/31/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
128Cochran, Elmer Lee  __/__/__04/19/1955Evie Whitfield The Registry
129Cochran, Johnny Lynn  __/__/__08/24/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
130Cochran, Sarah Agnes (Sallie) __/__/__12/18/1952Evie Whitfield The Registry
131Coffee, Dora L. Ariail  __/__/__01/24/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
132Coker, Nancy  __/__/__01/17/1942Alisa Dunn
133Cole, Joseph E.  __/__/__07/28/1943Alisa Dunn
134Compton, Bernice Bunt Hulda  __/__/__12/1/2004Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
135Conally, Martha Emily Bush (Mattie) __/__/____/__/1935Katherine Traynham
136Cooper, Buena  __/__/__01/5/1938Evie Whitfield The Registry
137Cordell, Wanda Jane  __/__/__07/13/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
138Cotton, Ada (Segars) __/__/____/__/1964Carole S. Walker
139Cotton, George William  __/__/____/__/1980Carole S. Walker
140Cox, Joshua Parks  __/__/__04/7/1928Jacqueline King The Registry
141Cox, Mrs. Tom,  __/__/__06/__/1925Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
142Crawford, J. S.  __/__/__12/__/1919Diane Whitaker
143Crawford, Thomas Robert  __/__/__04/27/1956Evie Whitfield The Registry
144Crenshaw, Louis  __/__/__07/31/1910Jacqueline King The Registry
145Crenshaw, Martha  __/__/__06/17/1915Jacqueline King The Registry
146Crider, Tyrus T  __/__/__02/10/1944Alisa Dunn
147Croker, James  __/__/__07/12/1989Alisa Dunn
148Cromer, George Washington  __/__/__06/17/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
149Cromer, Lexie Jane Crow  __/__/__12/2/1943Evie Whitfield The Registry
150Cromer, Lexie Jane  __/__/__11/27/1943Alisa Dunn
151Cromer, Mary Cornelia Hart  __/__/__02/5/1939Evie Whitfield The Registry
152Cromer, Omer Edward  __/__/__12/23/1940Alisa Dunn
153Cromer, Ottis B.  __/__/__01/12/1967Alisa Dunn
154Cromer, Phillip Carlton  __/__/__11/29/2004Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
155Cromer, Phillip Thomas  __/__/__08/26/1940Evie Whitfield The Registry
156Cromer, Willis D.  __/__/__01/25/1934Alisa Dunn
157Crow, Charlotte Smith  __/__/__02/26/1936Evie Whitfield The Registry
158Crow, Grady R.  __/__/__01/10/1963Alisa Dunn
159Crow, Lucius  __/__/__01/12/1993Alisa Dunn
160Crow, Lucy Vandiver  __/__/__02/23/1938Evie Whitfield The Registry
161Crowder, Emma Vinson  __/__/__06/23/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
162Crowder, Emma Vinson  __/__/__06/23/2006Christine Crumley - Brown The Registry
163Crowe, Otto  __/__/__06/4/1942Alisa Dunn
164Crump, Frances Jane  __/__/__02/28/1933Evie Whitfield The Registry
165Cunningham, Joe T.  __/__/__04/28/1956Evie Whitfield The Registry
166Dalrymple, Holmon  __/__/__12/27/1935Alisa Dunn
167Davis, Marion Hezekiah  __/__/__05/4/1934Evie Whitfield The Registry
168Davis, William A.  __/__/__03/13/1950Evie Whitfield The Registry
169Deadwyler, B. A. Deadwyler  __/__/__06/2/1936Evie Whitfield The Registry
170Deberry, William Getter  __/__/____/__/1997Kay Music
171Dickerson, Seaborn C.  __/__/__08/1/1931Alisa Dunn
172Dickson, Benjamin Harrison 23  __/__/__08/__/1957Evie Whitfield The Registry
173Dickson, Jane Anna Williams  __/__/__02/__/1952Evie Whitfield The Registry
174Dickson, Mary Elizabeth Vaughter  __/__/__10/9/1923Evie Whitfield The Registry
175Dickson, Nancy  __/__/____/__/1909Evie Whitfield The Registry
176Dobbs, Ossie  __/__/__11/18/1955Evie Whitfield The Registry
177Dobbs, Pal Maria  __/__/__06/7/1944Alisa Dunn
178Dockery, Franklin Deleno  __/__/__11/17/2004Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
179Dooley, Mr. A. C.  __/__/____/__/1917Pat Bell
180Dortch, Mary M. Pulliam  __/__/__10/29/1927Jacqueline King The Registry
181Dove, Alonzo  __/__/__12/22/1944Alisa Dunn
182Dove, Ervin  __/__/__07/31/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
183Dove, Martha Cornelia (Allen) __/__/__02/2/1934Alisa Dunn
184Dove, Ralph  __/__/__02/1/2005Tonia Gaddis
185Dove, Sallie L.  __/__/__12/23/1948Alisa Dunn
186Dowell, Mary Alice  __/__/__12/10/1928Alisa Dunn
187Dowell, Melvin Thomas  __/__/____/__/__Tonia Gaddis
188Dudley, Alma Omega Seymour, 31  __/__/__05/__/1945Evie Whitfield The Registry
189Duncan, John Merritt  __/__/__06/9/1930Evie Whitfield The Registry
190Duncan, Tony  __/__/__12/29/1987Connie Bond The Registry
191Dunn, Judy Turner  __/__/__11/13/2004Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
192Dyar, Lt. James LeGrand & 18,  __/__/__07/__/1944Evie Whitfield The Registry
193Dyer, Lt. James LeGrand  __/__/__07/18/1944Evie Whitfield The Registry
194Eberhart, J. W.  __/__/__12/26/1981Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
195Eldred, Frances E.  __/__/__12/4/1946Alisa Dunn
196Ellis, Rufus  __/__/__10/5/1942Alisa Dunn
197Elrod, William C.  __/__/__08/15/1944Evie Whitfield The Registry
198Ertzberger, Thomas W.  __/__/__06/7/1945Alisa Dunn
199Evan, Carlton  __/__/__07/27/2006Christine Crumley Brown The Registry
200Fitzpatrick, Jeffie Lee  __/__/__02/15/2005Brenda Campbell Fitzpatrick

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