Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Ellis, John Et Al May 1859 Other War -----N. A. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 14, 2007, 9:26 am North Carolina Military Institute NORTH CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE It has already been announced that the North Carolina Military Institute, of Mecklenburg, will commence exercises on the 1st of October next. The Directors of the Institute have appointed the following gentlemen as a Board of Visitors: HON. JOHN W. ELLIS; WM. EASTON, ESQ.; HON. J. M. MOREHEAD; HON. A. W. VENABLE; HON. THOMAS L. CLINGMAN; REV. C. H. WILEY; REV. R. H. MORRISON; A. J. DeROSSET, ESQ.; HON. WM. A. GRAHAM; HON. D. M. BARRINGER; THOMAS S. ASHE, ESQ; W. W. HOLDEN, ESQ.; GEN. ALFRED DOCKERY; E. J. HALE, ESQ.; REV. C. F. DEEMS; J. G. WRIGHT, ESQ.; M. W. HANSON, ESQ.; HON. BURTON CRAIGE; HON. M. E. MANLY; GEN. M. C. AVERY; W. W. LENOIR, ESQ.; REV. WILLIAM HOOPER; R. R. BRIDGERS, ESQ.; HON. THOS. SETTLE; HON. K. RAYNER; HON. Z. B. VANCE; HON. REDFORD BROWN; A. K. SIMONTON, ESQ., H. K. BURGWYN, ESQ.; MR. CURTIS of Hillsboro. -- Charlotte Democrat This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb