No | Description | Birth | Death | Notes | Submitter |
1 | Acklin, John  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
2 | Ahern, James Edward  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
3 | Albana, Sister Mary  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
4 | Albanese, Larry Sr.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
5 | Albright, James V.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
6 | Alburtis, Emma  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Lonny J. Watro |
7 | Alburtis, Otho Henry  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Lonny J. Watro |
8 | Aldridge, Infant  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
9 | Alexander, Mildred  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
10 | Anderson, Andrew  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Harder and Sprowls |
11 | Angle, Marie Determan  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
12 | Angle, Robert Francis  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
13 | Arnold, Mrs. Dominick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
14 | Arnold, Dominick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
15 | Arnold, George Albert  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
16 | Arnold, Infant  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
17 | Arnold, Mary L.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
18 | Arnold, Nellie  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
19 | Arnold, Simon K.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
20 | Ash, Mary Jane  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
21 | Atkinson, Mrs. Howard  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
22 | Bahen, Isabel Murray  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
23 | Bahen, John Michael  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
24 | Bahen, Julia Kirby  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
25 | Bailey, Richard P.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Harder and Sprowls |
26 | Bailey, Zora Claramon Riley  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
27 | Baker, Joan L.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
28 | Baker, Mary C. Broderick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
29 | Banks, George  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
30 | Bannatyne, Molly Dudley  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Bob Thompson |
31 | Barncord, Henry Thomas  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
32 | Barnhill, Catherine  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
33 | Barnhill, James Charles  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
34 | Barnhill, Jos.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
35 | Barnhill, Theresa M.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
36 | Barry, Clara Smith  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
37 | Barry, George Robert  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
38 | Barry, John Martin "commodore"  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
39 | Barry, John Earl  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
40 | Barry, Mary Connolly  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
41 | Barry, Mary Connolly  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
42 | Barry, Matilda Elkanah Ross  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
43 | Barry, Monica U. Rooney  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
44 | Barry, Patrick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
45 | Bean, Bertha Ann  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
46 | Bean, John Michael  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
47 | Bean, Joseph Felix  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
48 | Bean, Pasty Ruth  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
49 | Bean, Samuel Anthony  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
50 | Bean, Thomas P.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
51 | Beeman, John  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
52 | Beeman, Lennox Martin  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
53 | Beeman, Mary Catherine  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
54 | Bell, Annie  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
55 | Bender, John Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
56 | Bentz, S. J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Watts |
57 | Beveridge, Beatrice R. Williams  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K. |
58 | Beveridge, Grace H.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K. |
59 | Beveridge, John Russell  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K. |
60 | Beveridge, William Quaidor Or Quail  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K |
61 | Binnix, Mary M.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
62 | Bishop, Paul Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
63 | Bissett, Alberta Stuart  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
64 | Bissett, Francis Desales  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
65 | Bissett, Mary B.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
66 | Bissett, Mary B.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
67 | Bissett, Michael Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
68 | Bissett, William J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
69 | Bittner, Alberta E.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
70 | Bittner, Mrs. Allen  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
71 | Bittner, Fay Chester  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
72 | Bittner, Harvey J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
73 | Bittner, Margaret  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
74 | Blamble, Sarah Laverna  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Watts |
75 | Boettcher, Charles  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
76 | Boettcher, Mary Isabelle  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
77 | Boron, Alverta Anna Welch  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Jennifer Zaragoza |
78 | Bosley, Mary Susan  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Harder and Sprowls |
79 | Bowman, Thomas J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
80 | Bradley, John Mcgimpsey  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
81 | Bradley, Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
82 | Bradley, Martha Jane Mcgimpsey  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
83 | Bradley, Phoebe  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
84 | Bradley, Rebecca Miller  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
85 | Brant, Nancy V.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
86 | Brant, Raymond Lewis  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
87 | Brehany, Jeanette Darnley  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
88 | Briner, Grace Madelyn  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K. |
89 | Briner, Hattie Beveridge  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K. |
90 | Briner, Peter Aloysius  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Marian K. |
91 | Briner, Peter  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
92 | Brinker, Anne Powers  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
93 | Broadwater, Gilbert  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
94 | Broderick, Isabella Thompson  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
95 | Broderick, John T.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
96 | Broderick, Mary Lorena  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
97 | Brophy, Edward  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
98 | Brophy, James Francis  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
99 | Brophy, John Stanislaus  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
100 | Brophy, Mary Ella Danner  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
101 | Brophy, Mary Ella  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
102 | Brophy, Patrick Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
103 | Brophy, William Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
104 | Brophy, William B.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
105 | Brown, Ann Byrnes  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
106 | Brown, Bernard Truman  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
107 | Brown, Claude B.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
108 | Brown, James Patrick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
109 | Brown, Joseph T.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
110 | Brown, Judge John F.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
111 | Brown, Julia Dugan  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
112 | Brown, Kenneth Martin  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
113 | Brown, Martin P.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
114 | Brown, Martin Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
115 | Brown, Martin Joseph  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
116 | Brown, Patrick Henry  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
117 | Brown, William Edward  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
118 | Bryson, Elizabeth Veronica Mcgreevy  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
119 | Bucklew, Permelia G.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
120 | Bucy, Stacy  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Harder and Sprowls |
121 | Bucy, Mrs. William  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
122 | Bullick, Charles J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
123 | Bunham, Wiliam E.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
124 | Burk, Annie Coffey  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
125 | Burke, Bessie Mchugh  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
126 | Burkey, Rose M.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
127 | Burkhart, James H.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Harder and Sprowls |
128 | Burns, Patrick J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
129 | Burton, Edward Stewart  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Lee Michael |
130 | Burton, Ellen Jane Mckenzie  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Lee Michael |
131 | Bushe, Henry  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
132 | Butler, Mary  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
133 | Byrne, Ann K.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
134 | Byrne, Joseph M.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
135 | Byrne, Miles Bob  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
136 | Byrne, Paul  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
137 | Byrne, Rose M.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
138 | Byrne, Sarah Quinn  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
139 | Byrne, Teresa Sister M.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
140 | Byrne, Vincent A.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
141 | Byrnes, John Francis  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
142 | Byrnes, Michael Aloysius  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
143 | Byrnes, Terrance Arthur  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
144 | Byrnes, Walter  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
145 | Cadden, Anna Stanton  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Claire Duval Mahar |
146 | Cadden, Patrick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Claire Duval Mahar |
147 | Cain, J. Leonard  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
148 | Cain, Peter B.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
149 | Calhoun, William Cecil  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
150 | Cameron, Archibald  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
151 | Cameron, James A.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
152 | Canty, William J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
153 | Canty, William J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
154 | Carey, Francis J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
155 | Carey, James Francis  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
156 | Carey, Joseph K.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
157 | Carey, Margaret Carney  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
158 | Carey, Mary Cain  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
159 | Carey, Michael Emmett  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
160 | Carey, Patrick A.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
161 | Carey, Patrick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
162 | Carey, Richard A.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
163 | Carey, Thomas  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
164 | Carey, Winifred  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
165 | Carney, Capt. A. A.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
166 | Carney, Charles W.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
167 | Carney, Eugene T.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
168 | Carney, Irene  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
169 | Carney, John J. Sr.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
170 | Carney, Michael J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
171 | Carpenter, Ruth Willison  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Connie Beachy |
172 | Casey, Annie J.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
173 | Casey, James  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
174 | Casey, John Emmett  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
175 | Casey, Patrick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
176 | Castle, William L.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
177 | Cator, Elsie Evelyn  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
178 | Cavanaugh, Catherine  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
179 | Cavanaugh, John P.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
180 | Cavanaugh, Phillip Patrick  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
181 | Cavanaugh, Thomas Aloysius  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
182 | Cecil, Hazel Mae Lease  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
183 | Chambers, Margery E.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
184 | Chambers, Thelma Kirby  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
185 | Chaney, Elizabeth Jenny Gray  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
186 | Charlton, George Baker Sr.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
187 | Cheney, Nellie Pearl Walters  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Heare-Watts |
188 | Chicetto, Mary A.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
189 | Chilcote, William R.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
190 | Clapper, Reuben K.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
191 | Clark, Emily  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
192 | Cleaver, Elizabeth Gilmore  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
193 | Cleaver, George C.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
194 | Clise, Thomas F.  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Kathy Watts |
195 | Clites, Ruth Naomi  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Don Wendroth |
196 | Coddington, Ola  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Mary Ellen Chambers |
197 | Cody, Catherine Keady  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
198 | Coleman, Ellen M. Tighe  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
199 | Collins, Dennis  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |
200 | Collins, John  | __/__/__ | __/__/__ | | Shawn McGreevy |