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Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 70
NoDescriptionWarType Submitter
1118th Infantry Company G. 1919 World War IGuy Potts The Registry
21771 Mecklenburg County Regulators Revolutionary WarLouise T. Overton
31812 and 1814 Muster Rolls War of 1812William R. Navey Jr.
41814 Deserters War of 1812Carolyn Shank
51835 Pension List Revolutionary WarWilliam R. Navey
61836 Regimental Orders Militia Other WarCarolyn Shank
71836 Steele Creek Militia Other WarCarolyn Shank
81837 Military Review New Officers Other WarCarolyn Shank
91861 Death of Soldiers Civil WarSam West
1028th NC Regiment Account Civil WarCarolyn Shank
1137th N.C. Company C. Civil WarGuy Potts The Registry
123rd Regiment US Dragoons Mexican WarWilliam R. Navey Jr.
134th NC Cavalry Company E Roster Civil WarNeil Raiford
14Adam Alexander's Company 1766 Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
15Alexander, Daniel Record Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
16Alexander, William Revolutionary WarJoy Fisher The Registry
17Alexander, William J. June 9, 1842 Other WarCarolyn Shank
18Armstrong, William Record Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
19Barnett, Thomas Pension 1833 Revolutionary WarPeggy Bruckner
20Black, John Col Comd't August 30, 1836 Other WarCarolyn Shank
21Buckaloe, John October 9, 1834 Revolutionary WarNancy Poquette
22Clark, Benjamin March 1834 Revolutionary WarNancy Poquette
23Clark, Joseph December 1835 Revolutionary WarNancy Poquette
24Clontz, Jeremiah Pension 1832 Revolutionary WarDorothy C. White
25Confederate Veterans Celebration, 1902 Civil WarGuy Potts The Registry
26Crosier, Robert M. 1917 World War IJan Jordan
27Crye, William Pension, 1833 Revolutionary WarAnita C. Green
28Davidson, General William Record Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
29Davie, Lt. William R. 1779 Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
30Dickey, John Pension Introduction Revolutionary WarJoseph H. Howard
31Dickey, John Pension Part 9 Revolutionary WarJoseph H. Howard
32Elliott, Hugh February 1, 1864 Civil WarCarolyn Shank
33Elliott, James October 12, 1862 Civil WarCarolyn Shank
34Elliott, Samuel April 10, 1865 Civil WarCarolyn Shank
35Elliott, William July 1, 1863 Civil WarCarolyn Shank
36Elliott, William July 17, 1833 Revolutionary WarCarolyn Shank
37Ellis, John Et Al May 1859 Other WarCarolyn Shank
38Ellums, Charles (Elms/Elloms) Pension 1831 Revolutionary WarJanie E. Matthews
39Ellums, Charles (Elms/Elloms) War Record Revolutionary WarJanie E. Matthews
40Forbes, Hugh Petition 1826 Revolutionary WarGuy Potts The Registry
41Forbus, Hugh Pension 1832 Revolutionary WarNancy Poquette
42Graham, Joseph Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
43Graham, Joseph Pension Revolutionary WarJoy Fisher
44Grier, William M. Col. September 1836 Other WarCarolyn Shank
45Grier, Wm. M. September 29, 1837 Other WarCarolyn Shank
46Hipp, Valentine Pension 1832 Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
47Holbrook, Caleb Pension, 1841 Revolutionary WarBill Stephenson Jr.
48Hornet's Nest Riflemen 1892 Other WarGuy Potts The Registry
49Hutchinson, William Revolutionary WarJoy Fisher The Registry
50Irwin, Thomas November 24, 1832 Revolutionary WarNancy Poquette
51Keenan, Robert Sergeant November 8, 1862 Civil WarCarolyn Shank
52Long, Henry War Record Revolutionary WarDorothy C. White
53McLean, John Capt. Et Al December 9, 1814 War of 1812Carolyn Shank
54Mexican War Survivors Mexican WarConnie Ardrey
55Osborne, Robert Pension Application 1832 Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
56Pension List Charlotte Papers Revolutionary WarWilliam R. Navey Jr.
57Polk, Captain Charles Muster Roll 1776 Revolutionary WarWilliam R. Navey Jr.
58Polk, Col. Thomas Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
59Polk, Henry (Hugh) September 16, 1814 War of 1812Carolyn Shank
60Polk, Thomas Record, War of 1812Connie Ardrey
61Polk, William Revolutionary WarConnie Ardrey
62Polk, William October 4, 1814 War of 1812Carolyn Shank
63Potts, Hannah Widow's Pension, 1851 Revolutionary WarGuy Potts The Registry
64Potts, Pvt. J. R. Civil WarGuy Potts The Registry
65Revolutionary Soldier Death Notices Revolutionary WarWilliam R. Navey Jr.
66Robinson, Robert Revolutionary WarJoy Fisher The Registry
67Sloan, James Pension Application, 1833 Revolutionary WarSue S. Abruscato
68Smith, J. D Capt. September 25, 1836 Other WarCarolyn Shank
69Smith, William Revolutionary WarJoy Fisher The Registry
70Troops of Mecklenberg, 1776-1897 Revolutionary WarWilliam R. Navey Jr.

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