Franklin County GaArchives Obituaries.....Baskins, Maudie Mozell McCollum July 1945
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eVIE wHITFIELD September 24, 2013, 6:30 pm

Carnesville Herald, August 2, 1945
MRS. MAUDIE MOZELL BASKINS, 33, died at the home in Canon on Tuesday 
of pneumonia and typhoid fever.  She was the wife of Ben Leonard Baskins 
and her death while in the prime of her life is mourned by her many friends.

	Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. 
Frank Jenkins, Jr. officiating.  Interment was in Canon Cemetery.

	Mrs. Baskins, before marriage, was Miss Mozell McCollum.  She was 
a member of the Methodist Church and lived a most useful and Christian life.

	She is survived by her husband; 1 daughter, Miss Velma Mae 
Baskins; her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Judge McCollum and many other relatives 
who have the sympathy of their friends.

	W. G. Brock, Funeral Director, was in charge.

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