Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....McLean, John, Capt. Et Al December 9, 1814 Warof1812 7th N. C. Detached Militia Regt., U. S. Army ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 11, 2008, 10:36 am Court Martial Officers Dec. 9, 1814, Raleigh Minerva War of 1812 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, RALEIGH, DEC. 1, 1814 A General Court Martial for the trial of the Deserters from the 7th Regiment of Detached Militia, under the command of COL. JESSE A PEARSON, in the expedition against the hostile Creek Indians, will assemble at some convenient place in the Town of Salisbury, on the second Monday of January next. The Court will be composed of the following officers: MAJOR JOSHUA CRAVEN of Randolph County, President (CAPTAINS) JAMES MARTIN of Wilkes County GEORGE LEE DAVIDSON, Iredell County JOHN GARRETSON, Cabarrus County JOHN McLEAN, Mecklenburg County JOHN ELLIOTT, Rutherford County JACOB KREIDER, Rowan County LIEUTENANTS: JACOB CRUMP of Montgomery County ATHEN A. McDOWELL of Burke County EDWARD GINGLES, of Lincoln County -------- SHOWER, Mecklenburg County JOHN BEARD, ROWAN SUPERNUMERIES : LT. JOHN KERR LT. THOMAS JONES ENSIGN JOHN GILLESPIE, all of Rowan CAPTAIN THOMAS CRAWFORD to act as Judge Advocate. The several commandants of regiments and other Field Officers of the Counties from which the detachment was drawn, viz. the Counties of Rowan, Iredell, Wilkes, Surry, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Rutherford, Montgomery, Burke, Lincoln, and Randolph, are hereby ordered to take the prompt and effectual measures to apprehend and convey to trial at Salisbury, the Deserters from the Regiment aforesaid. By Order of the Commander in Chief ROBERT WILLIAMS, Adjutant General of the Militia of North Carolina Additional Comments: -------- SHOWER, Mecklenburg County This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb